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Show A inMENTABM. Atllill.NT. Allen M. llndlny KIIM and Ilanlrl . .Macfarlmic Severely Injured. An accident occurred between this lace and Plocliv on the morning of IMruary lllh, In which ltrolher Allen M, J-ludl.ij-, one of Mir moat respected clllena, was Instantly killed, and lhnlel H. Macfarlano serlourly Injured. Ho much was Ihe latter I shaken and brulaed that even to tbls I date ho has not Urn abio lo relate how the terrible accident occurred. (Tn tho date above iticntluiieil three tnobrithrriiliadgiinn lo Ploche and Intended returning the same evening. Their failure to return home during the night rftuaed much uneaslnias In their famlllia. Ilrulher Kin day's son nroso very ently In the morning anl went tu search of his father, atid at a point about eight mllesou the run I found ouehorao aud wagon where It had colli toil with n tolcgraili tole and lusiks where the other animal had (broken loo-e and n-l uu southward, south-ward, Proc-nedlnn; n short diatanco farther he nsa horrlllnl In finding hla fatlu r's body by the si le of the toad, col I and lifeless, having len thrown from tho wagon, hla heaUstrlklngasttimn. I rom hlsolllon It was evident hnhvd ex-llretwllliout ex-llretwllliout a struggle. Ihucorpe waa couve) ed to the homo of the sorrowing sor-rowing family. On the way home Ilrother Miefirlaun was found wan-derlfgalKutlua wan-derlfgalKutlua bleeding and bewildered bewil-dered cuii llllnll. Allen M. riiidlay was bom In ICII-inarnock, ICII-inarnock, A) rshlte, he-tlaud, lulBT, and was the sou of Janir HuJIny nnd Mary MclMicraon, umbraicd tne (lisjelwlieunlaiut seventeen years of ago, aud was soou actively eugaged 111 lulaalouary Klairsln his natlTe countr) , Aftcrwarua he performnl u uilsilon to India, spending three yrare hi that land; emigrated to Utah In I'M. to-cetlier to-cetlier with hla wife nnd tnolhcr, crossing cross-ing the i tains lu Captain Willis' handcart hand-cart rompany, Heiettled In Hilt Lake, remaining there ssreral 3 earr was en-KSged en-KSged Ihurrtaterpartof the time In eclioultrnchlmr Heafterwarda moved to llountllul, rraldlnx there until I17J, when the family nuvnl to 1'iinan, Neva la, wheru he live I up to thu tlmo of his death. During the eighteen years that ho II veil In I'anara. be has Utu a very active and meful man, holding a Hum-ler Hum-ler of cilices, such as Justice of the l.acr, Huuday school auterlulrndont and poilnuuUraud choir h-a ler, all of which he his filled In n creditable manuer. He was an inrncst nud eloquent elo-quent advocate of the gospel of Christ, lie leaves a wife, one sou, Ihreodaush-teiaand Ihreodaush-teiaand n liMtcf frlem!tundaciualut-ancra frlem!tundaciualut-ancra to incuru his departure. Pa-iacc, Nevada, lib. sn, lajl. |