Show NOTICE FOR SPECIAL MEETING TO ELECT OFFICERS AND TORS AND FOR ING AND TRANSFERRING COM PANY'S TO NEW COR To the tha Stockholders ors of ot the Blue Jay Consolidated Consolidated Con Con- Mining l Company Public notice Is la hereby given ivon that there thera will be a special meeting of or the stockholders stock stock- holders of or said Bald corporation nt Rt t room No building In tho the city and county county coun coun- ty of ot Salt Lake state of ot Utah on th the day of November A. A D. D 1912 1012 at th the hour of ot 4 o'clock p. p m. m for the following purposes First To elect a board of oC three directors tors tom and other officers for the rca reason on that there thoro la JIS but one Ohe director and no an annual annual annual an- an nual meeting meeting- has been held for tho the election election elec elec- tion of or directors and officers at the time provided pro In tho the agreement or bylaws that tha more than three months montha havo have elapsed and the directors have havo failed and neg- neg having no quorum to call such meeting Second To C consider Uio the advisability o ot of and details In respect to incorporating a now company under tho the Jaws laws of the state of oC Utah and conveying all of erty of ot this company ny to o such c corpora ri r tion so to be formed Third For such other th r business a ao as may properly como come before th the tha meeting Dated November 11 11 1912 William A. A 2 shares BY Br JOHN JOlIN WEIR WEIn JR rug His Attorney In Fact John W Weir lr Jr 4 45 shares |