Show CARL CM WW W ARR EVER EYER UNLUCKY SAYS AYS HIS AGED ACED MOTHER mm HERE m Parent Asserts Stepfather KicKed Him iUm in Head When a Boy 1 I Mrs Margaret far Warr living at 65 South Eighth West street mother mother- of Carl Car Warr who terrorized tho Los Angeles police Tue Tuesday with Ith an lin Infernal machine says I Ilie sho lie thinks s her ller non ron is suffering Buffering from In Injuries injuries In in- juries caused causel by n a kId in fn tho the back of ot the head boric inflicted when hoH ho wa wal 12 years I old and anti that she believes believe ho la Is not accountable accountable ac ac- ac- ac countable for tor wl what al he has done lono Mrs Mm Ware Warr explained that Carl la Is th tho thoon I icon on of John her first husband hus bus band and was born thirty six years ago I In Jn Germany where his hIM father died lied Tho Tiu I widow became converted to tho the Mormon i religion emigrated to Utah twenty four years ago ngo bringing her seven children I with her JIel Soon after atter coming to Utah she alms married mar ned ried John Warr by whose name namo the children chil chil- dren have all boon been known He was WL giver given I to fits of or temper In ono one of oC which it is ii I said ho kicked Carl who was then only r 1 12 years yearn old in the back of oC the head Often afterwards tho thu boy would com corn plain of oC his head hurting and feeling a as S though it were so full of ot blood that I it t felt Cell as though it were going to run on out t through h his e eyes lie He has nover been beer t quito rl right ht since that tim time limp but previous I to his hia injury his mother said Bald he had al al ways wars been normal The mother said ald that her son ham had had i I tho the fingers of at his left hand blown off or b by p a dynamite cap which he found 3 herding sheep near about fifteen i years ears ago A year later he ho accidentally shot himself through the hip About fly five a years ye-am ago o sh received a a. letter from him bin i In Los An Angeles whore where he was supposed I to bo be working 1 in a a. garage At that time tim a he said ald he had suffered an accident am and 1 had received a broken shoulder Ill a mother answered the tho letter and sent ent him bin i some ome monc money but tho letter and money nione r were returned uncalled for fOL and sho she had hat I not heard from him from that timo time until I sho she read about tho episode in Los An An- I According to the reports from Los Loe An An- geles geieg Warr Wair arr was not as s seriously I when he ho was as hit lilt over tho head by Det Detec I tivo James Hosick a all as It was at first firs t thought It was thought at tho time time that this I tho the blows of at the tIme bill billy biily had fractured tho tim skull but examination late last night showed that they were only flesh nosh wounds and und ho Ite will undoubtedly recover Warr evidenced further eccentrIcIties last night when wen ho he refused to lo oat eat the prison fare He lIe saId eald that ho he ate raw meat twice a II week and tho the remainder of tho the time Ume he subsisted on raw ve vegetables Ho lie was allowed to continue continuo his method of oC living Ho IIo is occupying a a. coIl cell on the second floor of ot th the Jail ho he will wUl probably remain until his trial or commitment commit commit- ment to an asylum |