Show UTAH STATE NEWS there Is now a strong probability ol of utah county being thoroughly pros felted pelted for oil at least the utah v alley section J IV V meadows accused of 0 tho the mys cerious murder ot of A C marsh a far mer at valentine la Is now la in tho the coun ty jail at heber city sixty workmen have been tined at a construction camp near lay ton on two cases of smallpox having de among tho the workmen nearly a million dollars will bo be re quiren to run the schools of salt lake during the next school year according to present estimates tho the figures figurea being 9 william oscar sperry tho the last sur biving member of provos first city council and a pioneer of 1852 died nl at idla homo home in provo tuesday night from wrights disease heber city has haa bien selected as the place for the holding ot at tho the next encampment camp campi ment nent of tho the utah indian war Tet veterans erana the encampment will bo be hold held august 9 9 10 and 11 poter peter adamson of american fork who was found guilty ot of selling liquor contrary to tho city ordinance was sentenced to pay a fine of and to spend sixty days in tho the city jail william harlow whose airm was crushed in a slide nt at the sliver silver king mine at park city six weeks ago was waa operated upon last week the arm arin being removed just above tho the wrist extensive damage Is being done to alfalfa crops in various parts of the district adjacent to mt alt pleasant by the cutworm cut worm according to the reports of the farmers in various parts parta of the county A movement was set get afoot last week by the murray commercial club the iho object of which la is to induce an eastern cereal manufacturing company to build an auN auxiliary illary plant at murray that utah Is to have a freo free teachers agency where all school teachers may make inako applications for positions la Is the announcement mado made by horace it if cummings superintendent of the tha mormon church scho schools ois the street car emp olyes of salt lako havo have been granted an increase of wages and other concessions conces slona sought by tho the unton union the now nosy wags wage scale will increase tho the payroll of the street railway company company a year I 1 many a 0 alo farmers on the levan ridge are conc concerned ri ed over tho the appearance in the growing wheat fields of at a strange dark drown worm it to la said to ba b present in vast numbers and zooms to feed upon the young plants renewing tho the fight against tho the fly inaugurated by the state abato board ot at health last year Scie tary beatty has haa issued a circular to tho the health officers ot at tho the state calling attention to the dangers that accompany lie ho gy fly season while tho the heavy frosts that have occurred in cache valley during the last few weeks havo have not hurt burt the irule because it was waa not dot tar far enough advanced to a be injured it has canoed cauuet a great deal of at loss among the ory ary far ar amers dr james D I 1 lamb tho the first physician at bingham died april 25 of rheumatism of tho the hext ife he was one ot of the best known men man in the camp baving lived thero there for thirty six years and wits was an authority ou on the various histories of at the mines after being on strike for nearly two years tho the union plumbers of 0 salt lake ake 1 have returned to work their aia bagu agreement having been bottled so BO they them will got 50 a day ap cents less leaa than they naked asked and 10 0 conta cents more than the employers wanted to pay the report comes from Fill fillmore moro that the couett county jail is belag being kept guarded ight lind and day to prevent an am attempt on tue tu aitto of W P feasta Vea stal a prisoner who Is a awaiting trial on tho he charge ot of sending a blackmailing letter to N A anderson anderaon the tha county clerk professor P V al We bacr balor who has charge of the iho government work orti lu in the tao depart monVa light against pests which destroy crops lias has just arrived in salt lake from roni wash angton to make a careful investigation of the alfalfa ceval conditions in utah I 1 david akabey cashier ot at the east bountiful state bante bank met with an accident last breo week which chall all but bat cot cost klin alia his eyesight ile he throw an empty bottle tightly lightly corked into the tha stove the bottle exploded a particle of the glass glasa striking him irk in the white of the left eyo eye join morgan who worked ns S a master mason aason on the salt lali temple from 1872 until its com letlon in fil 1893 died tuesday of complications following pneumonia at his home in salt like lake ile he was waa 8 82 4 years yeam old having bm been born in a south august 21 1825 1820 leonard holmead and myrtle mor san gan of salt lake boh about 18 16 years yeara i at age have been arrested at biaca 1 toot oot idaho charged ath stealing li ix thorde and buggy in satt salt lake laka and driving to the idaho town whore they majeed ais man and wife t everything has been satisfactorily arranged tho contract has haa been let and work wll will soon socia be commenced on the khe addition to the salt lake federal buil building dizig the structure bucure ru cure will bo be four in veto tand and will be erected to in accordance with la l a original plans some minor alterations M |