Show AS HE understood THEM apprentice carried out orders of his employer but the result wat was sad naw william the old farmer sold said to hla his now apprentice 1 I want thee to mind what I 1 do say any to thee to bo be sharp and attentive and to delay not in out my instructions ay ay zur replied william first now I 1 want thee fheo to take taka out the otaw alil white bite mare marc and havo have h her er all shod ad I 1 abny Ay ny eu af i and do 19 parted row ra jle he returned two hours later and the old farmer questioned hini him theo rhea hast not been quick lad ind he be said reprovingly but it 11 theo thee hast done thy work eta as 1 I 1 ordered thee thou be forgiven theo thee have bave the mare shod abod as I 1 tolled theo thee ay ay zurl replied william beaming beagin 9 thou not benr bear the gun I 1 shot her and ive iv 0 just juat burled buried her london answers |