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Show n THE MOTTKIXG EXAAII XE3 OdDES, "t.. Tia aw us r.i rptstrr li. sew. Llutt- - l: Tara, ! fare Ahmi of the rotuhweet has an aneweaw;- vsrtcr ia the for laek-o- f rsln. let bad Ttwy known of the wotki. ami toe a drt- es i:io Wukle Lxitr-jbow Co liod tt the water wns the?, back to the MRa. lu Atlantic. ftga so el oh that a shalioir well woald have hror-gi- t It, sy the author Wtoates m OjiSHseot-ILml of, Little Ua!a. There f the ratssaiga of 16-- Senator CulRvii;g tain ail shout chem.'-oigb- t trarelia; creatures, uho, lens was tailed an to faro a Urge audiwhU worn trail would hat e led them ence iu hi home city of Springfield, be!ii tar hak ui the lie saw la the aud'ence a fellow 0 it. Ti e tr-i- ;s sail till ami converge townsman who had formerly been an catterth;; :n a one tp::8 broad, white, hard trod-.-- i Inflnential Republican, but who had the sully of the spring, and Joined the opposing irty and displaywry activity in its support why irai l; there are uo traveler to ed a dnngeroua This man arose from his seat and apU.nt tiret-o- n? The land Ja scarred by these thin, far parently was ready to begin a series of Before this 'catch questions. r':.uway of rabbits and what not of could be put Into execution SenaVentura them. run in that folk furry to look for some seldom touched water tor Cgllam paused la hia opeoch and In a conversational tone caked out: hole, and so long as tha trails run with John SimiHon, you're toe uld a man your general direction you ran be sure to stand up lu any audience that I to if But are liegtn they you right to. Just come right up hate and talk an so never at slight ckms your path hold duwn this chair next to nitee. angle to converge toward a roint to The invitation was accepted and at the left or right of your objective, no matter what the map suya or your the close of the mans meeting the man announced ttett he waa back in the memory tells you, trust the trails. Their fold, and bad come to stay. makers know. t Oanntfen iwd-(i- 4 inmo iwe dire per-tebr- - d I i- "tv n 0 i- latt-u-tkr- a Ao OM Present. There la a strange custom prevalent among the old fishermen and baud loom weavers of Girvan, Scotland. The Industries of the town are fast decaying. auly a vary few weavers being kept busy now, so the youuger generation have to migrate lu search of fresh fields. When the grownup eons and daughters have been aucceaaful in their new sphere, often at the other aide of the world, their thoughts ar I The head keeper who places him.. 1 A very may with the auld folks. 0 10 him. looks whe at Tha under keeper rommon present to the latter is that of a cert if! cute giving the right to Sbi.Me-'Mle-- ti Total , be bailed lq tlie old churchyard. Thus ' The above items are based on a three resting place la seor four days alioot Far a fortnights their parents'so laat common la the custom and cured, lie would nearly that stay the figures only to a stranger dow its trebled. appeal. The old people tell In one large kouee a collection box of the poaaaaeiea with pride and thankIs placed in the room of each guest Into this box the guest places a gen- fulness. eral offering to indoor servant a A Warms Ski. Tb hastens holds the keys of tbs Tho Annelid Podynce clrrata la a boxes, and ttieae are opened at the eud mean looking worm about an Inch and of tha seasuu, when the contents a re a half In teugtb, of flattened shape, divided equally among servants. blunt at both euito, apparently covered by a smooth akin of a dull brown colBaev Baleaa Worked. or, On being touched it tlirows itself Ia twelve yean BaJaae wrote seventy-- Into elegant serpentine curves, and nine novels besides an abundance of than what appears to be the upper akin tales and newspaper ai'tkte. When in is eera to b composed of a great numfull swing ho led the life of a rectos, ber of round, flat membranous plates reflining to see even his moat lattmato of shields, arranged In two rows, overfriends. He usually went to bed at 8 lapping each other. These, though of o'clock, after a light dinner, and got larger size, are attached to the body up at 3 in the morning to resume writ- only by. a email point In the center of ing. At 8 be took hie tub, lying ia the tlietr aid, so that when the animal water one hour, after which bo drank a moves the edges of these shields are cup of coffee. Wenlet, bis editor, was lifted and revet their live structure, then admitted to being proofs, taka altdtaf upon each other In a singular away corrected once and wrest, If pos- manner. , sible, fresh memtaaript from Man From 9 be wrote till noon, when bo break! tho Ala. No other pet or form of a port caa fasted on two balled eggs end eomo bread. From 1 to 8 be conttauad hit camparo with racing pig eons, says The vary writing! For six weeks or so ho would Country LMe IB America. keep tbia upc then he would myaterloum name Beams tied the sir. A bind that eaa maintala a speed of a mite and a ly disappear far months. half a minute for M niitea and that caa cover TW ad tea between the rising Oer Or led eel Tear In 1828. when Adams waa president and Betting of one sea te a creature of the United States, congress author-1m- l to stlrNbe blood- - sad Uft the heart It or appointed a com mission "to la pmtte hdt K andUbm to the eud, and bring to this country a tray pound ad- I havo aaia it eoma to the home loft When ripped aerua its back by the talons of justed to the British standard. tlie commlMlon returned tha president a hawk. the package and broke the Tbs botnera eajoy the racing They seal in the per genre of the dieting uteh-e- d are aa keen to be out and at it as men of Amsrtra. This original leashed hound weight standard la now In tha mint at Aad tho Lawyer lalltA .Philadelphia and ia not regarded as beWell," an Id the young lawyer, after ing of ideal arrnrary by any means. It Is made of a very poor quality of bras, bo bad heard his new client' story, la rough in texture and hollow. Accord-lu- g year claim appears to' be good. I to a law now In fame, each state think we eaa aetura a verdict without la entttlad taw copy or duplicates! this much trouble. "ThrfP What I told my wife, and aho 1 eats cad at first that we ought yat I7 ' Itaik1! Death hr Diwwaiag. to engage a prat elate lawyer. LonWhite bentof fishing in Dob Lin bay don on one occasion the ateam trawler Royalist landed In Its net a shark ten foot Oomfavtee A 11 aboard! Fleas get In length and weighing nearly half a aboard quickly, mtas. The train ia ton. Paradoxical ae it may appear, the nbout to start. Young Ledy lint 1 shark had mot with hie death by wish to klis my slater goodliy. fete drowning. The rupee bed caught in doctor Get abnanl. Get altoard. I'lJ bis gills, ao injuring them aa to ren- iiiieuii to that for you -- Yale Record. der thorn useless. Tho shark had evidently been pursuing a big eboal of in authority oa bones says the gray boning and bad driven them Into tho will live the lenrent aad that ronns pet and couki not himself eecspe. roue next ia order. Blacks seldom London ChrookHs. live to he orer twenty, and craaiui rarcr evr'wil mth la Tibet. Tibet la not a country where ctontt-toes- s and godliness go bend In band. iKeltber the men nor the women taka any care of tbelr persons. They wear their clothes very long without changing, brushing or shaking them, keep them on even at night, use them aa dusters and towels and taka them off only when they drop off of themselves. Thgy never wash their bodies and only In quite exceptional cases wash their Xaoat and hands. TV la (hr Land at Tips. Hundreds of tueu who are fond of sport are compelled, says the Loudon Mail, to refuse tempting invitation to country houses Isvause of the "tipping .terror which la lu them. Hera Is the llrtle 'bill" which confronts the Lnglteh country him visitor; 10 Tha coachman ar chauffeur 1 The butler who amllaa at him I The man who valets him grew-Botuene- M - 1 ra-etve- Tif ?. - tel i.'i l' v- .a p.c ho- t. ; . . .:! the Ljw many men in . ...i- - it tbelr business such s threads l.i lie thing, end siiecke, off your clothe while landing talking to you' Wall, air, there are lota of them, am! that picking to a habit with them. They do it unconsciously. No matter bow well brushed you are the man with tlie bal-f- t will begin picking at you when be meets yon." I'vo noticed them many a time," said a traveling man standing near, but I have i;uil Wring them pick at my clothes. 1 once had an experience with one of those fellows that wasn't pleasant. I hsl known him slightly and chi need to meet him on the street one day. He began picking specks of dirt and am-- things from my coat, and he kept it up an the time we talked. A couple of minutes after be had left I missed a 130 diamond pin. That cured me of letting people pick thing off my clothes. Nowadays 1 simply aek the man who tries It te desist. If necessary I bold his hands. Kansas City Times. Their rtnt Dfntnf. A day or two ago a Brooklyn clergyman received an evening call from an elderly man and woman, who bouda-o- f a wish to be joined In the matrimony me quickly as pos- sible. Have you aver been married before T" asked the clergyman of the man, a good nrturad, weather be tea person of seafaring aspect Never, and never wanted to bo before, was the prompt reply. And have you ever been married before 7 ' tha qneuttea cam to tho woman. No, air, she replied with equal promptness. And wRb a touch of humor that appealed to tha cimgjman at once lie added, I never had a chance. The amniage ceremony waa speedily performed, aud the clergyman refused to take any fee. telling the bride, with a twinkle la his eye, that It had been an uuusunl privilege to officiate. Aiew York Pres. Tho Ion Wolf. A sen wolf caught by salmon Usher of the Eak in Montrose, Scotland, la described aa follows: Its mouth Inchmeasured aeventeeu and one-haes acmes and when fully opened the inches. circumference was fifty-tw- o The lung were like a white parasol cut in two. lu the middle of the flah were two paws remarkably like bands, the five fingers being attached by a fine membrane. The sea wolf's babit la to He at tlie bottom of the water, with oiien mouth, manipulating two rpdlik Happen to attract it prey. These flappers are fixed over its head. On being cut open the wolf's otomach was (Bund to contain a sea gull, which had been swaHowwi whole. mmi am Ilia bird waa removed the aectatora were oven more aatontsbed to find a big eel, which was still alive. lf A Bate Pair of Lvsira. I have known aged people, men past eighty, to take their cold baths every morning and be oa ipry aa yon plenae, says Kugeua Wood In Everybodys One old fellow ueed to Magaatue. toddle damn to the bwrb when he had to wade biiro legged tb rough tbe euow two or three blocks. It curried him off at the Inst, though, for lie died Just about four weeks before he was eighty-fou- r. And if this: of low vitality who ought 'to I.ike the chill off the bath were to bike it Ire cold and rub themI don't think selves like sixty tbelr ritiillly would be low. I think If they got liteir bt mi purified by practically lidding HiU'ther pair of lungs to their out tit they would soon be as chipper a anybody." : Tev-gnip- 1 Two I'll Mr nera. A negro hack driver In Washington wn driving uloug the street when he encountered a funenil. A long line of coaches waa behind the hearse, which was moving alu.ig r.t a lively rate. The negro waa sitperathiuns and did not want to cross between tbs esrrlagas In tlie fnucr.il procession. He tried to drive around iu front of tbe hearse, but umld not make snfiloient speed. After driving alougi-- i !e the hearse for two .t LLuU la .iha Cs.r. ls V:'fcay. BodSTAokt up an ter me go My pusaenger is lu a hurry aud yours isn't" A past Dam Aullm A custom that Dap. 1 '1- nt-li-to- together end, having chootn attractive maidens, sells to tlie highest bidder the privilege of danctag wiib them, and them only, during tho entire year. Tlie fees go Into tha public poor box. How Ikt itM. Holden Whoa yon asked bar to map 17 you did aho bid her face on your Tilde shoulder and whiaprr Yes? Oa the contrary, at tanked me square la the face aad remarked. Not ea your life! Poaaebew 1 got tho impression that she wouldnt have me. Boston Transcript. vast Of VMM- - The best eutterttfes agree that toe origia of the ancient custom of cete bra ting a feast of fools te ankaowa. Some identify It with toe Rmaaa feast of foalt on Muarh XL But why dM the Homans lasting toe (east f feotaT la ladia Marvk 31 U "tha biAi ftaalvai whan alt miMiaar ad paaokg ar played upoa Uw haaslaatL But, again, when did tbe Hindoos gat K1 The Flench can to April fool aa potsem dAvrt (April fishl. To the Eoeteh ba te gawk (a crrfcnrt. Tha Herr El s; up a MfteiiSHEIa The qaeattou always comas up; Wh la a gcntteamul Baum say He te a u. with allk hat, and stherea man wi a moaih toagua. But waa connect-wit- h tbe ncwapapec trade have a can on of tbelr owa. Mdd a patron sue Mr. Rdlter, day, bow la it. yea never call on nu to pay for year paper?" we Oh, said the man of types, sever ask a geattomaa for money. How Indeed! the patron replied. do you manage to get along when they dont pay? said Mr. Editor, after a Why. certain time we conclude he te not a gentleman, and wo ask him." London gtrev People, vun Jvlikopp. who of the Ksiwraus . guv an '..,. i. . .:,t of the native tribe s Lu. ca! nl ;i e They are. ha o oi'igUi and, having 1X11.'. u( tboight. irwrl in ike u.i.u.erutis district only abour 2Wi years, are called stranger! by other native. They govern by means of a 'YauncU of eldara, whose duty it te to jmlfe effeonera guilty or guhtiecs. If gn:l;Ass they are set free. If gulliy they are put to droth, this being the only form of punishment knows there. Accord lag to the gravity of the (Time, toe manner of exocuttou varies and may be simple" or "complicated." exacutloa xneatia being Simple rmrodllee. thrown to Cemplicnt-eoxeoatma rousts ts of being be eaten by to a tree and loft-tcasual visitors, suck aa lions and tigers, ar being terra red until death comes. toe Cannibalism la pmcctaafi aot beoause they especially care for too flavor of too meat, hut becaww they (ml that hy eating every particle of aa enemy they are subjecting him te toe greatest ind'frKy crdiceivabie. tin.- - t in di.-i.r- f ha :' i I1 centuries is still nir.i:!:' on tha low:- - lii.lM'. Ki:r!v In the year on a net. mi l;;y - :L.e town crier or cteiic culls ail H young iJple r DECEMBER 14, 1934. WEDNESDAY MORNING, trrAn, i:.-.- AM-s- v, - xt Come In YOD fat-troa- lg The Original a, v Malleable Stewart Range ft Get Our Prices Before Buying8 highlands an anctaut custom auwsMttee of tbe piwChriKttaa days la still In faroe. When a child b horn all the old women of tbe neighborhood meet la the house and place a straw rope around th childs neck. At tlie name time they chant a curious cliarm, which 1a supBAUiteAJU" posed to ward off ftJsfus and evil .spin Its. Bo great an Importance do the Inhabitants HTtarli to this ceremony that they believe it would lie a tempting of Providence to neglect it When any one dies the rolutivas dig toe grave, taking the greatest possible care to remove every stone from the mold. Stones in the grave Interfere, it la said, with the rest of the dead. Also thoj are particular te cut th turf which cover the mound In one piece, i: otherwise they believe water would gr; Into tbe grave and uiuke the body uu tcomfortable. Centos at Her Feet. Mrs. Yorke. wife of the dean of Ylrr l nu ( center, once Old Fsrka. her with Thackeray. Sin A London jeweler baa made a colleclio sud, to lie Hitting out tion of ancient forks used in England hapKiit-l- , and Jacob wkhh show some littlo known facta evening about the table manners of a few cen- Omnium, wboiw build wits even mors turies ago. Tbe forks, which are of gigantic tlitin Thuckeraya own. Con vernation, from some cause unknown, solid silver, data from the sixteenth century. In many caaea the designs In waa languithlng, whim Thackeray turnall tola time have scarcely varied in ed to her and said, Mrs. Yorke, why are I am overwhelmed any detail, and toe forks look liko you ao silent ? those which might be bought today. by the greatness of you two," she reThe old forks were a great luxury In plied, glancing right and left at tbelr their time and were only need by the massive frames. Thereupon, moved by common impulse, Thackeray and Jacob aristocracy. lid from tbelr chairs and sat on tbe Poor Waataa. ground at her feet, as a alight token Mrs. Gldday I thought yea wore enof homage to one whose wit equaled tirely satisfied with your hat. Mrs. her beauty. Dresser-- Bo I waa antH my husband Old Age, got the bill. Mrs. Gldday Ob, why Bisk Tktokto That mental power helps to keep too should bis growling worry you? Mra. Dresser But that waa toe trouble. He body strong and to preeerva It from didnt grow! at all, showing that I decay cannot be doubted. Tb longest might easily bare got a more expensive lived men and women have been, as a one. Philadelphia Press. rule, those who havo attained great mental and moral development They have lived on a higher plane than othGood Comfort. The most solid comfort one ran fall er men, in a serene upper region, above back upon Is the thought that the bind-hee- s the jar, tumult and fret that weaken of ones Ufa the work at homo moat lives. It was at the age of sevenafter the holiday is doue la to help In ty-five that the Count de Treason some small nibbling way to reduce the recomposed his old chlvalric romances sum of Ignorance, degradation and aud wrote a history of tbe progress of misery on tb face of this beautiful the human mind. Herbert Spencer, one of the deepest thinkers and hardearth. George Eliot. est workers of hi day, passed away at tlie age of eighty-threW'llllam Diseretloa, Mra. Toungbuaband Why can't yon Matthew In Batnnlay Bvenlug Post stay at homo tbls evening, George? Tour employer ran get along without Eittti sad DeSaleaeg. Error and evil are located lu deficienyon. George I know It, but I don't want him to find It out. cy or excess. Even excess lu virtue la evil, au excess of humility being abKtowi Rrcrrtklta. ject ness; of courage, rashness; of pruMay me What a gossip Mrs. Gndliy dence, cowardice; of patience. IndifferIs! Edith Yes. Indeed. I never tell ence; of economy, pnrsiinony; of generher anything without finding out that osity, waste; of deference, obsequiousabe has already told it herself. Phila- ness. And so also an excess of learndelphia Bulletin. ing 1s pedantry; of esse. Indolence; of comfort, seif indulgence; of zeal, faIt' te astonishing how much time naticism. Bight and Justice are found Some people hnyc to spare for tbe In moderation, la toe golden mean. In supervision of otlier people's business toe true balance, between overdoing and how well they do It in their and underdoing, going too fast and too alow. From Balaace: Tbe Fundamenminds. Binghamton Press. tal VerltT." hv Orlando J. Smith. CON30LIDATE D WAGON-M- Af i men. good. there ON Goods k IT HELP 8EE THE TO ASSORTMENT OP HOLIDAY WE HAVE YOU THIS SEASON DECORATED GOOD! TO SHOW LAMPS AND WARE. i WARE, GLASS , DEC. 10TH AND 17TH WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE OF CHINAWARE AND LAMP8 AT ft ti REMEMBER THIS IS A GEUINE REDUCTION YOU SAVE 2SC ON EVERY DOLLAR 8 WORTH YOU BUY AT THE SATURDAY SALE.- - K tj LINE Cents On Tho Dollar Scvcnty-Fiv- o j IN AND HAND PAINTED CHINA AND SALE OF GOODS Wheelwright Bros. 2476 WASH. PHONE 147. AYR THE PIOUS WOMAN A pious woman, one upon a time prayed to God that be would provide for herself and her children, and da atroy their enemies. Th. next day. her husband sickened and died. When aha found tout ha was uninsured, ah said, I didnt know- that my praynr - was loaded. NOWS THE-TIMTOMORROW MAY BE TOO LAT- EYOU KNOW. J. L HERRICK, State Mgr. DES MOINES stove LIFE INSURANCE CO. BASEMENT REED HOTEL. Phil- A REWARD Beautiful in appearance, Notice the flame around the a perfect Baker, fully entire fire pot. heating the guaranteed. surface alike at all points An Oven and consuming the black afford to Gin you smoke, Cannot Warp waste 33 per cent of the It coal you buy? If nut buy a Gil and see them. and will cost nothing Buck's Heater. surely save you money. . At-hnt- thinks of Etzlers and great projectors will yi-- t turn nil this waste strength to account What strength nd fecundity, from the sea monsters, hugest of animals, to the primary Torus of which it is the immense era-liand the phosphorescent nfusoriea; It is one vest rolling bed life, and rvery sparkle is a fish. What freedom and grace with all this might! The teeing so excellent a spectncie is a certificate to the mind that all imaginable rood shall yet be realized. Tlie sea la the chemist that .devotees the mountain nad the reck, pulverises eld and bidlda new, forever reilis rer of the globe, tributiag h eel 4 . perform an anulagsua office iu perpetual new transplanting of the races of man over Hie surface, the of nations. We may well yield uo for a tipi to Its lessons. Bet tie afcL sx!rjt to who FIFTYMm DOELARS That - w.-ed- !. Our .line oi Buggies, Spring Wagons, Farm Machinery and Implements of all kinds is complete and we are glad to show The Sidney Stevens Implement Company, . i, . fe-iM- . them. (IM.OO), will b paid hy tha A reward of Fifty Power Co. for to nrreat of party or parttea who n th tranmwwjj April Mth, IMS, canned a short circuit" on It olectrto through interference la some manner with laid company kaowa at n point nbout on mile south from th power houa, oncer Button, near tho mouth at Ogden Canyon. Persona are warned mat to Interfere la any wire results to pwjj It la u! to too public if unmolested, bnt seriouscaused ty and posalble fatal results to peraoni can be UmM throng breaking of insulator, or too throwing of wires, Mid elect f company's nlmflnr obstruction ever to wire Eaa line. ift . e, e Warning Reward. On tlie seashore the piny of the with tlie coast ! Wliat wealth Is ben:! Every ware Is a furtune. One eoni;.J-lnilwV-s- WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY TO e. Itr tt the frt. 4 4 The Buck's Grek Hot Blast Heater, the The Buck's Hot Blast Range with white old style down pipe and top feed door dis-- enameled oven. The guanantee is cut carded. Has a large mica front door into the oven, and is always with the Tskli Her at Word. Jones Hows this, old man? ' 1 thought you and your wife were going abroad on a pleasure trip, and you're taking your mother-in-laalong. Smith Well, she's always saying, "Sdo Tarla and die, so I thought I'd let her see Taria. Knonas 25 PERCENT im-lde- . wire. M PANY. UTAH ON EVERY DOLLAR a Her Playlas. IJINECO aOgW Stoves That Have Satisfied For 57 Years "Well, well! exclaimed tha old "Mandyk tenrnlu to play real Wow, there' some aenae in that piece sites playin. That aint Maudy replied Ms rIfs the man tuning the ptena." adelphia Press. n y EASY TERMS SAVE MalL 'J' Elsewhere la , I of This HiRhloBd Cuta. tetoeAaatrat of Sootland we tarn dcM-rilm- Yi And Let Us Show f fci I.;. Y itr fi, .iVm A w t f '' UTAH LIGHT & POWE CO., Br R. S. Campbell. M , ' 1 1 Utah .nd Idaho. EESSRSBSB If You Want to Buy. or Sell. PairamsQ (Sio Wsnf GoteK&3 |