Show UPWARD IEr DENCY INa IN MARKET NEW V YORK Nov oiO ov 21 A A nt of of mote breadth and strength than tha 1 has has' been witnessed In several days ars elevated prices of or stocks tocks during during- the morning trading In Influenced In- In cd b by the tho higher range of oC AmerIcans Americans Ameri AmerI- cans In London prices rose fractionally at lit The outset Bullish operations were assisted b by the thc Unexpected l announcement announce announce- ment of ot a good engagement and anti a 11 large number of or Issues were vere advanced by a a. substantial amount Baltimore Ohio made a belated response to its good lOOd October October October Oc Oc- Oc- Oc tober tober- report and coppers rose on a COI- COI continuation of or foreign demand Announcement Announcement Announcement Announce Announce- ment of or a gold engagement found no Immediate Im Im- irn- irn mediate response in iii the money moncy market Call loans loan in fact opened a a. shade higher than yesterday at 51 and soon went to 6 per cent Shorts found limited limite amounts of or stock available and had to raise their bids bid It steadily to get set stock to retire contracts Proven Pro dividend paying railroad issues absorbed steadily with an nn Increasing log ing Inquiry also for various specialties Profit taking by 1 early cary buyers buers and sales b by speculative Interests who reasoned that the extent of or the advance justified tom som some reaction caused cn the time market to fall fail fallback hack bade In Recessions averaged averaged aver aver- aged nb about ut half n a point but hut were tended by any show of or activity rho Tho market closed strong The rhe most moat Impressive movement mo of or tha da day occurred in the time final hour when buying orders flowed owed Into the tho market for all au the thc im important bin hn stocks and the time list at attained at- at rained top figures Final prices showed gains of oC 1 to 16 3 S points In practically everything everything everything every every- thing dealt In hi Stock List Close Amalgamated Copper op el 86 St AmerIcan Bet Sugar Sual 55 American Cotton Oil OU 5 50 American Smelting r S1 81 American Amer Anier- lean ican Sugar SUSu Refining 1 2 American Tel fet Tel rei H 1428 a Anaconda Mining Co Ca Co III fn Atchison J JOSI IOSI Atlantic Coast CoastLine Line Baltimore c fc Ohio 1071 Brooklyn n Rapid Transit 93 93 Pacific 2671 Chesapeake Ohio 81 S1 Chicago North western Chicago o. Milwaukee en St Sf Paul 11 Colorado Fuel lion Iron 6 Colorado i- i Southern 39 30 Delaware Hudson Hudlon lOSt Den et Rio Grande Brie Eric 31 U General Geneal Electric Or Great at Northern pre pfd pid 1391 Great Greal Northern or Ore Ctr V H 47 47 Illinois Central ough oll 06 Intel Met borough pfd International I Harvester 1201 Louis nIle Nashville t 1461 Missouri Pacific i a 44 H Kansas Texas Lehigh Lei Le- Le i hlll high Valley 1751 Notional Lead Lesil GU Gil New york ork Central 11 1115 U 11 Norfolk O Vest ein j Northern P Pacific 1253 1251 Penn Pennsylvania sylvania NI 1236 4 Ga Gas Gati Pullman Pull Pull- m man n Car Hp Rock Hock Island Inland Co 26 Rook Rok Inland bland Co pfd bid lorn Pacific Southern 30 P Pacific Pacific- Railway ot 1731 United States Stales 51 States Stool Steel pfd lI Wabash IA U Union 79 iJ |