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Show fllUSWIED FIESS SERVICE. TELEGRAPtilC - HWWWWI nn VOL. L NO. 349 OGDEN CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER PAWNBROKER TRESTLES DESTROYED BY FIRE. IMMENSE COAL. Buffalo, Dec. 14. The Immense coal trestles of the Buffalo Crees rail road at Tift Farm, on the southern city limits, were destroy- b fire at 3 oclock this morniug. "High Crimes and 'Misdemeanors With- For Committee Appointed to out Division Notify the Senate First Case Since Gen.' Belknap was Impeached. -- Washington. Dm. 13. Sitting as a of represent grand Jury, the house h almost a full membership adopted a resolution providing for the impeachment of Judge Bfavne of the Northern district of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Throughout the session Intense in. tsnst ass shown by members. Follow fog tha adoption of the impeachment resolution provision was made for the appointment of members as aabmmittee to notify the senate of tha impeach mnt and also to present the case to the Today proceeding were the first of their kind since the impeachment in UTS of General Belknap, who was sectary of war In General Grant' cabi-ar-t. resolution to impeach passed WITHOUT DIVISION. Washington, Dec. IS. Discussion on to Impeach Judge Swayne the resolution of Florida, tls Northern District of m carried on by Mr. Clayton, who vaa particularly aevere in his arraignment of what he said were Judge gnyne'a excuse and exculpatory testimony ngarding his failure to acquire a residence In rensaaola. Ah," -- he said, striking his desk, he studies the case and the report ha eeea that he did not swear far on this ooongli end now he tip-toes of resident." Swaynea amended testimony, .to declared, amounted to nothing. Whse the Judge took step, to acquire a residence In Me district he had lnd of these impeachment proceed-fctp- . qwstion Judge of Judge Bwayne's resl-fca- ce was also discussed by Mr. GENERAL HEALTH EXCELLENT Of tha Philippine Troops Anxiety moved Re- by Disappearance of Cholera. General Ramlall, commanding the department of loizon, P. I., in his annual report to the war department says that the general health of the troops is excellent, the disappearance of cholera haring removed one of the greatest ourren of anxiety. It is recommended that coniiuous service in the Philippines lie limited to two years in order to avert nervous breakdown. General Randall attributed "the unfortunate rienrd of a great number of court martial to the lack of amusement for troops iu garrisons end the consequent resort by men to saloons and questionable resort. TAKING STEPS TO CONTROL RATE AND PASS SYSTEM. when The question make a report tomorrow. It is expected Mr. Mitchell be made a number of the commit fee on Imeruresnic canals. Gil-:- who Insisted that Indirectly shown an htwt to make Pensacola hi home. All tha effort and industry of the pirties making the charges against Judge Swayne, he said, bad not produced a single wltmesa who said Judge In Swayne resided or had a home Naware. It made no difference-- , he atended. If Judge Swayne wae not la Smsacbla over twenty day a year, hwauae he might have been somewhere ein doing buMnese for hie country. Them waa no evidence." he maintained, that anybody Buffered injury hi reason of the feet that Judge Bvayne waa not In Florida." The Judicial ante of Judge Swayne vwe next taken up by Mr. Gillett, who Justified them on the ground tliat Judge Swayne not only had the legal rWt to act an ha did In the several am complained of hut also had of California, Judge Swayne had Chicago, Dec. IS. Executive officials of western roads today decided that something rsdiral must be done to control the rate and peas system. Committees will watch the situation closely and report to the exerutive committee. The coaimitteea will each have three members sad will bs appointed at the following centers: St. Louie. Omaha. St. Paul. Denver, Kansas City, Little Rock Houston, Dallas and Salt Lake City. The appointment of the members of the committee will be left to the lines terminating at the various pointa. DR. WOODWARD ELECTED PRESIDENT OF CARNEGIE INSTITUTE. Washington, Dec. 13. Dr. R. 8. Woodward, dean of the faculty of Pure Science at Columbia University, waa today elected president of the Carnegie Institute by the board of trustees. He oa so to do. Mann of Ur. IlUnoia provoked laughter by calling attention to the tact that Mr. Gillett had made a n-W- tia the case one way and made a the other, and he tried to secure categorical answer aa to whether or t he thought the resolution should facch pa Jben tha roll-ca- ll cornea," said Mr. the gentleman from California Gilktt, will tell you. Then, retorted Mr. Mann. I shall as compelled to vote after the gentleman." You will follow the gentleman from California, quickly replied Mr. Gillett. , re y vote correctly.' of Massachusetts declared Ur. Powers PRISON BREAK . of herself and either smiled as ahe made her statements or gave way to aq expression of bitterness. "Many statements that have aphere to take the 8:20 train over the peared are absolutely false, she began. I have read statement in one or two New York Central and Hudson for papers that ara entirely fxlse. I am Cleveland. physically and mentally broken down. I am not in any condition to make a WILL FACE HER CREDITORS statement AND PAY HER OBLIGATIONS. "It is not true that I cabled to Dr. Chadwick this morning. Dr. Chadwick New York, Dec. 13. Mrs. Chadwick cabled me this morning and that messtarted for Cleveland on the Buffalo sage will appear in the Cleveland Plain-dealtomorrow evening. Limited train which left the Grand "I am going home solely for the purCentral over the New York Central of facing my. creditors and the at 8 o'clock tonight. Before leaving pose charges they have made against me. I she made a statement in which she am going home voluntarily and not bedeclared he will pay her obligation! cause I couhl not obtain ball. I have and that her sole purpose in going la had many offers of bpil from prominent persona. Isn't that so Mr. Carpenter? to face her creditors. She said ahe she naked, turning to her counsel. If ahe here ball obtained could have Yea, that's true, he replied. most of the one wished to and that "Today bail waa offered to me by one had ofprominent men In the country of the most prominent man in Clevebond. fered today to go on her land by telegram, said Mrs. ChadMre. Chadwick left here In custody wick. "He said that a wire would bring of United States Marshal Henkel and him here to furnish any amount of Henkel Marshal marshall. two deputy bail that would be wanted. aid he would leave the train at "1 have bad at least a half dozen the deputies that Poughkeepsie, but prominent persona offer me hail today, would go on to Cleveland with the continued the woman. There was no In reason why I could not get bail. The train scheduled to arrive I am not going to answer any quesCleveland at 11:30 tomorrow morning. Marsaid Mrs. Chadwick when one tions. States United the Before leaving of the reporters asked her to disclose sugshal's office Mrs. Chadwick, at the Philip CrP,-ter- . the Identity of the pet son who made gestion of her counsel, offer. corrnred to an interview with the As I said before, I am a wreck. The were waiting. tkp nf wspa'ie" " way my son and maid have been before was shortly It were admitted to Mr. harrasaed by you young men le absoSenkeofflce where Mra. Chadwick lutely embarrassing. "I want it understood that I am go-wa. awaiting them. She was Particularly a couch and mistreat (Continued, on Page 3.) She waa Mra. ssfuss 3 t you think the other specifications throw light on his intent T "ho, replied Mr. Littlefield, I dont htbls house in an impeachment will undertake to present to Jrilng and stand before the people aigument thus far expound- - Jl Jh Previous question was ordered. was then agreed JJjhohtresolution division. upon iM"!1'd,Btely after the adoption of the jjreachment resolution, Mr. Palmer red a resolution for a committee of o notify the senate of the action i..vh0UM and adopted. -- resolution waa adopted JhiT Ihst committee of seven i be wanted to prepare and report article Jjnpeaihment against Judge Swayne. ft thereupon appointed se remittee to carry the Into the mate impeach-r- et Messrs Palmer of Jenkins of Winconeln, .tnl. of California, Clayton of ,h f Kentucky. 5:18 o'clock tha house adjourned Ataba-id..8mi- tomorrow. "gTbmgt,.n1 Dec. 13. In the Senate of private pension . character were nd there was some discussion of f0J hill by Messrs. Mc-Plof Connecticut, and resolution granting the use if officer building for tha -h,, Rrsl ball also was Mr. pasee-w Pressed opposition to it number aemi-publ- lc att " ILL REPORT TOMORROW. Dec. 13.- - The committee to on vacancies expects to bi-e- n FORT BAKER Unification. Jfr' Littlefield of Maine defended d Swayne. He would not, he said, we for any specification he felt the Chadwick, Jt would not sustain. New York, Dee. IS.-of Mr. 'd United State Marshal "!! Henry by accompanied iw "TOM Tal-eFrom Young's Fingers Given for Analysis to Chemists. New York. Dec. 13. Tue small black sKits observed in ihc t kin on two finger of Caesar Young's right hand by Corontrs Physician OHanlan, wis-he iierformed the auuu'sy on Youngs inti-r- e when body, were the center the Patieison trial was lesuinid today . The small portion of skin bearing the uiarka wa stripped ir.mi the dead oubmiited man's fingers end hail to Dr. Lederle, former h wlib commisto for an examination sioner, or not the whether determine iparks were reused by g m iNvwdtT. Ur. tliat his examI.e.icrle today ination failed to aaiWfy him ei'her that the spot were or were not gunpowder. He said Hie chemical anatyai- - might possibly show the nature, of the substance which caused i lie black spots hut that it would be only a chance and in making tha experiment with (ho small bit of material submitted to lum COMPOSER SECURED THE the Identity ofi tlio spot might be deHIGHEST HONOR1UM. stroyed. At tbe suggeuion of Mr. Hand the piece of akin wa divided, one Berlin, Dec. 14. Richard Strauss' piece going to Dr. Lerierle and the other new symbol! y Singfonis Domestics to Uie defendant ahemiet for chemical which Berlin heard for the first time analysis. yesterday has reached the highest honorium ever paid in Germany for a PAWNBROKER COULD NOT musical composition. A publisher has IDENTIFY THE PRISONER. N paid Herr Strauss $9,000 for all rights. New York, Dec. 13. A dramatic situation developed today in the criminal branch of the supreme court when Nan Patterson, oa trial before Justice Vernon M. Davis for tbe murder of Caesar Young, stood up in the court room and faced Panwhroker Hymen Stern, tlie man who told the revolver which Young was kiled. Stem Ten prisoners effect their escape by with wa unable to identify tbe prisoner as Men Their The Out Way Cutting the woman who accompanied tbe man May Give Battle to Posse. to whom he sold the revolver. He wae not certain whether this man had a San Rafael, Cal.. Dec.13 A break smooth face or wore a moustache. He has been made at Fort Baksr and ten waa not asked to identify the photoprisoners have escaped. The aamea of graph of J. Morgan Smith. the escaped men are Thome Mills, Police Captain Sweeney was recallRichard Welle, Charles' Faullatteer, ed and identified the photograph. He George F. Perry, O. 8. Smith, Charles aid that ha saw Smith on June 8th, Stuart, 8. Stevens, W. A. Clark, D. last, and gave him e grand Jury subThorne and Clyde Smith. They made poena. Objection was mails to ths their escape by cutting through the introduction at evidence of a copy of walla of the prison during the night. a subpoena served by tbe witness, and A squad of soldiers are scouring the the was excused while Justice hills and sheriff Taylor has a poeae Daviejury listened to argument of counsel. out. The prisoners are supposed to be Mr. Rand Informed the court that armed and a battle may result if they a theory of the prosecution 1 that are caught as eon-- e of them arc danIth and his wife were gerous men. against Youngalfhough they had not planned to kill him. NORTH 8EA INCIDENT The prosecution further said he was COMMISSIONERS ARRIVE prepared to prove that Smith and his wife, with tha active connivance of ths Paris, Dee. II. Commissioner Four- defendant's father and also with the nier has arrived here to take Up the connivance of the defendant's lawyers arrangements for the forthcoming had fled to parts unknown. meeting of the commission. The mem"When I,say the defendant's counbers are exported to arrive in Parig sel," continued Mr. Rand, I do not shortly for the first session. Foreign mean you, Mr. Levy. Minister Dclcasee has designated a staff Davis reserved decision on to facilitate the work of the commis- theJustice question raised. sion. Much of the testimony today waa given by experts as to the result of the examination of the skin taken from Young's fingers. Ernest J. Led-erl- e said that a mlscroseoplc examination of the bits of akin had failed to discover traces of powder. Dr. Charles P. Phelps said that (he direction of the bullet that killed Young had been from left to right and that the revolver wae held from three to five Inches from the body when tbe shot waa fired. end Jolly of er K te -- meeting between Colonel W. C. Greene, of the Greene Consolidated Copper company and Thomas W. Lawson of Boston, Colonel Greene having announced In several morning newspaper advertisements that he wee going to Boston this morning to confront Mr. Lawson, whom he blanked for the recent crash iu copper stocks. Colonel Greene had not left this city late this afternoon and some of his close friends said they were not at all euro that Ihe threat contained in tbe advertisement would be carried out. It wae positively stated that he wonld not go to Boston tonight. Colonel Greene reached his office early today and denied himself to everyone seeking information. During the day however, when a ruiqor that he had lost control of the Greene Consolidated Copper company was circulated, Colonel Greene sent out a signed statement In denial, claiming that he ami hie friends held majority of the stock. EMPEROR DECORATES COMPOSER Leoncavallo at tha Close of the Opera With the CrOwn Ordero-Criti- cs From All Parte in Attendance. Berlin, Dec. 13. The star of the Royal Opera house wa piled with wreaths of laurel aa Ruggerio was recalled for the last time tonight after the induction of Der Roland Von Berlin. Emporor William stood up in liia box applauding, and the brilliant audience cried Bravo! Critics who were from Taris, Rome. Vienna, London, St. Peters and all parts of Germany, think Leoncavallo has equalled hi best work, although Leoncavallo said Iris majesty ought, to bars hadi-- WEDNESDAY AND TKLRS9AY PRICE FIVE CENTS 14, 1901. Panama. Dec. IS. A decree re- (luring tbe imimrt duties, rates of postage, etc., in accordance with the agreement reached between ihe government of I'aiuma and the ln-te- d Staten, for the canal roue, sent Into effect today. suggestions had been accepted in the construction of every scene. At the clo-- e of the performance Emperor William received Signor lonca-vall- o aud his wife iu the royal box and conferred upon tbe compueer the crown urder, seonud-cls- By a Destructive quarterasethemperor'e d Photographic Supply House -- in a Already Millions of Damage Done---ThrFiremen Lost Their Lives ee CRITICS EXTEND BUT MODERATE PRAISE Berlin. Dec. 14. The critiee In the Berlin morning paper content 1 with moderate praise of Lennca-vnlla'new opera which wae produced last night at the Royal Opera house, the general opinion being that it 1 pleasing but nt a work of tbe highest rank and unusual Iu quttllly. The libretto la highly praised for it dramatic value but the nundc In places is characteried as remlninrnt of earlier operas, with suggestions of Meyerher. The prologue aud first act are gcnrrally praised and the third act is declared to be tbe weak ixrint in the opera. Some of the critics rroerve Judgment until' after the performance of Friday and Buiulay. hem-selv- Conflagration---Starte- es e a. Dec. 14.-1- :20 Minnaspuli, ui The fire chief etaic tlist the worst of ths fire is now over, Minneapolis. Dee. 13. Tbe bttslneaa section of Minneapolis is threatened by fire. A large wholesale furnishing at or le now burning. Relief from SI. Paul has been naked. The l - will reach million. There le no i sibii-it- y of tho fire beiug under coni rid for several hours. Three million dollars worth of property has already bsan destroyed by the conflagration ihat. le now raging in this city, with the wholesale furniture supply house nf Boutelle Brothers, the largest lu tbe city, and C. H. Pock, photographic supplies, both of which are now foully destroyed, with three other buildings now burning. Across the street from Boutelle Brothers' store the Powers Mercantile elore, the largest department Store of tbe city, which had been damaged by fire to some extent, but mostly by water. Tbe portion of the city where the fire is now burning le very closely built and should the Powers Mercantile afore go the entire principal busi-nea- s block of the city would probab. ly ff. Leua-cavall- PETITIONS ALLEGE BRIBERY Legal proceedings, were ..instituted Against Prominent Canadian Officials Petitioners Want Their seats declared vacant Halifax, N. 8. I)rc. 13. A sensation was created In political circles today by the Inatitution of legal proceedings against W. S. bidding, finance mincabinet: Sir ister in the federal Frederick Borden, minister of militia and defense- - and four other leading Itbeml member of parliament. Roche anti Gnmcy, Halifax: Pickup, Annapolis snd D. D. Mackenzie, North Gape Minneapolis, Dec. 14. Fire la the Breton. Petitions filed In the supreme business district of this city had decourt asked that, the parlimantary stroyed property worth $3,000,000 at eats of all ten h derided vacant on the 12:80 this morning and it la leured tbe grounds of alleged bribery committed total loss will reach $5.000,000,. by agents in their behalf in the generThe fire started In the photographic al election of Thursday, Nov. 3. supply house of O. H. Peck ft Co., on Fifth street, and In leas than half aa FACTS WOUI.D INDICATE DEPUTY hour this building was a msaa of SYVETON SUICIDED. wreckage. Next to the Peck building le tho furParis. Dec. 13. After (ha investiga- niture supply house of Boutello Broth-erthe largest house of its kind in the tion Into the reuse of death of Deputy Syveton, facta have leaked out which Northwest. Tbe building caught fire make It certain that Syveton commit- and is now burning, the sparks from it, ted suicide owing to causes wholly wafted for blocks by tha north wind unconcerned with any of hla connec- which la blowing, causing several small fires throughout (he dty. tion in politics. Relief has been secured from St. vessels Paul, ten miles east; that city having Lisbon. Dim:. 13. Twenty-on- e of tbe Russian second Pacific squad- sent over all Its available fire appar.l ron have arrived at Mosuamrdes. Por- atus. With the strong wind blowing, aidod tuguese West Africa, bound eastward. , a, M DENIES LOSS OF Mrs, Chadwick Consents to go to Cleveland Was the Sentence Pronounced Upon the CONTROL to Face Charges Husband says: His of Russia's Minister Prisoner . Slayer Colonel Greene Gives a Signed Statement Denying Lose of Control of Wife "Is no Relative of Andrew Wrote a Remarkable Document Givthe Consolidated Copper nt ? Carnegie,f--ImportaSecrets Company, ing his Reasons and Motives 13. Deo. New was Wall Street York, in Possession of ReverFor the Crime today discussing the possibility of a at the real question waa whether Swayne ought to he impeached W oae or more articles of the J17" Ac- volver Skin succeeds Dr. Gilman, former president of John Hupkins university. Dr. Woodnard is well known as an educator and while in this city was connected with the coset and goedetic survey and the geological survey. Dr. John 8. Billings. United States army, retire.!, of New York, and Dr. Charles D. Walcott, the director of the memgeological survey, were bers of the executive committee of the board of trustees. Dr. Gilman in his letter of resignation, gave as his reusem thi fact that he had passed the age of TO years and urns looking forward to a release from MTinus official responsibilities. The executive committee made 114 grants during the year, aggregating These were to aid persons $355,071. connect with various universities, colleges and laboratories, in all pans f the country. m foaECAst STIPULATIONS WENT INTO EFFECT. IDENTIFY Nan Patterson as the Woman Who companied Buyer of the Re- mmi AGREEMENT COULD NOT -- uiah by zero weather, the firemen are experiencing considerable difficulty In their work. The tire is burning itself out in one or two of ihe buildings and ihe firemen's work is entirely directed toward saving adjoining buildings. It is reported that three firemen have lives. At 1 Kid there was still no abatement nf ihe fire, end although thirty buildings which It wa expected would go, three burning now must burn themselves out. The firemen nf this city and St. Paul are paylug no attention to the burning buildings, but are giving all ibeir attention toward the saving of property within the block. RouieMe Brothers and Peeks stores are total wrecks and are still burning and though the Powers Mercantile store had been saved from tbe flames It has been severely damaged by water. Every elmtrlr light In the city has been burned out and (bough ths fire is practically under control the dense smoke greatly hampers tbe firemen in their work. One mu wee killed by a live wire which dropped in tbe street. The wfud has died down somewhat snd Jt Is likely tbe flames can be confined to the gutted building. The loss la now estimated at $4,000,-00lost-thei- r 0. FIRE PARTIALLY UNDER BURNING ITSELF OUT. Minneapolis, wer CON-TROL-- Dec. 14. Throe men three firemen and ona citizen, the latter by a live wire, aud from six to eight million dot lor s' worth nf property destroyed by a fir iu tbe business district of Minneapolis, which began at 10 o'clock last night and at 2 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning, le still burning, but partially under control, aa the flreim-- seem to have the flames confined to three burning buildings, two of which are gatted and a third, the Towers Department Store, the largest Id the city, Willed, damaged by water and fire fo the extent of one or two mllion dollars. Because of tbe dense amoks it waa almost Impossible to get aeons to the burning buildings, and the heat being so Intense, despite the zero weather prevailing. Tha fire will, It seems, burn Itself out os tbe firemen are placing all their efforts ou the snd adjoining property which is still In danger. In tbe front of the burning building, Boutelle Brothers building, there stands a street-ca-r totally demolished by a falling electric light pole, from which several live wires were burned. Only one man Is reported killed by these wires, though several wero stunned, how seriously Is not known. Without doubt, the conflagration is the most disastrous that has ever visited this city, through the loss of llfo and property, striking the richest and largest firms of the city. All of tbe business was suspended in the newspaper row when It seemed the entire block would be consumed, but now that the fire has been placed partially under control work baa been resumed and the papers will appear as usual. Minneapolis, Dec. 14. List of fatal- ities: The dead: 8L Petersburg, Dec, 13. Sasoncff, who threw the bomb whloh killed Minister of the Interior Von Pkfive and Sikorifsky, bis accomplice in crime; were today found guilty by the court of appeals, sifting in ths law court building. Ihe former waetentsncedto life imprisonment with hard labor and the latter to twenty year lmprLonmenE The trial haJ been expected to last ol leant two day but it wa rushed to a speedy completion In view of of revolutionary demonstrations. The trial was behind closed doors and all entrances to the building were guarded end only person wbo could produce summonses were admitted. Members of the bar were treated as outsider. Ijirgc jiollre reserves were stationed within the building aud ths courtyards of the ordinance factory, while mounted paroled tho outside of the building. In the meantime the accused bad been brought to tlie court room from tbe adjoining prison through a rear door. 'Jhe bench appointed to try the case consisted of President Senator Maximovltch and four associate Judgre, rvOToff,l vril(lVp MtsroffndRem- - lect and learning. It fills seversl cksg-l-y written pages, was drawn up while Gustave Miller, salvage corps. Buckley, salvage corps. The missing: John Fellows, hose company No. 18. George Slncne, hose company No. 18. Badly Burned: Leon Kirkhoff, hose company No. 18. he lay In the lu vital anl sets forth the alms and purposes of the Social revolutionary party, and the fighting organization, the re win and motives for the murder of Minister Yon Plehv and also his version of the crime Itself. DISCOVERED CRACKS IN THE Sikorifsky, bring only a common MOON MANY YEARS AGO. workman, is no such interesting personality. Boston, Itec 13. According to AssisToward night when the chops and tant Professor Pickering of Harvard asfactories wire clorod the size of tbe tronomical observatory, the moon is crowds Increased and there were oc- cracked in 1.000 places. Prof. Pickering casional shout of "acquit them," but ma.19 this statement tonight in conthere was no attempt at an actual dem- nection with the Associated Pro reonstration. Only a few arrest were port Ironi Berkeley, announcing the made. discovery by Assistant Astroncme J. I. Perkins of Lick Observatory of $ NATIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUE great crack or rill extending lengtlii CLOSED A PROFITABLE SEASON wise through the valley of the Alp fol a distance of eighty miles. New York, Dec. 13. Harry C. PulWhy." he said, when shown Hie artliam waa unanimously elected .presiicle. i list i nothing new. I remember dent, secretary and treasurer of tho observing that crack in 1892,, but I Nations! league of the professional never embodied it In any of my reports baseball league at the annual meeting because It was unimportant in comheld here today. The present board of panions with others I bare seen. X should say tha moon had at least 1,909 directors were also The New York team wae formally onu-kThey are scattered Indiscriminately presented with tbe pennant for 1904. The season just closed was the most over Its. surface except that there ara eroff. M. Kountousanoff, procurator of the successful, from the point of earnings, few of thrm near tbe Poles. Tha one la court of appeal, acted as prosecutor, in the history of the league. The total question he In Latitude 50. They are and M. Kara and M. Schevky. the amount received for paid admissions caused by a contraction of the moon's crust" most prominent criminal lawyers of the during the season was $1,932,862. It was also reported that the league empire, appeared for Sssuucff. M. is now out of debt. PROBABLY ANOTHER VERSION. (Wended Sikorifsky. Twenty-eigwitnesses and four experts apLondon. Dec. ll. The Dally Mall's ACQIYTTED AFTER peared . THREE TRIALS. Cheefoo ciirrespouilont gives a rumor that The proceed u r followed clo-el- y of the sinking of a big J spinets of the French courts. Ihe prosecution San Francisco, Dec. 11. Thomas YY. schooner ou November 30th at Pori opened by presenting tbe cose for the government, the indictment was rend Davis was acquired in the 1'nflrd Arthur, three hundred persuus being and the prisoner! were arraigned, States district court today of flic drowned and of two Russian torpedo pleading Justifiable homloide, after charge of assaulting Mra. A. H. Anea boat dest rovers by Japanese on Nowere examined. of Marshfield. Oregon, in her state vember 25. Tbe first of these reported which the wlinsHies Saspneft's apologia is declared to be room un the steamer Alliance. October disasters is probably only another vera remarkable document, allowing ihe 15. 19(12. This was Davis third trial, sion of the sinking of the Japanese Juries having disagreed. cruiser Satyen. . prisoner u be a uxui.of superior Intel--. . ht the-form- er ... ..... . r |