Show debts and war russia and turkey have agreed to submit to the arbitration of the th hague tribunal their differences over debts due to russian subjects from turks at ai the outbreak of 0 the war lit in 1877 war according to the views hold by the older jurists annuls all contracts and obligations between citizens ot of the belligerent states at the present stage of civilization severe rule la is no longer applied with strictness ot of course intercourse between citizens ot of warring nations Is ie suspended during the continuance of hostilities but combatant noncombatant non con iba fant eno ene rates are no longer expelled expel leil because 0 of f their nationality and on the return of peace normal relations between la in citizens of the belligerents tire are resumed ras umed it was not to have been expected that the regime in turkey would adopt this ened eked attitude nor has the exact point involved ever been definitely determined by any international authority the judgment ot of the hague tribunal would be the first authority ruling on the subject |