Show Smoke Nuisance t Investigation n. n l' l SURG IS fOR ClEANLINESS to Abate Nut Nut- J Ti fe and Get Rid of Pall J of f Soot and SmoKe KNOWN goWN BENEFACTOR FUND FOR STUD STUDY I Iny VES y ny Devices Ar Are in Y Use e to 5 Md Aid Firemen in Ia Mini Mini- i mizing miring the Evil j 7 J 3 HASKIN BY y BIO a as its With A Cl Cleaner of industrial reb re- re t department d tb t 1111 t of Pittsburg g I Uni University j ello b h of l I the u J 4 an n investigation t gation into pluses of the tho 1 hundred undone and deter deter- ko nuisance Por For caro carD i to about the whole this inquiry prom prom- tb b bout abort moke 14 to td to ed p all 11 that have havo one gone ne bc bo unsolved d j ind t to many satisfaction of those who pi to the si pt izi the thC worlds world's fi fight ht for or smoke it 4 tent hh i t th fonds for or the le Tito ea by one o of th o arc r rare ro t who fco finds a sufficient nt reward I following II the scriptural injunction tn at t letting eU DI one ODO hand know know- what the work ork has had bad an c e q other Riv b These funds fonds arc are ul g. g b hta without th tb the blare of or t trum- trum um- um J oi orthe the fu Jar ar sent ent story atory of ot a pub pub- ti j- j maD by on oD one who believes that r gr re at tM t jingle e problem th that thi t c con con- n II thc district is ia that of p l' l of f gas an and soot that ja b FJ mou S kY i Je this fund a year ago o plIed placed ced it in the tho bands of or ProMO Pro Pro- MO ii i i rt Kennedy Duncan n direct direct- lC of department of industrial rein re- re r in 1 the belief that a a thorough tion would reveal no not oal only ti tort tUrc extent and precise causes cs CS Hb o emoke nuisance but also tho the t Bedi ediee a that would make its i possible and practicable iid s lii Study Problems Ai as it co could bo ho done Pro Pro- met ot Dun Duncan Duneau an created a staff of five e specialists to carry forrd for for- ird rd tho work lix aix ir of oC whom are dc- dc oia their entire time to it while 10 Iii other nineteen h have hare c been ith th the preparation of ot special reports accruing particular pha phases s of tho the ori On Dr Raymond C. C B was nas Ide de Chief Fellow rellow and Chemist of the and he entered upon his bis lUes with a a. determination to probo tho very bottom of the tho problem and maly and diagnose th the situation I ia then find a reliable dependable id ul remedy for the trouble TO ro o in estimators want to get Jot ilC cure cur cur- e e C measurements of effect of io lob ioie o on tho weather ather on plant life on l e. co conditions generally on Jtb inn on architecture and on ceo ceo- oiSe conditions Then they want to toM kt M Up p the cb problems of loko abatement and the matter mattor of oa gal administration with a B. view to ing effective tho the 1 lessons of oC the In into the work the g toy tons wr not unmindful ot of the et it that i others have contributed much 1 wo tho 0 Information on oa the subject and at many facts facto havo have bc beon n sufficiently i t ed to so as not to require further It therefore has haa colta col- col ta t. all th tho literature extant upon II lem and ha 5 made tho most 1 tuti e e bibliography aph of or the subject undertaken In addition to lo this Is ii preparing n complete history of nuisance nuisance- and tho the fi fight ht for abatement in Europe and America The lae e first lint problem to alton alton- iras o-iras ms that of ot tho the relation of smoke e its a I weather Many rau inesti investigations investigation alone I j hio oo bays baTo been made mado but they Continued on all pa page 2 2 PITTSBURG IS FIGHTING FOR CLEANLINESS CLEANLINESS' Continued d from pa page e I 1 I. seem to fall faU short of what tho the exacting mind of the scientist demands and so 50 Dr H. H H. H Kimball of the United States weather bureau burca was waa asked to measure tho the effect of smoke and soot upon fo fogs s winds temperature sunlight sun sun- light ht and weather conditions generally Inasmuch as similar investigations both official and unofficial have been made in a 8 number of European countries countries coun coun- tries this investigation for purposes of comparison and chocking up is based upon similar methods wherever those methods have been scientifically satisfactory Dr Kimballs Kimball's studies g include in in- elude clude tho the problems of atmospheric cases cases suspended particles in the air the dust lust layer ayer at the earths eartha 8 surface the tio quantity of soot in city air the limit of visibility risibility fogs and fog dissipation pation pabon tho too effects of smoke clouds upOn upon up up- on temperature etc In these investigations data has been gathered lathered from tho the we weather ther stations at Pitts Pittsburg ur Harrisburg Philadelphia and Williamsport Using chemical and and ami methods in the clear country air as as well wen as in tho the smoky air air th the tho measurements will bo be scientifically exact and will furnish a basis of calculating tho the increased cost of artificial illumination in Pittsburg due to smoke in tho the a atmosphere and for forthe forthe the tho physicians of the tho stall staff in their study of the strain eye due to to- smoke For instance a 11 photo photographic plato plate ol of certain is exposed in n r a smoky atmosphere and another ol of iden identical cal sensitiveness in tho adjacent clear country air tho the results are aro bound to tp tell tc the difference in tho the amount ol of light The Tho photometer works on this general principle and measures li light ht as accurately as the finest scales weigh h priceless gems toms The question of the e effect fe t of smoke and soot on ve vegetation has bas been determined de do somewhat by English experiments ments monte as related in a a. previous article of this series but they left much to bo be desired The Pittsburg investigators havo have this problem to J. J F. F or botanist of the Pennsylvania Pennsyl Pennsy Pennsylvania vania state college e. e Ho He is making a aIon along along Ion long series of laboratory experiments so arranged as to determine tho the exact effect of given en quantities of soot of oi varying composition the tho seedlings seed lings bugs of plants The measurement of ol these forms of damage to vegetation t will win provo prove of interest to all nil who consider con con- sidor sider the tho defoliation and ruin of gardens gardens gar gar- ar- ar dens trees flower beds and 1 pleasure leasure grounds rounds as a problem worth while In bc beginning the who whole o investigation investigation a. a tion tho staff immediately felt tho the need of some somo exact definitions Everybody Everybody Every Every- body knows in a general way what whal soot is but when someone attempts to dofine define it ho he finds the job nob as ns big biA as tho the ono one tho president tackled when he undertook to answer in exact terms term the question what is whisky 1 1 Some experimenters have havo found soot Hoot composed of certain in ingredients of ol certain ertain proportions while others havo have obtained a different result Dr Bennor Bonnor Ben Bon nor ner the tho chief felloW and chemist of ol the tho investigation is makin making a long series of laboratory investigations whose whoso end is to give a true definition of soot Dr W W. Wj WI w Strong with tho the use of tho ultra microscope the photometer photometer photo photo- meter and by electrical m methods is is trying trvin to determine the tho physical properties properties prop prop- ertis of smoke in in furnaces and flues on the tho ground and in tho the air The Th exact measurement of the deterioration dote dete of mortar masonry woodwork woodwork wood work work metal paints etc used i in in i building construction caused by the tho action of s nok acids is being made by members of th the tho staff Eight ight physicians Clans arc Me enga engaged ed in In determining as accurately accurately ac as ne possible ble th the tho effect of the thc smoke nui nuisance on health Its relation to tuberculosis pneumonia and other respiratory ry diseases are aro being studied at t length an effort is bein being made t to determine whether it causes windows to be he closed and thus promotes promote poor ventilation post mortem examinations are aro mado made when pos possible to determine tho the amount of ot soot present in the respiratory re organs ns and efforts also are aro bein being mado made to ascertain whether sm smoke ke produces cases of or mental depression in certain forms The Tho cost of tho the smoke to a a. lar largo large e city is being thoroughly investigated investigated gated under the tho able direction of John J. J OConnor O'Connor economist Statistics are I bein Being gathered upon every phase of I this question question the loss o ot or heat from tho the furnace the tho damage tb to crops the injury to health tho harm to store sterol goods etc whilo another corps of in is trying to determine who rho makes the smoke and the tho part played Iby thy the tho business district the railroads the river steamboats tho the in ing plants etc tC in the creation of the smoke nuisance Tho The investigators ator are bent bont upon finding some method of advising an engineer when he is violating the tho smoke laws Several designs s of a cheap automatic device devico known as a smoke monitor and recorder which rings a bell beU whenever there thero is too muc much smoke and which constantly records record the amount of smoke being given off havo have he been en made and they are re working well With such apparatus obtainable the city fathers fathers' can pass an ordinance requiring nil all furnaces to bo ho with them and thus an indisputable record can bo ho kept ket which will serve a aa as asa as' as asa a perpetual smoke ins inspector on the thc job twenty four hours a day whore dr is made in big quantities The laws Jaws 3 against smoke are arc bein being compiled and investigated with groa groat thoroughness by Joseph A. A B Beck Beak k attorney at at- torney for the investigation He lic no not only will try to determine what wha a a. city may do but what an individual may amy do Ho He wants to see what remedies th the tho common law affords the individual who sustains dama damages es or suffers injuries from amok created by his neighbor T Tho different forms of smoke pro venting and smoke consuming apparatus are being tested under all sorts sort o of con it ons and the thus thu gained will transform the engineers o ot of tho time staff into veritable smoke doc doe tots tois who will go around the city prescribing pre pre- scribing for sick furnaces Thoy wi will visit plants and by actual show the tho owners just what re rc- suits and what economies may h be secured sc se cured by by- smoke prevention methods In addition to all this there wit b be wa waged cd a campaign campain of education that tha promises to be the time most effective ever evo inaugurated As the studies reveal roveal on one truth after another these results will wil be given to the press and a continual bombardment of facts will bo ho wa wage waged ed against smoke from Ironi day to da day ar and week to week until it ends in h th the truth being hammered into the minds mind of the people ther to ripen ripon into conviction conviction con con- and conviction transformed in to action the end of which i i is G hoped hopet will wiB be the transformation of Smoky City into It Clean City Tomorrow VISITING NURSES |