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Show TITE MORXIN'O EXAMINER OGDEX, UTAII, WEDNESDAY MORNINfi, DEfEMEER II, 1904. ami keep tl,cm on fur write Louis. hf treatment will nut show rv-for set era! neri.- -, but sliouM lie cuuiinuetl . as long as uecar 1 kpV ROUTE TO THE GOLDFIELD TONOPAH MINING COl'NTHY. JPe.lro. a new mute to arrange tbeGuid-ji.j- j auj Tonopah miniug country. A tue line will be eiabliilied from Ijm the present terminus of Yeaa Nv the Sell Lake end of the road. J,AX KILLED in highland boy. Two men were killed and n leritiualy injured in a cve-iHighland Boy mine, near three were at the Bingham, o'clock Monday morning. The dead: Hat Louiie, 27 year old; Swede, aUut 8 , Kotto, S2; Italian, unmarried, after the accident occurred the tniax communication cut nine tnih lbe ret of (he world, eo that could be obtained, very meager details it it understood, however, that the men Wrrc working in a drift on the fifth vl when a large section of the roof of , mine fell and buried them. Several men hail narrow escapes. The were caught trre who were injured n and wear the outer edge of the cave-lwere im-ucby hard work op the part oS their fellow workmen in the mine. men killed were buried un-jThe hundreds of tons of earth and racks- - U waa learned that after eight h(lUr' work the bodies were recovered. Then waa at no lime hope that the um could be taken out alive. The company physician waa called nut the Injured men were treated at the mi in- instead of being taken to their inhomes, so that the extent of their known. of not Residents ia juries Bingham knew almost nothing in regard to the accident last night R. H. (.banning, general manager of the Utah Consolidated Miniug company, which owns the Highland Boy, went up to the mine yesterday upon hNtiui of the accident. No particulars of the affair had been received at his home In this city last night. A miner was killed in the Highland Buy shout six weeks ago by a similar accident. The company ia very reticent, Luul gixiii to er - , - 1 tally htets: rallroa-tjmin- hae about completeJ tauvas of the returns of the Mu- municipal ward 0f Salt Lflko which hoy bad vcritiotl by com paring the ij!I Looks and liij, Doc. 13 Tlie San ejj jjke, and Salt lake les An 1m uiMi't opening of the re.-u-lt Fird War- dTrial niia.lier votes cast 3231 Charles S. Martin 1930 J. J. forum 1329 B. F. Redman l Second Ward Total cumber vote cast 3282 Arnold G. Giauque 2la7 B. F. Redman 1995 Third Ward Total number votes cast 1329 Oscar W. Moyle ill 3. D. Hagiuan 209 Arnold G. Giauque 1 Fourth War- dTotal. king term ...2131 Mathonihah Thomas 1278 E. O. Howard hi;! 2129 Total, abort term 1290 Harry E. Edwaids A. Mont Ferry t59 Fifth War- dTotal 1827 l)r. G. B. Frout g&2 944 Joseph Obcnidorfer M. F. Redman 1 The board declared the following candidates elected: Charles 8. Martin, four vears from January 1.1 905, First municipal ward. Arnold (1. Giauque, four years from January 1, 1905, Second municipal ward. Oscar W. Moyle, four years from January 1. 1905, Third municipal ward. Mathonihah Thomas, four years, from January 1, 19u5, Fourth municipal ward. Harry C. Edwards, tbe unexplrcd term of two years from January 1, 1905, Fourth municipal ward. Joseph Oberndorfer. four years from Fifth municipal January 1, 1905, ward. SUIT OVER ELECTION BET. A. E. Raleigh of Bingham la making his election bet with William Clays the subject of a lawsuit. He bet Clay that his brother, Joe Raleigh, would be elected sheriff of Salt Lake county. Stakes were deposited with informatit appears, about giving out 8. Dunsmore, each man putting up ion Is regard to fatalities. ITS. Raleigh Is suing on one count to have his 875 returned. On another count he is biting to recover tbe FARMERS WANT THE SHELTERS ABATED. whole I50. If the bet was not more Intelligible than the complaint, which A petition was Monday presented to was filed in the district court Monday, the Board, of County Ooramisslqnera, Dunsmore ran hardly be blamed for inking that they declare the smelters not knowing what to do with the according to the money. i luiaanre, and act waa law. This petition signed by 819 cltiams of Salt Lake county. It was WILL COST $104,000. referred to the committee on health, bicB will give both the smelters and At the regular meeting of the bourd the taxpayers a chance to show their of directors of the Young Mena aUr of the case. Following ia the peChristian association, held Monday at titlux: the Commercial club. R. D. Burtner, We are residents, property holders the new physical director, made an and taxparers of Salt Lake county and interesting talk on the work he hae Stats of Utah. planned for the association. Gratifycenter The smelters located near the ing reports nn the progress of the new Ameri-rof the county, operated by the were also heard. The board building Smelting and Refining company, is highly pleased at the resulta being the United States Smelting company, attained for the amount of money exthe Utah Consolidated Mining company, pended, it having developed that the the Bingham Consolidated Mining and building will cost about $25,000 less and the Batching company Bingham than it could be duplicated for by payas Gold Copper and Mining company, the prices for materials. ing tl present conducted, are injurious to In a 1 mosttegular cases all the materials have health, offensive to the eeneee and not been purchased at cost, and the assocoly Interfere with the comfortable enjciation ia naturally grateful for the oyment of life, but are destructive of courtages extended It by the business kith Ilf and property. They are nuis-lemen generally. The total cost of the health to the injurious public building will be about $104,000. to in detrimental a aid, high degree, the welfare of the people. The gases CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. and fumes sent forth by these smelters la immense and increasing volumes, Them Now. diffused .through the atmosphere and Begin Thinking About Prepare In Time. and deposited wipon finally condensed the mil and vegetation, are freighted With thtlr customary enterprise, the with inch poisonous ingredients as tralaides of the Methodist church, have ctile, antimony, sulphur dioxide, carbazaar In one of the tas dioxide and other deleterious ele- and down-tow- n uit occupied stores next ments. month. Tbe location will be announced The cumulative effect of inhle-dsljlster. They are now busy making up air thus polluted, according to the opinion of competent physicians, la proda stock of fancy goods, aprons, dolls, uctive of sickness, disease and death. quilts, and many other goods necessary In this age of many wants. They will Many domestic, animals have died from this cause. These smelters are fast be suitable, too, for presents, and the nnaing the desolation of our gardens prices will be reasonable. Tbe ladles request the public to delay buying unin.. Held and rendering our homes un-til the 15th, 16th, and 17th, ef Decemand unfit for habitation. The cumulative effect of inhaling the ber. when their wants can b supplied this and it is Imperatively necessary in the easiest and most satisfactory manner possible. In buying of them, that these nuisances be abated. Aa your honorable body ia empowertoo, one has the consciousness of haved by law to adopt such provision for ing put their money where It will do the preservation of health In the counthe most possible good. TVe Ladies ty or any district therein or portion Aid Society are making strenuous efthereof we respectfully request that forts to raise their church debt. The cause Is laudable, and tbe public will you take such action as may be effectual fur tbe abatement tbe be glad to know they ant meeting with of Euirance complained of, that the public encouragement among tbe good people health may be preserved. of Ogden and vicinity. ai . well-stock- ae af CANVASSED SCHOOL VOTE. Education met at noon to canvaua the returns of the tcho-i- l election held December 7, 1904. President O.W. Moyle presiding. Those Present were Brantlng, Giauque, Newman. Thomas, Henderson and Moyle. The president acted as chairman of the canvassing board. Brantlng and Newman were appointed tellers. The teUere reported tbe following as the DEFENDANT NOW A PRISONER. FEDERAL Tbe Board of (Continued from Page 1). Monday wise-groc-er lug home simply because it is the place where 1 should be. I shall not give hail when I get to Cleveland. I have the best, motive In the world for not doing so. The history of this case from beginning to end will soon be puolished In a certain newspaper." You will, call nausea, wont you? interrupted Mr. Carpenter. I shall use no names, corrected Mrs. Chadwick. 1 promised to give out my story and it may take weeks to gel it out. It may be, however, that it will be published tomorrow, next week or In a month, hut certainly not until all my obligations are paid. I have not tried to flee from anyone, not even from the newspapermen, she conWien you tinued with a smile. 1 wss sick young men thought thstI walked out house Holland at the to the Fifth right by you and went avenue hotel and afterwards took a cab back to thq Holland and went to t)Cde tHfh the Ladlesw lm a er oil riiht, sold Golden Gate. This told me I was the Best coffee ever she had Wlfl lk- - Even on the night It was reported vnu had committed suicide, you went didn't you Mrs. Chadwick?" asked . Carpenter gbe ttidf I weal to Uw Dome men in most prominent of one ef the New York and stayed there until Mr. tasted. Corrib! I left the Holland house one night two of and went out walking between Yora the most prominent men in New Sher-rys them at city. I had dinner with and came hack and you did not see Y wl,h ootors CATE atlsf.ctUa. Km ar.aatldkl lias. Mid la balk. JwFo,s5er Half Co. Catarr Vranciico 11'30. When I returned to the hotel who took me up the elevator man me and whispered: at winked staira Tha newspaper men say It is rumored suicide. that you have committedwhat they I said to him. 'Let them say P'Wdl you say anything about your relations with Mr. Carnegie. 1 sin riot going to be questioned.' she replied, 'i bate nothing to say about Mr. Carnegie, and nutliing to say about anyone else. 1 want to say eiuphaticaMy that I have nut been compelled to return to Cleveland. If the grand Jury had indicted me fifty time 1 would bate gone back just the same 1 waa to go back a week rady ago Iasi Sundat. I had all mv things parked, luit they wauled ma to go down to Wall Street." Mrs. Chadwick would not say who they" meant. The result was that I did not get I feel a little off, she Continued. better than I did a week ago, but am still nprvous and can hardly stand on my feet. Mrs. Chadwick was' taken from ths Tombs in a carriage bv Marshal Henkel shortly before 4 oclock. An hour earlier Mr. Carpqnter had gone to the office of United States District Attorney Burnett in the Federal building and Informed him that hia client would waive examination. At the Tombs, in deference to tbe protests of Mrs. Chadwick Waidcn Flynn permitted Henkel's carriage to be driven Into the rourt yard in order that the prisoner might avoid the bat tery of caineraa. Tbe party drove rapidly to tbe Federal building and the woman waa taken to the marshal's office. no one but herself and Marshal Henkel being permitted on the elevator. Arriving in the marshal's office the woman a'.nioat.cnllapsed. Commissioner Shields was notified and he came to the office, cancelled the commitment and formally delivered her over to the federal authorities. She was ihcn taken before Judge Adams of the United Slates circuit court, who signed an order fur her removal to Cleveland. HINTS 'J F0BJE1LTH. Mae F. F. You will i;r.. the Chinese for you eyelash stain wbiclt 1 will not make the tye:.hes fall out; but. of course. It ip i..u a ;urmanent h a darl.entr. 'fliers stain, but It is a pt. prlctary article. When the ryelaslip aie lung, they naturally throw a aha... under ttie eye: but. if the shadow is pruhttunrsal, it usually done by 1: e ,( a stick of grease paint, a hi. !; comes fur this purpose, or with Kon.i!, which was Used by the Oriental la.i.e. many year ago, and which ia the rou.SriiseJ smoke from burning camphor .olle-.te- .l anil termed iulo a paste. It is applied to the eyelids and lulus m il.e same way In Europe now. Yakt. a tiny probe of wood or metal having a blunt potui. This is muiaiened with the lip or il.pped into roe water, then ruiic.l in puwder, which is a bluish ruy. and diawu along the edge of ih eyclul-.- , so that the eyelsahes as well as the borders uf the IMs are tinted with it. Chinese Eyelash biaiti. Gum arabic, 1 dram: India Ink. diaut; rose water, 4 ounces. Powder the ink and gum and triturate entail quantities of the powder with the ros-- water until you get a uniform black liquid in a powder and add the remainder of the roe water to It, It should he applied lini-l- t. with a very tiny ramriV-tiai- r 1 1 rye-lai-- 1 i FOR 11A1K ON llli-- : LIPS. ul: Ywm Mad a PsN Stitt and for yssrsslf and bays- - Putaianrii has them In great abundance and a the RIGHT PRICK. Whs) He lies ( Te. Do you know of tlie on-irishman who wer cunuulrti-euicMeL' asked the stury teller. You know it is said Dent fall ta call and leak that Irishmen never commit suicide, and when the argument was advanced lit a crowd of that nationality lie was so unstrung Hint he decided to show hi opponent that Irishmen do sometimes commit a rash set. He accordingly disappeared, and tt-- man who employed him started a eer.ivh. IV hen he got to tlie barn he looked up toward tbe rafters and saw his man hanging with a rope around his waist. 'What are yew up to. Pat?1 be asked. Oim hanging me elf, begolts! Ike Irishman replied. "Why dont yon pat it around your neck? Faith, 44 did, but 01 couldn't braythe, was the unsmiling reply of the man from tbe Emerald Isle. Louisville Courier-Journa- Sm ar Mora jaa buys -- l. (turn Iw Tarkff, The people of Turkey are classified aa three classes the wealthy, the people of ordinary means and the poor. The wages which the poor are pa.d range from 20 to 25 rents a day. Some of the rrl who work iu tbe silk are paid ns low as 6 and' 7 recta for a hard day's work. Tho majority of the Inhabitants of Turkey, by tlie way, are employed in tie manufacture of silk. Farming Is carried 011 very little, which Is due to tlie small which It brings and to the profit scarcity of macldnery. There are many wealthy people In Turkey, some of wliotn are said te lie worth gJ.tUO.OiH), and they spend freely. nianu-fnctorir- Mustache I should tint a.lvhe you to begin using a depilatory at your age. It means a constant finiu H jih (lie ever renewed growth of hair. Iry bleaching out the thick down on your lip with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure yuu get fresh peroxid. not some that has been standing six mom ha in a store. Mis. Chadwick waa bvsterii-s- l when Apply It on a bit of absorbent cm ion, office marshal's to the and she returned let It remain a few niintitrs then it required the combined efforts of the apply a drop offor Itcm-s- t ammonia. twice Marshal and Mr. Carpenter to soothe until the hair is bleach d. daily her. MASSAGE FOR FLESH MacfcSiery foww Emil Chadwick is already in CleveI EVEI .OPM ENT. land. Engineers judge of tbe condition at W. I should advise you to F. Mr. Tar maid accompanied Mrs. Chadwick try deep breathing and physical culture their machinery by tbe tone It gives on her trip today. rather than massage, fur bust develop- out while ruiinlug. Every engine, ment, unless you know how to do the whether stationary or locomotive, has ANDREW CARNEGIE WILL latter, as it requires gnral delicacy of a particular tone of its own. The enPRESENT. NOT BE touch, and a certain knowledge of angineer become a ecustom ed to tbat. and to ;t atomy, any departure from it at once perform successfully. Cleveland, Dec. 18. The prospects The following cream la an excellent a suspicion that all Is not right tonight are that when Mrs. Chadwick massage cream. The engineer may not knpw what is arrives here she will be compelled to Lanolin, five ounces; spermaceti, tlie matter; lie may have no ear for go to jail, unless she can glvo ball in one-ha- lf ounce, mutton tallow (freshmusic, bat the change In the tone of of amount the $40,000. ly tried), five ounce; cocnanut oil. hie machine will be nt once perceptible M. United 8tatea Marshal Frank four ounciv; oil of sweet slmon. Is. four Chandler said that Mrs. Chadwick up- ounces; tincture of lieniofn. one ilrsm. and, bring Instantly recognised, will on arrival here would be brought be- extract of Portugal, four ounces; oil of cause him to start on in 1m mediate Infore Judge Wing, who would bo sit- neroll. twenty drops. Mix according to vestigation. ting In the United States district court general directions for similar creams. Babies ssl Hoots. where. If she could give bonds she SEVERAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED. would bo released. Failing to do so, Mrs. Grateful Tlie acoustic fan ran Gypsies carry their babies In old she would be placed in the county jail. be bought where eurgical Instruments shawls alnng over fhvtr shoulders and The couuly grand Jury today re- are sold. tied about the waist North American sumed Its Investigation of the affair Peroxide used on the skin will cerIndians catty their babies on the backs of Mrs. Chadwick, but returned no in- tainly bleach it, but at the same time of aquewa cradle and all. But tbs dictment against her. It is understood will make it very dry. Olive oil, nn Eskimo women of Labrador curry their that an indictment relating to the ut- the contrary, need frequently on the babies iu their boots. These boots coins tering and forging of the $5,000,000 kin hae a tendency to make it yellow. np to the knee and are wide at tbe top, note nit depoeit in the Wade Park Tlie bfwt thing for you to do would be wltb a flap In front. In these tke littlo bank, which was tbe principal matter to massage your face with a good face brown babies live and are happy. considered by the investigating body cream. Is If excellent also The drafted. been had grand Electricity applied today Mlsrbt Have Brea Wane. jury will meet again tomorrow and if on1 the (see by one who Is experienced. inBiggs Csstlcton was nut driving to am names not and allowed into ia tbe no indictment give brought quiry into the affairs by the county addressed in the columns of the pajier, With tbe Widow Grasper the oilier it may be considered as ended for the but will lake pleasure In answering flay, when tlie horse rns sway with you privately. If you Bend a stamped him, 'and he's Inld up In the hospital. present. envelope and repeat The prosecution has summoned no and Griggs Well, it might have been - worse; tbe widow might have run new witnesses and no additional evi- your question. Plioephate of soda taken, for Indence to prosecute the inquiry further gwsy with him. stance, a teaspoonfnl in a glass of hot has not yet been presented. same the water in and the remorning H. W. Bell, who was appointed A Mistake. ceiver for Mrs. Chadwick by the com- Jose at night on going to bed will help a mistake to marry too young," Its to clear skin and your keep your sysmon pleaa court, besides Mr. Reyremarked the wise guy. tem in good order. nolds, waa the only new witness who Well, at any rate. Its n mistake 2 Cream Lanollne, Masssge He before the jury today. appeared that isnt often repented. murmured 4 white ounce; ounces; spermaceti, hour. room an half for was In the jnry tho 2 2 mug. Philadelphia Record. cocoanut simple ounces; vaseline, oil, He showed the papers In his possession and explained then- -. Mr. Rey- ounors; sweet almond oil, 2 ounces; trael. dram. nolds gave testimony concerning them, tincture of benxoln. walled tlie young womBut, peps, tofive Melt first the ingredients the $5,900,000 note In particular. Hla beat until the maw concretes, an, you can have no Idea how he loves evidence, while it did not differ ma- gether, the benaoln, me. lie la willing to die for me this adding drop by drop, durterially from that he has already given ing thla process. minute. very a at previous times, was of strengviolet or any perfume may Extract of Well, mid the old man, scratching thening character. he added if agrerable. bis bend thoughtfully. I don't know Attorney Sullivan tonight received TO REDUCE TOO MUCH FAT. that I have any objection to that. I that he word from Andrew Cargi-giM. S I would not aJvh too frewas afraid he wanted to marry you. was suffering from lumbago and wuuld quent use of In the way you camphor to the able attend not be Investigation suggest. It should not be taken unlew Haw They Interpreted It. which commences tomorrow. Mr. Car- by the advice of a physician, for alWe are Unght not to be anxious for negie, however, will attend the trial though it is a most useful agent in of Mrs. Chsdwick, when it comes off. some circumstances, an overdose would the future, as the future will come In not only be dangerous but an absolute time. We are taught In the sermon on tho NOT READY TO BE INTERVIEWED. poison. e mount not to think of tbe future, reduction of breasts the followFor Paris, Dec. IS. Dr. ChaJwick of ing Is safe and efficient: the evil we do in one day la sufCleveland, Ohio, and his daughter The breasts should be rublted every ficient Answers of London School pent the morning going over the night with the following astringent Children. American newspaper accounts of Mrs. ointment: , Chadwicks. This afttrnoon they went Aa Bmatlaaal Trank. Artetol, 2 grams: white vaseline, 30 chopping on the Boulevards and it was grams; essence of peppermint, 10 Landlady I'll have to request yon ta seen cm their return that they were pay In advance, Mr. Smith. Smith both In a very cheerful mood. The drops. Then cover them with linen cloths, Why, isn't my trunk good for a weeks doctor would say nothing regarding the wet with this lotion: board? landlady-N- o. It looks like an Carnegie notes. Asked a question reAlum, 2 grams; acetate of lead, 30 old fasliionod emotional trunk. Smith lative to the statement that hla wife grams; distilled water, 400 grams. Emotiouul? Landlady Yea; one tbat be a relative of claimed , to Cover the wet cloths with oilnl silk Chadwick laaaa'i.v uc'rt'iZ. replied: Carnegie, Dr. He Not to my knowledge. again refused to make an explicit statement but said he probably would do eo when he had thoroughly digested all the phases of the case, which he was learning from Incoming American papers. ex-rit- 1- -2 2-- BOTTLED HEALTH Nature delicious sparkling Nadar, K crealm that exalted feeling of perfect health by cleansing the system of all impurities. 1- -2 1 vatep At First class Bara, Cafes, Clubsand Drug 8 torso. FRED. J. KIESELr Ol CO., - nutothutHra PROM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL THE UNDERHILL Will This Help You? MRS CHADWICK OVERALL A GROSSLY WRONGED WOMAN. Pittsburg, Dec. 13. Rev. A. II. Jolly, who united Mrs. Chadwick In marriage with his cousin. Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick, in an interview admitted that be was In possession of several important secrets in connection with tho famous case but could not talk for publication. Ha made a plea for fair play for Mrs. Chadwick and said she was a grossdy wronged woman. Questioned as to the truth of the rumor that Mrs. Chadwick had succeeded In negotiating a loan for $800,-00- 0 In Pittsburg, he declined to confirm or deny the report. Continuing, he said: "It is claimed the paper held by Mrs. Chadwick la forged. Do you know that It was forged paper? No one else does. It remains for the court to prove AT DOLLS! DOLL8I DOLLS! DOLLS! It is never any trouble to think what little girls want Santa Claus to bring them. His headquarters will be at tbe Methodist Baxaar the 16th, 16th and 17th ef thla month. There will be a large assortment of neatly dressed precious dollies and those coming first will have their choice of ths seleo-tloa- . - . i UN,0N MADE MADE REESE that. At this Juncture Jolly was Interrupted. lfDo you mean to convey the meaning that tbe securities are not worth less; that the signatures on the notes are genuine? T have not said so, quickly replied Mr. Jolly. Watch developments In this case. It Is a peculiar affair. I know of several inte rearing point In the case and I could answer the majority of your questions but I will not do it I must remain silent UNION S HOWELL M was The Brownie Cameras have not only proven themselves to ba wonderfully reliable and accurate little instruments, but have demonstrated that photography as simplified by the Cartridge system is readily within the grasp of ths school boy and tha school girl. BROWNIE NO. 2 BROWNIE NO. 1 $1.00 $2.00 ALBERT F. WINES L RICHEY, UNDERTAKER 'Phone 150. 2372 Washington Ave. LIQUORS) a M. LMdMi H. mim 1 uie 2425 Washington .lElW-- 228X1 PatUMiJ Avenua. |