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Show Q Ki .frr Part Two e i TK VOL. I. NO. 349 of ia CITY. UTAH. WEDNESDAY MORNING. OGDEN te PRICE FIVE CENTS DECEMBER 14, 1904. fwt- - tte hit I ion. h- - tea "t POR WEBER COUNTY, UTAH, FOR THE YEAR Mt Punuant t, Section 2620 of tha Reviled Statutes of Utah, 1898, and thw authority vested in me by said section, I, the undersigned, Alma P. Chambers, Treasurer of Weber County, hereby give public notice that the following named persona are delinquent payment .. 1.!!. School. Special School, Special Sheep Tax, City and City School taxes tor the year liHU. to the amouuia aet opposite their respective names, on the property Indicated; reference being hereby made to the assess- In now of lawful my roll! msnt county, custody, for the itemised amounts, which go to make up the whole amount of delinquent taxes hereinafter set fnrih, and the same Js hereby made a part of this notice. Unices said amounts, together with the costn accrued, are noouer paid by the ."uent-tuxpayeral shall sell sufficient of such delinquent real estate on which said lax ia a lien, to pa the taxes and costs, at public auction to the highest responsible bidder, for cash, in the manner prescribed by law. Said sale will begin on Uie third Monday of December (the 19th) at 18 o'clock m., at the front door of the County Court House, Ogdon, Utah, and will continue from day tu day until the property of raid delinquents ia exhatiaied, or the taxes and costa paid. aALMA D. CHAMBEfUl, 1 111 kill IsiUiA Treasurer of Weber Utah. County, , 1904. Ogden City, Utah, December-6th(a Piter cmt , ia M rtt nos. 5- - apor- - Ytaj vap ored PLAT A. nu Lot OGDEN C1TT 8URYET. ninit apor Km Malone, i (M ft of w IB ft of ji L Ames Woods, a 41 ft of n 53 ft of the II ?? ty of rnknowti, 44xlW VbIdiiwUi ioni nin ority, 10RS. I hi he I DPT to . 11 ....... 67 ft nf..... ft of a Edsinl W. Pearce, e a ft of w 111 ft of 117.6 ft of y. Corey, e pi Klnlra C. Baker, 93x10 ft and 0.6xff ft In n 59 ft of a 141 ft C. Ballanlyne, juntas FrlHe K. Kin, at al n 61 ft of a 72 ft of a 66 learre, IVtlllsm ft of 150 1919 1(6 40.63 51.45 1 4&5 - 445 11.40 22.57 22.95 17.56 75.22 111 41.1 3 1 7.S4 2.92 107.14 66.57 40.90 4 I 7 10 7 4 69.19 54.--1 25.70 91.27 39.21 I 42.69 2M.12 69.13 99.11 4 7 4 10 48.87 50.02 41.16 112.25 20.M 1.79 662.06 230. SI 60.26 68,50 49.80 25.19 40.37 19.92 6 IS 10 I 19x65 ft In 31x85 ft In . 25x05 ft In .. 10.5x16 In 40x254 ft and 10x144 rnbuoan, Vnknuwu, Vnknown, Voknuwn, Iaknown, Vaknusm, ft ft l.lx0 60.5x16 ft 43.4x1 ft 4.11 100.51 46.16 1.71 16749 24 24 rri I f na It a ft a ft ft ft ft of 10 22 i?a Anderson est., a ,l B.mllh ft of '- ft 31 of w "" - I ft of ft hi 0. Kay. 15.Uxi0.t6 ft and 40x30.59 BM 6. Orth, a 49.5 ft of- - lot and n h of BW I. Orth, 40x125 ft In a 50 ft of w 282 ft of n lanry -- ... ' ij14t W. Hamer, 4516 ft In Cbaa. E. 23.75x111 ft In Farley. Jw Anderson, n4020.75 ft of of n B ft of w ft IB feet of raw A. Mattson, w 41.1 ft of a 8 of lot ' "d " 10 ft of w 41.1 ft of a 2 of.... iv, U. Williams, 41.2 ftxl42 ft in fcnantha J. and Xolma L. Farrell, a 15.5 ! of lot 6 and w 14 of ,, Pb- - Co., a It ft of w 106 ft of 111 feet of I ea Indejiendent Telephone Co., a S ft fw ft of s 118 ft of ""erl ft of quiR watt In ft 171 110 10 10 21.2x122 In B. Horrocks, und. 14 InL in ft of w 105.6 of a 121 of. I Stanley Dee, n 09.6 of Harr E. Holbrook, o 16 of w 65 a T1U 9 ft In.. hi Claude " 9 6 In UUaiwn, tikaown, J. H. Watkins, r Bft .12 4 b Courtney, 41.3x15 ft 20x51 ft in . 4 ft of II I 78 II 16 U ns Bli K n. a teiar in'::::::::::: 188 ft of 46.6 ft o M of.: 11 o- f- nSf0!:. H. Stratford, w of 60.1 teS.ft . Ifcl ft f w us ft ft of 87jft of 88 t., a "it U?"xm-ftV1-,o. l- of w of.:::.::::: 1491 19.71 74.17 17.76 4.91 40 14.14 Of w l-- n Of i ' hops j w?fpersonaln' Snil5Sl. " " -- W i Sa H i-- 466 V.?1 P F,rr Of, 1841 7 10 4 6 9 9 rt . n 76 ft of ,n ft of fl U1 O ft of a 131 ft a 31 481 Uq nnley, ft of n 66 ft 286 27.26 169 31.34 17 21 46 of Jr" Cft A 10 1.25 6 10.62 27.16 I 1770 7 10 4 1 8 w ft ft of ft of.... of a 4 644 171.16 2 7 7 11.56 31.U9 1.32 111 21 6 67.72 491 128 15.47 6.21 1.23 9 JETFSJS ft . U.CI 0 10 . 8.10 19 94 1 904 4 o 19 77 9.90 .09 110 27J6 18 8.16 fftwSi. .40 04 192 41.29 149 33 1.90 21.59 44.8 16.97 8.8 13.97 10 24 72.8 8.26 2U.0S 25.27 16.47 6.6 la.66 27 1.11 St.lfi 8.(6 47.01 14.94 12.42 2.11 17.52 2.04 1.01 T- - ft ft Of W of M ' of ft of.J 49.6 1' 82.5x119 ft of a ft 164 . M.4X303 150 Bopb'V.I;y ?,rv,n5 n. ft of w 50 ft "hi ft of. of w 525 in Tias'ftVia'ft KrnwrV s ft of ..... . ft of n ft Hr.. Inv. Co.. 99x123 and Ux99 ft and 12x190 ft In ft! f w Ml ft of... inix250 ft In l ft ln V (3.5x1045 ft In a 99 ft of w 307.89 ft of ft of E!ilS and 475x5! ft In n 16 ft of a 86 ft 151 wn. 4.99 47.41 ,A trnSA wnil-- m of- n Dl ' u"0- - a a of .y MdVx6i''d ifttl80 jaWi'Vii ft "ft In ftl8 and 544x215.6 ft In 44 Fran1cr.,M."-FrmruXM.'SBf'1" 15.40 a ftofloti 4.59 12.35 1.76 29.56 6!.2 ft Bnrie! MthifialW ftxcanaVYn!. w ft nf n 191 ft of and a 60 ft of n 1SS flhA 'RwV Emjy ft ioxSSSJ jin. 5reri!nSc.BB 2 a 28 OF OGDEN CITY SURVEY. 199x121 ft In rt rinae. 99xlx3ftand and canal In.. 138.96x150 ii.GK ahoneld. ft In Er,ul?.-8IfBrnw- H 97 67 ' .60 6 8 1 12.09 27.69 8 I I 191 164 2.32 127 7 1 I 25.12 A1 62.00 64 11.62 JO 109 62 111 14 14 14.8 14 8.26 41.48 10 172 II 1 24 20 44.0! 7.39 8 121 20 w of'.'iM'ft if int' iti 'Wrtei ft aL. w U ft Oaxaca... rt a 182 ' 4.71 . WILLIAM 127 Township 6 North, Range 1 West, B.L.M Elisabeth Wlittle, In nw William rearce. beg 644.4 ft a from nw cor or ne a 679.1 ft, a 244 fl, n US fl. e t ft, n ft, w 211 ft to beg .... North, Ranga 1 West, S.L.M. Township . din moil aa . 441 IO ADDITION OGDEN CITY. 39.21 2.36 2 65 l.N MOFK1TTS 625 1.79 15.94 39.19 227.68 71 TO Kenjamin K. Garr.'w 121 ft of 528X226 94 MILL CREEK ADD. TO OGDEN CITV S. II. Mkihaner, ot al .. ... ... ,,,,, 24 11 2.79 21 HIM) II Ml ESTATE McGARY e Lit 14.0 SUBDIVISION Id of Clock C. Plat, C. O.C.S George K. Lahmer, trualea MONTEREI ADD. TO OGDEN CITY. Otto Johnson Of the West C. Jwlia 1511 21 , Juaepli Richards .. Carolina E. Lepper , MOUNTAIN VIKW ADDITION OGDEN CITT. Florence I,. Vaorlilea wnitam b. ... TO b 1.19 .83 4 A. A. Anderson, beg on n line of 2nd St. line see In Ogden City 122 ft w from 16. nly 136 ft. wly 1527 ft, to n lino of 2nd St. a 1841 ft to beg. In ne . Int In ne Joseph llarrop, und 14 cor Mary H. Jensen, beg 991 ft641a froma nu 322 ft. 432 w a ft. of nw ft. w 749 ft, n 222 ft, w 611 ft, u 427 ft, a ... William Broughton 6.8 Lot BlTasea LUND'S LYNN ADDITION TO OGDEN CITY M. C. Marvin 171 8eAcraa Taxes bred Shaffer 44.76 KELSON PARK ADD. TO UGDEN CITY A Q Hnuiot Jkk..,, Heed Mary Alice Cannon 27.71 1 David Jensen, beg Vl JO f t V and 1977 ft'e a 149 ft, a 276 from nw cor of nw ft n 251 ft, w 276 ft, to teg C. Aadneson. part of aw William E. Johnson, beg 716 ft w and UO ft a 60 fl, w 148 ft. a from na cor of na n 69 ft, a 140 ft 125., fl a from 716 w and ft Mole, bag Henry a 286 ft w 264 ft, in na cur ot na Harrisrllle road, n'wly along road 219 17 ft, a to beg Benjamin Smalley, beg KI ft w36and ISA a ft a, from tie rnr of ne ft, a LA w 150 ft. to beg ft, n 25 ft. 53slM na in 26x46 fl and Peter Jansen. Benjamin Smalley, beg 1841 ft a and 456 10 ft, w I 4, ne enr of ft w. from na n 161 ft, e 64 ft, a 152 ft to beg 331.9 a ft from JuncWilliam Nordloch, teg tion of a line of 3rd Ht. and w line nf Wash. Ava., n 39 ft, w M0 ft. s'ely to beg In ne F. E. Johnson, beg at Junction of n Una of 3rd St., and w line of Wash. Ava. n SO ft. w 132 ft, a 0 ft. a IS ft to beg. In na Charles A. Johnaon, beg 60 ft n from June tlon of n line of lrd St. end w lino nf Wash. Ava., n 60 ft, w 123 ft, a 60 ft, a 132 ft to beg In no J. A. Willey, n 743 ft of a 1196 ft, of 140 ft of nw 2N.I Joseph E. Taylor, beg 145! ft wn and 231 ft, o fi n from as cor of ae 131 ft, w 180 ft tn beg 310 ft. R. W llaon. beg on n line of b Si., 221 ft w from w lino of Wash. Ava., w 82 ft n 4 146 ft, a 12 ft, a 166 ft to beg, hi ae aa cor ofj J. A. Willey, beg 488 ft22 n front w 94.4 ft. n ft. w 11.4 cha. n ne 86 cha. a 2 cha, n 6 clis, a 172 chs. 18 a to hcgtiinlng Junu-o- f Waller Jncksou, eg 82.8 ft w from 7th St. and e line f tlou of a lino sec 19, a 1.67 eha, a to U. and N., K. of , W., n'wly alone ad 1L of W., 114 aha, 11 ,88 cha to beg Bernard Nelson, teg 23 ft n and 82.1 ft w n 49.6 ft a 204 tt from na ror of se a 49.6 ft w 304 ft to beg, see 19 and.;.. see 20. Carl J. Nelson, 116x1X1 ft In sw see 19, no 4 sec St and part of se 6 acre Plat A. Elite bpenrer, beg 947.6 ft w, and 690 ft a 0 M ft o 261 fl. from na cor of ne n 146 ft w 164 ft. 1o teg Merlin J. fetona, 272x16 ft In no Ann Mnyee, beg 640 ft n and 109 Margaret w 199 ft, n 162 of na ft w from aa cor 199 a ft. ft, a 162 ft to bag Pauline Stone, beg on a line of Wash. Ava. 04 ft, 261 ft a, from a line of Uth St., a 166 ft. n 04 ft, w IS ft to teg I2U.C ft w. from se enr A. W. Putnam, beg ot ne M, n 460 ft. w ll ft, a 456.1 ft. ..... ... a 110 ft to hag beg 220 6 ft w from aa RudolphorVan Dyke, 466.0 n ne cor ft w Tl ft, a Iff. 110 ft, a 68 ft ft, a 10 fl, a William Farrell, beg 249 ft n from aa cor w 278.8 ft, a 79 (leg w 146 ft, of aw a tn river, a'ely along rivar to a sac line. n'ely 576 ft to bag ft In aw N. M. Nelson, 49.6x99 and John G. Price, bag 161 fl e and 66 ft n from 122 w n 68 ft aw cor of sw ft a 64 fl 4 149 X. 4J6 l.KH 1 ,,, ,,, w Jahn H. Meinhardt Hidnay 1). Evans and Uordon John H. Meinhardt J. , John II. Metnliardt John 4. Meinhardt ... John It. Meinhardt Richard J. Holies NOB HILL ADD. TO OGDEN CITY M. IJilitenflald J. E. Moras ... Bucher, a 15 ft of lot I and all.. Ij, J- - II. Mina Hareumbo ..t Ml Oaa A. II. I'rwkcr a a aas aa aa a an aaa George Script .. a so William 11. Page aa a J. N. Morse, trualea a aaa aaa a George g. Coray ... ia aaa aa aaa C. 3 1.16 666 6.6 14.64 a a 69.99 Slevvna Margaret lnla J. Whitman Mstsri M. Jones Emma It. Wheeler 11.41 22.66 NOB HILL 'ANNEX VO OGDEN CITY Edwin D. Way o. K. Bacon Truman B. Hlcka Columbia Bldg, and Loan Aaan... 201 17.06 1 4 NOB HIUj ADD. R. T. Wellalagcr, K. T. Wellalttgnr, it. T. WellslHger, H. T. Wellalsgor, It. T. WellstHger, 1L T. WellslHger, OUHEKVATOIIY 1 1--4 1.74 t.75 2.(5 10.47 No. OTTO .. aaa aaa as aa aaa ... aa ,., .. .. .. PLACE Herbert Grlgga Toni MlKlIoti ... 1.03 TO OUDEN CITY S trustee trustee trustee trualea truMlua I r us lea ADDITION. ass aa 4 9 aa aa a BERGER'S ADDITION. L. B. Mllliken 17.49 12.25 ORCHAnU GKGVE ADDITION. 11 Ann Janklna Washington Janklna J. 8. G. Laiigadnrf 44 12.16 on n line of Canyon larson,ieg road 857 ft w from a line sac a, n 4uh ft, w 382 ft. a 464 ft, n 83 deg a. 490 ft to beginning Annie L. Huiugeneae, beg 669 ft w and 1!3 a 69.9 ft, w a from ne cor of nw aft4.6 ft, n 59 ft, a 214.6 ft David T. Taylor, teg 660 ft e from nw cor of nw 1.4, a 291.6 ft e 151 ft, a 16 ft, a 116 ft, n 114 ft, w 268.5 fte and 727 ft s Selina A. Nelson, beg Hu ft 350 14, n from nw cor of nw 14, s ft, n 250 ft. w CI4 ft to beg n on line 12th V. of St. Murphy, beg Nancy 774 ft a from w line sec XI, n 183 ft, w 116 ft, p 278 ft, a I5U ft, b 561 ft, w to beg E. J. Drleinatar, 09x132 ft In nw 14 n line of Uth Martha Cava, et al.,,beg on sec 31, a 132 ft. gl. 1141 ft e. from w (inn n 287 ft. w & ft, s 297 ft to beg, tn nw L. Munson 16i.75x203.Su ft In nw 14 N. lAtsvltl. part oi nw L. V. Griffith bag at Junction of Una of nec Harrison Ava., and a line of nw 60 ft. W 661 ft, n 690 ft to 27. e HI ft, beginning na cor Ole J. Larson, bag 211.5 ft s from 49.6 ft, e 132 ft. n 4.5i sec 20. w 122 ft, ' ft to beg Ann Roblnn. beg 291.44 ft w from ne cor nfi ae 14, w 3M.16 ft, a 2IK ft. a 236 ft. a P a of teg. n to beg ft. a 72 deg w to pt Fletcher R. Pearson, 145.5x158 ft In ae 14 Nathan Tanner.25x111.62 Jr., part Inof aaae 14.. ft G. W. Culver. 14.... Ira M. Cobe, 4B.6xJX! ft In aa Minnie Nelson, bag at Intersection of a line, nf A. Ava., and a line of 25tli St., a 146 n 296 ft In sa 14.. ft, a 298 fL w Iff ft, Vandar Vllea, w 762 ft. of a 92! ft. M. I. of nw 4 of na 14 Hans ... FARK PLACE, of I xil a 4 snd I and Soulh 7, and All uf ft of lail 3. Ulm-Block 9. Pint C, O. C. 8. A Subdivision 146.H 4 1- SOUTH OGDEN SURVEY 20.11 la. 24 16 ft of 147 3.76 1- I 46 ' Allen? AdSr. n 7M B 61.27 i 7.14 a : ft ,48i" 6.34 SECTION LANDS IN OGDEN CITY 4 1 I Martha Ilactor.. .. 29 51 12 12 24 46 Taxes B1 16.4V 2 686 110 2 Lot I 16.26 1.64 2.56 14.6 V 42.81 1 210 4 71 'ini: ChS! W7xf' ind'lL2rtOI.'ft ,n James 88 w D2 " 236 Aetna R. M. 15.40 Florenca 44S Harriet O. Bhaw, .''V"' 1 (t of Fll. 14.41 16.63 24.07 62.22 127.l 21.22 0.7 676 71 6 w J" in 8x188 40x1Gb 136 Frel ArnoM. w 11.87 YounL Ernmr 454 of f 74 Wrr?11' W. n 15 M. L 57.83 14.67 ft of a W of " si ft of o i40ft of :::::: U ft ofl ! " 10 ft of n 40 ft of a 162 ft of 4, 01 w ft 0 W r0V1 (m4.h K 11 OGDEN CITT SURVEY w?l-s5f!'rri- 10' Jorgenaen, 49x166 ft In.... Hami and Alla 12x49.6 ft In well. 2: J- - Kiri 78x84.6 and 46x8 J- - Humphrlea, : Chas. Lewia. lf.ixlil'Vand 18x8 ft 'hi w 96 ft of a 446 ft of . 22.44 PLAT B. lm. Arthur Bsllcy. uunr b Irwin. ,0Sg 4 II 10 II ii'ft'of &h I on Va '"i-- - ; of 128 of w iiw'ft of 67.69 of a'ii'ft of w ft mmphria.' 63.28 of Water SUlm. 206.6x49 26.72 ' ' ' ' 431 of a E Clive. 14 f tofof "a 20 ......... 14.67 ft 36.61 a 42 ft a of w 6.27 M.AndJson. 8 ft w Kff-- ft of of n 14 of.. 88 ft of w 1164 ft 27.6 OF OGDEN CITT SURVEY. 116.6 ftff WHSrr ft of a 164 ft of.. ftrtarl I??' w It o""" Mt'' M of lot 7 and ft of w 01 I Emily Vouut, w t ft of a IB tl of a 191 10 10, feet of ..... ..... ..... ..... ........... W 10 In Alfred S. Burt. 29x122 ft u. Franc la M. lirnw-n- , e 59.76 ft of a 134.6 fl uf 10 11 H'i Lisile C. Morton, 46x14x81 ft In 12 It1; Barlow B. Wilson, c 33 ft of n SA) fl of.. n ba w S ft of a ft of Anms !.10; 12 239 feet of Mary Jane DufTey. a 49.6 ft of n 379.5 ft of 12 e IMA feet of 14 William J. Tobin. 66x148.6 fl In Ogden Bldg, and Svng. Assn., n 59 ft of 19 lul a 175.6 ft of w 150 ft of Amoa and Chas. Leighton, a 8 ft of 19i 21 w of 10 22(529 Nathan Tanner, Jr., 29.5x148.6 ft tn 14529 Nathan Tanner, Jr., 25x145.6 fttnhi 4 23. W George Lehnert. Jr., 50x148.6 ft XT ft tn Farmer T. Sanford, 1126 Nathan Tanner, Jr., 80x145.6 ft In 28 in 24.6x126 William J. Tanner. ft 32 W. L. Holbrook. 69.5x291 ft In ..... tu sax Mrs. Angle Shilling, 2)4.98x672. fl SiSilU 10 FIVE ACRE PLAT A. Magg?e Sounffin. 619 f ft 88 'if -t ft 122 1 67 67 23 21 9 3 a.Mf?of:. 44"ft"ofa Wm.1H'Crifflth',"n )g feet of 443 1910 ft oferxon 34 12.96 41.10 67.67 66.67 24.13 12.16 a jijJ ft 61.79 ci4fto?f.r fe6.-,- ' ttvh G. Mawnaae.'T ft of 0 l'ft"of 110 W 14 of I ft laftilik Emilarwron,T Chaunw'cS'o. a 679 39 8 tease iShneEARRrtn Vt?A ft,of w 151 1 6 ....... MerMn 22.64 124.11 lu An,ter,, ft a 29.22 697 In ft of a 16.1 ft aaaaassaaaaa .2 " ft of e 122 ft of ft of a ft of gxlli and 6x66 ft in., osl, a Mil ft of n 11 mu 9L2I TUB 1736 ft In w 116.1 ft of a doeaa IX ll5 - --C ' n m'ft'rt'w 110 J 2S.? of'wui'ft Of .Wlof t IBqwt J Uyinj 7 1- ftI''ofAnd'r,k" hlL 4 8 1 Mt-- - 7 2 ft of Thoa Mlulneaa. e".5 ftV n ft iin Jno. Wheelwright, ffal45 and 185 ft of.. C. H. Ellsworth, n 21 ft of w 62.0 Hannah JEckiund. a 26 tf of if 242.27 of lot 7 and w 276 ft of n 122 ft of.. Elisabeth Carr, n 161.5 ft of ..... ..... ..... 101.32 Oscar N. Whitney, assignee, a 60 ft of w 12.54 aaaaa 248 fM( Of In ft of Edna Stratford, n 50J ft of a 44.29 of w 135 ft 2749 T. A. Lewis, all of ft V Ufft-of-Louie C. Thomas. 66 ft of a 17.71 J. Watkins, w 82.5 ... 1146 C. F. Watkins, a o 1ft ofofn w of ft 86 fl ft 5.84 llabar C. Obom, of .1 n 9.81 ... M. A. Mai son, all ot 47 a fl of w 94 ft of.... 413.74 Clara it Boreman. ft of J. C. Black, w 297 o 8 ft of ..... .. .......... 61.61 Julia A. Toler, of 1 1 ot trustee, Plumb, S. Walter 26.82 of John Cimtoa, w 14 eat., of n t Andemm I Porter 4647 Richard Slater, Jr., J9jll8 an 881188 tl oI D. Stone, a 2 of Edgar of 422.64 W W. McDonald, w II wfeat - of 138 JJE D. Slone, a 14 of w fl Van L. M. 199.69 Edgar Dyke, Christina Mra ft of C.4Q Mary Griffin, n 226 ft rf w i w 26 ft of a 140 ft of Mary A. Ganey, 136.19 s 116 ft o f .... all-- of ., William T. Davie, 11 22.1 of a.... 44.22 William T. DivMi of (1 acre) part Hlgglnbotka Mary E tS.SxIM and KxU ft in 24.99 P R " 116.79 Btame,4 SrtB.7lx29ixS18x24i ft iii'ftof 2 ftand 70x112 wZ 18.64 1.21 22.14 15.47 17.8 17.8d 3 ofw" i 10.K2 E. T 60.36 1 OGDEN CITT SURVEY. Or Alex W. Russell, n 52.S ft of 1 1626 of w of John W. Russell, n 77 ft of a 111 ft of w 14 of James Prattle, all of A. A. Weusvr, all of Gertruda Hotd'Unck, n 50 ft of a 150 ft of Wm. M. Gukey, all of Wm. M. Uokey. all of Thurston and Boyle, all of Thurston and Boyle, all of13x99 ft In. Sarah Fowler, 199x297 and Jamea W. Burton, Jr., n 22 ft 144of w 144 ft of. of lot 1 and a 16 ft of w Alice U. Rogers, a 48 ft of n 84 ft of 144 Ft nf ieaae aaa 0000' ease lflfi ft of G. A . Hamel, It ol 1 U ft ol U. A. Barnes, w 22 feat of tnt In..... N. L. Morey, et al uud S. W. Jeffries, w 12 ft of a 299 fl of lot 260 ft of 2 and a 6 ft of Edith Wester, n ISO ft of w 14 of ..... and C. Ellen Maguire, Jule, 140.26 ft of a ft of n 291 ft of..... Eva Campbell, a 12 ft of a 149.26 ft of II 11 I: I I lxrt 'Blj Taxes Taxes 1 5 1 Ca 61-- 143 ltl ,U,d 8Dx44"'ad r;rre11 ' Farrell," "a "B ft'of M ft of w a ft JI',1,,hlln' ,xc. 227.62 2. 07 35.32 C8.H 48.14 16.7 172.24 50.74 97.74 141.M 124.73 PLAT B1 34 M of. 3 ' e 10 6 111 nSST Sn,1Bxi,tta Church' lmps'on!!!! 10 :. I w ut 1 !1w 108 ?P of .p 1 ft fLof u w ft of ft of.. I Md Br.wn S Machine Co., all of 4 S"WI A. Edwards, a 49.6 ft of 6 hi DL 2144 6 2 3 3 6 M a. It 2i 4456 X. hess 9.a 16 R. Stevenson, 4. 5x152.6 ft In yin Pair Collins, et el., 64.6x152.6 ft In 1 n 64 ft of a 122 ft of.... Xirla 1U ft in Kraak IV. Hoes. 76xl 3 .5 In ft ytxnk W. end Daniel P. Ross, tx ' 2 H. D. Wise, all of 7 Elds Belle Bpenrer, e ISO ft of n 100 ft of.. 114 Wa. Buwe, 46x196x27.1 ft In I Kltaa Stevens, et el., w N ft of I 00.7 ft of 6 curie Lewis, a 26 ft of w 116 ft of 6 52 02 w H. 0. Harkneee. ft of e ft of77 H riel ft of 6 J. Kiesel, n 26 ft of jaUue Kleael, n 26 ft of a 102 ft of 10 w a Julius Kleael, a ft of lot ft of 12.6 fast of H. (1 Darkness. e II ft of w 107.6 ft of it. Tanner, Jr., 40x61.6 ft and 60x22 ft In.. Tanner, Jr., lAxllI ft of 0. darkness, a 212.6 ft of Jtbrtine Stephens, a 84.76 ft of w 66.6 ft 2 of a lit ft of Jntn Coutoa. undiv. InL 12x1X2 ft of i mi nee ft 48x150 ainh and Anna Msgulre, the n W ft of, mish A Tranter, all of Johnson, n 84.7 ft of e 1U ft of.... johnV Ledwidga, w ll.S ft of e 115.5 ft of 1IU ft of Catharine Culver, e 321 ft of Grom w. Culver, e K ft of w 1(6.6 ft of.. ... Albeit Johnaon. a S ft of Reeve and David J. Revor. the i .75ft ftof oi a 131 ft and n 132 ft of hi 71 ft of w IB ft of Fen Tames, a K ft of n 7x21 ft of. A C. Uunter. fix IB ft and V Prrri-terl- it nd BU ft InIn dilB ft , I'aluK-wn- thing U ft. n It ft 1ft mn their teb'ii 0 Taxes !B1 w m ft Alexander J. Avey, n O ft of a MS ft of.. w 44 ft of a MS ft and jiniK-Wrigh- t, 74 fi of n IB ft of In K S1 S W W. Boyl ft In Byle, 3t.3xl4k.5 r7Sxl4S.i ft in A. Lindquist, trustee, ii.rk Hall. be, at nw cur of lut 5, a 329 t ft. w IB ft. n MS ft. e ft. n76 ft, Tew ana- - CITY. John G. and Martha T. Lawson, rxdt ft In Joweph ( arateuwn, a 71 ft of a M.6 ft of J. Dryedale, n 21 ft of . 82.5 ft of t . L. Notxhbor. a 62.5 ft of gfftha EH Burdette Grant, w 1 of a Hvtei E. Burton, a 66 ft of w 2X1 ft of.... J L-- Buwhmun, w 6 ft uf o 97 ft of AV. - Jbarneo. a 6 ft of Mina R. lianumhe, a 464 ft of w 2 of.. 19 m. Glaamann, a ft of w 134 fl of.. John Wheelwright, 15 n 10 ft of a 145 ft of Mary F. Carter, n 41.2 ft of a 62.4 ft of.. Margaret A. Greenwell, 2x176 ft in W. R. Wheelwright, part of Mnhala Horrurke. 36.5x144.66 ft In James 14. llyers. n 22 ft of e 2 of Harry and Archie K. Woods, a 62.5 ft of n 14 of Mary Jane Van Patton, a 454 ft of n 824 feat of Mary Jana Van Patten, n 111 ft of a 67.1 feel of Wm. Glaamann. 66x196 and 5x115.6 ft in.. Pori er L. Anderson eat., w 41.15 ft of a 90.i ft of .... ..... ..... .., James P. Jenkins, 49.6x61 ft in a,..,,..., Isaac Bumhope, personal on Claude P. I'tter, a 49.6 ft uf a 9474 ft of Roaie Callaghan, w of n 14 of l'eiirl L Mount, 14 of n 14 of John W. Bruce, a 132 ft of C. F. Watkins, e 25.5 ft of w 171 ft of.. 15. K. Biuart. a 38 ft of w 153.5 ft of.... Suren Fetaraon. Jr., w 13 ft of a 61 ft of John and Susanna Seaman, w 1464 ft of a 168 ft of Jane Burt Snaddon, w 297 ft of Jsmea Purdie, 32x55 and 23x196 ft In 6U ft of w 1214 ft of Heed Kinool. 41.26 ft of w 133.75 ft of O. J. Slllwell, Him-hman- Lot noa- - - 904. 1 4.05 ... Lula 4341 22 luff George Hcrijipa PROSPECT HEIGHTS ADDITION 10.64 18 Marion llauka ... ,, ... ... ... ... .... 4950 ltKEVE'S ADDITION TO OGDEN CITY Michael Farreni, a 16 ft of lot 20 and 37 n 26 ft of ... ... ... ... ... 31 ft uf 21 Reuben O. Johnaon, R1VEK8IE ADD. TO OGDEN CITY 11.23 11.21 7.17 H Mary S. Lanicreaux of.. William A. Reave, a ff-- fl of n William A. Reeve, a 2 of lot 9 and w B ft of a uf ... ..... ... ANNEX ADDITION. 3 2 22 38 10.29 X 29 A. Miller George E. and David Maulo William Foskat C. Caroline Iateraon H. H. Spencer li. il. Siiancar 11 1.18 10.42 4. 29.42 4. .29 161 RIVER ... .9 9.32 1.99 1.3 60 49 147 11.11 39 i .53 t-- PLATTED ADDITIONS. 1.52 1.71 6 24.01 1.78 10 16.67 ltoi 11.63 06 2.82 0 7 ... . 2 lto6 Kelile Howard . George M. Collier and John R. Cleveland JI. Gurriiiga Joseph XING'S ADDITION TO OGDEN CITY ... C. J. Greena Jamas J. and Gertruda A. Varney ... ... ... ... . ... Jumea smcy KISSOCK'S Part of Of Block fllnS 17to24 HOT 481 1.73 :.i I llo5 15 16 21 113 Dat 23.77 18.26 .Tl (- iJ Manhattan Trust... Henry Garner Manhattan Trust Company LAWNDALE Charles Seaman Abide 11. Gamagr ... Augustine II. Gamage Helen Hmllcy Vivian Walter F. Bellalra .. 2uto37 8539 4941 . Ui.M 1 66 .89 .97 .! 16.B2 (.96 29.62 1.13 Of Lot 121 o q 11 g 171014 . OGDEN HEIGHTS .42 .42 .66 1.27 2.27 lol ltixS . 11032 and il, Plat C. o. C. ... ... 1 ,,, William osket 19 ' i 12 XIJ 1.06 8. of 10, S. O. S. L0 X4 1.62 .64 U2 L 14 10 17 15 15.27 19 19 1.99 Itn41 44.01 1.26 43 44 44 1516 2142 4144 un 4141 4244 4540 0742 21 234534 164 A3 21.95 1.6 270 19 260 1.32 223 120 .70 2LUS O. C. S. 20 1114 0 so aa aa a aaa aaa aaa aa aa aaa aaa 22 20 66 24.27 1.1 1.04 l.nt u I ..... Alexander N. Stephens lt4 7 Elisabeth J. Stephens (toH Joseph F. Burton, Marine Loan and Trust New England 1516 a 9 ftCompany.. of lot 21 Etiiabeth J. Stephens, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .1 21 and all A. E. Snow 19 of Jamas Nelifon lot...16 sad a ... ... ... ... ,,, 7844 Della C. W right .. ... ,. 2629 llairw Beteesan ... .. ... 3 11AN 1(1 .17 lOtuXI I 8. C. and W J. Stephens ... ... ... ADDITION. SOUTH YAH .29 .29 a StoM .6 SOUTH OGDEN PLAT A. ADDITION. Johanna C. Anderson .. 17to2! nog 26tot2 Ssllna W. E. Ekman ...... 4aia 4K919 Mary K. Buschman Alice Willoughby 1H LTNCK AND GRIFFIN'S FIRST ADD. Block Jamas G. Katie Dally Jamea E. Ktnny. o. j. Slllwell Robert r. Lindsay .51 I7toJ2 oaa woe 27, Matesr ... ... ... ADDITION. . 1214 lto9 4 Suren P. Christenson H. lteFrcea N. K. Oherg lot 42 and a 10 ft of, C. H. DcFroes, a IV ft of w 16 Daniel H. Adams ... Kllu F. Conains ... ... ... ... 1 tennis J. Donovan ,, ..... ... ... Fred Howard .... ... ... ... ... . Loan Corp Fish Moitgage William Flick Sins M. Si sale .. ... ... ... ..... .. .. .... Hilda Ross... ... .. Knoll and Thompson, w 6 ft of A. A. Steed. Jr., w a ft of lot 23 and nil F. T. SANFORD'S SUBDIVISION C, O. C. 8. 32 ADDITION l.iu'lla McDowc.ll .... Kei win William Biel Catherine E. Biel ... Annie L. Mtlbum BL'EHTON ADDITION SUBDIVISION 24, (toll 1 John ' 6.7 Wm. T. Dalllmora all lot 4 and n L2 of LAKEVIKW ADD. TO OGDEN CITY ! Charles I. Lawton 19A30 S 14 Clara C. Mo reman, all lot 13 and n 2 of 1. on al P. - Bralnard. parson 9lo ltoft Harry K. Durland 1IAI2 Manhattan Trust ...Company K. Way Dwight 28A Manhattan Trust Company Harriet Ureenwell 4142 7to29 William Heckman 221 off Charles F. Mandi-rsoCo To Blocks R1VERVIEW 19 01 7B PARK ADDITION. ... A. Brown II. A. Brown Henry A. Rrown ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. .. .. Marttn J. Rutlailgo Henry A. Brown Finnell... John Conway gild Werden O. Henry A. Broam .. ... ... .. .... ... .. 1LIFF COLLEGE HILL ADDITION To! OGDEN CITX, 9.14 IXtoJS If. 14.94 2.66 0.52 PARK ADDITION. RIVERSIDE 100 .25 M jVKItBlDE irtWrirk 44 4. 27.21 72 ili! 6M . 1.9 L30 .90 1 114 1.8 6k 11 |