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Show THE he held out his hand. I laid mine In It we stood hand in hand, comrades at last. Spanish Doubloons Without more words he turned away and strode over to the council of three. The group dissolved and moved rap-Idl-y toward ns. Miss Browne, exultant, beaming, was tn the van. She set her substantial feet down like a charger pawing the earth. You might almost have said that Violet pranced. Aunt Jane was round-eyeand twittering. Mr. Tubbs wore a look of suppressed astonishment, almost of "What's his game?" perturbation. was the question In the sophisticated eye of Mr. Tubbs. But the Scotchman had, when he chose, a perfect poker face. The great game of bluff would have suited him to a nicety. Miss Browne advanced on Cuthbert Vane and seized both his hands In an ardent clasp. "Mr. Vane," she said with solemnity, "I thank you In the name of this ex- peuition I thank you for the Influence you have exerted upon your friends." And this seemed to be to the noble youth the most stunning of all the shocks of that eventful morning. Now came the matter of drawing up the new agreement. It was a canny Scot Indeed, who, acting on the hint I had Just given him, finally settled Its terms. In the first place, the previous agreement was declared null and void. In the second, Mr. Tubbs was to have his fourth only If the treasure were discovered through his direct agency. And it was under this condition and no other thnt Dugald Shaw hound himself to relinquish his original claim. Virginia Harding signed a new renunciatory clnuse, but it bore only on treasure discovered by Mr. Tubbs. Indeed, the entire contract was of force only If Mr. Tubbs fulfilled his part of It, nnd fell to pieces If he did not. Which was exactly what 1 wanted. No difficulty was made of the absence of Captain Magnus, as his interests were unaffected by the change. Smce was left for his signature. Mine came last of all,' as thai of a mere Interloper and hanger-on- . My demonstrations of Joy at this nappy issue of my hopes had to be confined to a smile In which for a startled instant Violet had seemed to sense the triumph. It was still on my mi us nun u general movement we rose from the table about which we bad been grouped during the absorb Ing business of drawing up the con tract. Cookie had been clamoring for us to leave, that he might spread the table for lunch. I had opened my mouth to call him, "All right. Cookie!" when a shrill volley of barks from Crusoe shattered the stillness of the drowsy nlr. In the same Instant the voice of Cookie, raised to a sharp note of alarm, rang thruuuh the camn: "My Gawd, what all dls yere mean?" I turned, to look Into the muzzle of d By CAMILLA KENYON Copyright, Th 17 Mr. Sliaw Company U (CHAPTER XIV Continued.) now spoke for the first time. "Miss Browne, I do not recognize the Justice of your standpoint In this mutter. I hnvedone nnd am still prepared to do my best In the business of the treasure. If Mr. Tuhbs will not give his information except for a bribe, I say let hira keep It. I shall continue the search for the treasure on the same lines as at present." "One moment," said Miss Browne haughtily. She had never spoken otherwise than haughdly to Mr. Shaw since the episode of the Wise Woman of Dumbledykes. "One moment, Jane and you, Mr. Tuhbs " She drew thein aside,, and they moved off out of earshot, where they Blood with their backs to us nnd their heads together. It was my opportunity. Violet herself had proposed that the original which agreement the agreement bound me to ask for no share of the tivnsure should be canceled. Nothing now was necessary to the ripening of my hopes but to Induce Dugald Shaw to Immolate himself. Would he !o so on my bare word? There was no time to explain anything he must trust me. I sprang up nnd dashed over to the pair who stood looking gloomily out to sea. "Mr. Shaw," I whispered quickly, "you must do ns Miss Browne wishes." In my earnestness I laid a hand upon his arm. He regarded me bewllderedly. "Von must you must !" I urged. "You'll spoil everything If you re- fuse!" The surprise In his face yielded to a look composed of many elements, but which was mainly hard and bitter. "And still I slrnll refuse," he said sardonically. , "Oh, no, no," I Implored, "you don't understand ! I oh, If you would only believe that I am your frleudl" His face changed subtly. It was still f lestlonlng and guarded, but with a softening In It, too. "Why don't you believe It?" I whispered unsteadily. "Do you forget that I owe you my life?" And at the recollection of that day e In the the scurlet burned In my cheeks nnd my head drooped. But I saw how the lines about his mouth relaxed. "Surely you must know that I would repay you If I could!" I hurraed on. "And not by treachery. He laughed suddenly. "Treachery? Io! I think you would always be an rifle. CHAPTER XV. sea-cav- fpen foe. "Indeed I would!" I answered with a flash of wrath. Then, as I remembered the need of haste, I spoke In an well-traine- d Must Do Miss Brown Wishes." Intense quick whisper. "Listen I cun't explain, there Isn't time. 1 can only ask you to trust me to agree to what Miss Browne wishes. Everything you don't dream how much on It I For I felt that 1 would let the treasure II hidden In the I'liind Queen forever rather than that Mr. Tubbs should, under the original contract, claim a share of It. The doubt had quite left his face. "I do trt. you, little Virginia," lie aid gently. "Yea, I trust In your But honesty, heaven knows, child. penult tne to question your wisdom In des'ring to enrich our friend Tubbs." "F.nrlch him enrich him ! The best 1 wish him Is unlimited gruel In on almshouse somewhere. No! What I want Is to get that wretched paper of M's Browne's nullified. Afterward we can divide things up as we like" Bewilderment, shot with s glenm of understanding, seemed to Iritnsflx htm. We stood a long moment, our eyes challenging each other, exchanging their countersign of fftltl' 'endfastness. Then slowly s S, NEPHI. UTAH and briskly boxed the captain's eara. Furiously he caught my wrist. "Ah, little devil, you'll pay you for this! I ain't pretty, oh, nol I ain't a handsome mooncalf like the I ain't got a title, nor girly pink cheeks, nor fine gentlemanly ways. IV o walk wun tee likes o me, in the woods oh, not no tatey-tate- s Well, It's goln' to be another story now, girlie. I guess you can learn to like my looks, with a little help from my fist now and then. Jest as well as I guess It you done the Honorable's. won't be long before I have you crawlin' on your knees to me tor a word o' kindness. I guess ' "Aw, stow that soft stuff, Magnus, advised Blinker, "iou can do your spoonln' with the gal later on. We're here to git that gold, and don't you forget It. Plenty of time afterward to spark the wlmmen." "That's the talk." chimed In Black- beard. "Don't run us on a lee shore for the sake of a shirt Skirts Is thlcker'n herring In every port, ain't they?" "I got a score to settle with this one," growled Magnus sullenly, but his grasp loosened on my arm, and I am. "Well, boys." he remarked to his followers, who had lowered their weapons and were standing about at ease, "here's the little pippin t was tellln' of. 'Frald we give her a little scare bustln' In so sudden, so she ain't quite so bright and smllln' as ! like to see. It's all right, girlie; you'll soon cheer up when you find out you're goln' to be the little queen o' this enmp. Things will be all your own wny now so long ns you treat fne right." And the abominable creature thrust forth a hairy pnw and deliberately chucked me under the chin. I heard a mar from the log and co- Incidentnlly from Captain Magnus. For with tlwi Instant response of an utomaton consciously I had nothing at all to do with It I had reached ud UTAH NEWS REVIEW d Hon-ornbl- e; - 601 A motorman In Salt Lake saw a passenger about to steal the fare box from his car as it stopped at a railroad crossing. He shouted at the man and pretended to toe drawing a revolver. The man Jumped off aud escaped. . Utah factories produced $300,000 worth of paints, varnish, etc, In 1920. Plans are being formulated for the erection of a county hospital at Cedar City, Utah. SUSPECT LIVESTOCK UNDER ARRES I I IS' ONLY TEMPORARY rSEUPO SECRET SERVICE MAN TRAILED BY SUPPOSED CONFEDERATE AND NABBED "AID GIVEN LIVESTOCK MEN If ONLY POSTPONING EVIL DAY" SAYS JOHN M. MacFARLANE 8tngular Story of Plots and Counter. plots Revealed. Suspect Trailed All Over World and Finally Caught In Russia Speakers at Utah Association Ctu vention See Need of Better Markets to Provide Permanent Relief Approximately 200 children from the Orphans' Home and Day Nursery, Kearns St. Ann's Orphanage and the nrsaw. Plots and counterplots, Salt Lake "Aid given livestock InNeighborhood House enjoyed such a treat as seldom comes tholr wny when reading like a chapter from fiction, terests of the West by the War Fithey had the opportunity of being the were involved In the search for clews nance corporation Is only postponing guests of the Elks at the matinee per- In many parts of Europe by American an evil day. It is a temporary measformance of the Elks' charity show in secret service ure and unless better market can be agents which resulted Snlt Lake. Twenty-fiv- e automobiles In the arrest here had, with better prices, cattSaturday of Wolfe lementogetheras were donated by members of the club well liquidate In favor may alias William Llndenfeld, in LInde, for the transportation of the children of the banker and go to work on stat connection with the Wall bomb street to and from their homes. rouds." Those in brief are thd reexplosion In New York In September, marks of John M. MacFalane promin 1020. Llndenfeld has fully confessed Movement of foods held In cold storent Utah stockman, made in an address the authorities say, naming the ringage plants In Utah has been decidedly leaders in the plot which, he declared, at the session of the third annual conoutward during the month ending Novention of the Utah Cattle and Horse vember 30, according to the monthly was aimed at J. P. Morgan, the Infer Growers' association heJ at the Hotel nal machine exploding prematurely. report published as required by law, Utah Monday. ""v According to Sylvester Cosgrove and from the office of the state board of Aid being furnished by the finance raul who trailed Llndenfeld Altendorf, The notable exceptions agriculture. was heartily commended, have been In fresh and cured ments the suspect has named five principals corporation but its benefits cannot be but temand In condensed milk. Of the latter In the plot, now In- Europe, who re ceived $30,000 from the Moscow Third porary unless better markets for Utah It is reported thiit there ore now 100,-00Internationale through New York com- stockmen's products are obtained. The pounds in cold storage. munists. Lindenfeld has declared his spread between 10 and 40 cents which willingness to return to New York as the packers and the retailers receive Iitport was imade at tli regulai soon as ossible and turn state's evi for their wares is too great nnd can meeting of the Montlcello Commercial be controlled only by organization of club that $40,000 set aside by the state dence. The Polish authorities say he to be used as loans to fanners of San was exposed in 1000 as a Russian sec the stockraiser, continued Mr. Mac-F- a rlane. Juan county will toe available for re- ret agent nnd fled to America at that That the grower get in closer com lief of the stringency In this locality time, returning to Europe last spring. Altendorf came to Europe In Febru- - munication with the consumer and bv as soon as the lands concerned can be reappraised. Use of the money set ary last, while Llndenfeld came over K111'ng his own beef conduct a direct aside for this county has been delayed In March. During the summer Alten- froin producer to consumer business dorf, living In various communistic wns among the suggestions offered for through a misunderstanding with re obtained a clew which led him relief of stockmen. to centers, the matter of land appraisal Assessments gard to seek Llndenfeld's acquaintance. As levied J)y the state board of equalizaa result, Cosgrove arrived in Warsaw tion are too high, according to exOgden civic organizations are planning to adopt the community chest two months ago, posing as having con- pressions of stockmen at the conven plan from which funds for charit:' nections with communist groups In tion. Cooperation among themselves work will come Instead of from sub America, and was Introduced to Lln- and efforts to obtain lower taxes were denfeld by Altendorf. After estab suggested as relief methods. scriptions. General optimism lishing his acquaintance, Cosgrove sug- exists n TTinTl rr After being Idle for several weeks gested to Llndenfeld a scheme whereby stockmen of the country as to the fu- while extensive repairs were made, by giving Information In regard to the ture of the livestock Industry, John T. the giant clock on the city and county Wall street explosion, he could receive Calne III told the delegates. Mr. Caine building in Salt Lake has again been a large share of the rewards offered has recently returned from tha started. The clock has been equipped for the arrest of the plotters, without nationnl Livestock show held at Chl- with new chimes and a new striking risk to himself. cago. The show " ..... iuimi ,u 11.9 Polish operatives shadowed Linden- - historv. hesnlil apparatus. The clock has been completely overhauled for the first time field and the Poles claim that while Lin- Closer cooperation and organization since the city and county building was denfield was pretending to play to 's among stockmen for the purpose of built. hands he was at the same time combating Influences which are apdouble crossing the Americans. Clews parently working against the industry Plans for extending the activity of developed while trailing Llndenfeld led was advocated by D. J. Sheehan in an the Utah division of the National Fed the police agents to arrest a number address on "Livestock Problems." The eration of Music Clubs were discussed of communists who are alleged to be transportation rates were board the members of the state spies working against the interests of emphasized. An instance of especially by d one branch when they met recently In Salt Poland. which has derived millions of Lake. The federation not only includes dollars from ttie livestock Industry, Court' Quakes Charge cho'rs, musical clubs and singing so- Mr. Sheehan said, was cited and at111. Charges of Waukegan, conspirIncletle ef various kinds, but the tention called to its action of Immedl- to a came one confidence ing operate dlvldua. members of each. of the allegations against Governor ate,y raising freight rates on stock Len Small, were quashed by Judge shipments when the stockman was Hay aheds containing twelve tons of hay and a large barn belonging to Claire Edwards In Lake county cir confronted by the most trying cuit court Cattle cannot be raised Sidney Vincent, Sr., at Provo, were lowed two Saturday. The ruling fol and soid for 4 5 cents per pound. weeks and of at arguments by destroyed by fire recently. The fire was believed to have started from torneys over the indictment alleging the price many stockmen have been Small conspired with Lieu forced to take for their products In siontaneous combustion. The loss Is es- Governor timated at about $400 with do Insur tenant Governor Fred Sterling and the past few months, declared Mr. Verne Curtis, a banker, to defraud the Sheehan. ance. state. The Jtidge took under advise He condemned the action of rail ment the defense's motion to quash roads In withdrawing the thirty-daWhen Luther Skeen, a district farmcharges against the governor in limit on contract concession and maker, was placed on preliminary hearing other hours. After con to answer a charge of shooting wild connection with alleged misuse of state ing it twenty-fou- r siderable protest the limit was raised ducks aftr sunset a conflict between funds. to seventy-twhours. Cost of pro- the federal and state hnntlng statutes Continuing Comedy ef Economy was disclosed. The federal law perThe Hague The contld- - lucing cattle has trebled In the past mits shooting of migratory blrda for Ulng his comedy of economy, has be twenty-fiv- e years, said Mr. Sheehan one-huhour after sunset. The state come a wood merchant. His wood The mnn who owns his range or If not law says no migratory bird may be sawing Is no longer a pleasurable pas- the range the water rights which com "shot, pursued or killed after sunset." time. The wood sawing by haBd has bine making an unreasonable overhead In view of this conflict, Skeen. who ad- been abolished and a saw with an el expense. mitted guilt, wns let off, after paying ectric motor has been 'nstalled, which costs of the court procedure. the superintends. Follow Horoscope Black For 1926 London The year 1020 Is destined ing the example of the Industrious ra- War of extermination Is to be waged therland, he is selling wood at prices to shake the world to !U foundation, on the rabbit pest In Kane county. which defy locnl Dutch competition. oth physically and politically. It Is The rabbits have token possession of Owing to the high price of coal, to be a succession of plngues, famine. a large part of the county and they Hohenzollern's wood Is In great loods, shipwrecks, rioting and revolu re devastating crops, grass and trees. demand, and the motor dory tion. So says the British Journal of plies constantly backward and forward Astrology, which hns drawn the horo Proprietors of all large firms of distributing orders. scope for that year, when tho planets Suit Lnke thnt use horses for haulage Mars and Mercury will be In conjunctGets One Year Probation purposes have agreed to discharge all Onl. Mrs. I'.amhlno Maude ion. Six years later the great Arma- Fresno, who drivers abuse their teams, accord- Delmont, who swore to I he Snn Fran gedon Is to tnke place. It will be a ing to an announcement of Dr. A. S. cisco court complaint charging final conduct between Moliannneilan- -' Kendall, general superintendent of the Iloscoepolice (Fatty) Arbuckle of murdering Ism allied with bolshevlsm ngnlnst the Utah Humane society. world. It will end Virginia Rappe wns granted Saturday milted Anglo-SaxoIn a "universal peace" in 10H2, but A cltlwn of Sandy. Utah, while In one year probation when she appearIn court for sentence on a charge there will bo so few of lis left and we Salt Lnke wns accosted by a man who ed asked him for ride. After going a of bigamy. She pleaded guilty last flinll all be so tired thnt peace should few blocks the owner of the car was week. The complaint Mrs. Ilelmont hnppen anyhow," the horoscope trays. forced to drive m directed, aad after swore out wns nednced to one of manthe polb-- court and the Reorganise Philippine Frances reaching a ecluded spot we rohhd slaughter by which Arbuckle on It failed tried Jury Manilla. P. I. R. Herrlck, Poslon and left standing while be watched to agree. the baudlt tide away In his car. wmker, ha completed a phin for finances of the Philippine Twenty Millions Fer Russia Islands based on an Intensive study The annual mport of Ute federal Washlntgon. A bill authorising the mnde here at the request of fxwer commission shows that, tip te Secretary to expend $20,000,000 out of of War Weeks and with the approval daV, a'; applications for fmwer per president wlt have been filed, covering projects the funds out of the United Rtate of Slnjor General Iotiard Wood, gov In Utah which represent a primary de- Grain corporation for relief of the dis ernor of th islands, tt was made velopment of 018.615 hers power. bit tressed and stsrved people of Russia. known Monday. Herrlck Is leaving Imwhich would ultimately develop 1,212,-4V- J was passed Saturday by the house. mediately for Washington to lay his 114 to 81. horsepower. plans before officials there. President Stes Good Times In view of the many complaint marie Washington A final decision on the St Paul. Confidence that this coun- offer as to the high rates of taxation In of Henry Ford for the governUtah, as In other states, It Is enld that try U on Mth return to good times," ment nitrate and power plant at Muscle In Is President Harding the citlsen of tne state of Mnsancbu-setr- s expresed by Ala., will be mad shortly, it tax more than twfcw a a letter to the editor of the St. Paul Shoals, was Indicated Monday at the war degreat a that paid by the citizen f I'loneer Press and Dispatch, on the partment. Shortly after noon Mondnr MTin'on of the paper's annual edition Utah. Thlch wns published Sunday. "I am Secretary of War Weeks went Into con11. Mayo and J. W. Mrs. Eva B. Odell, president of the find," he said, "to be able to express ference with W. Ford engineers; SecreWorthlngton, o of the northwest the State Parent-Teai-tie- r people great association, an 'V firm confidence thnt conditions tary of Commerce Hoover and Major nounces thHt the state officers are oul Sectlng material Improving and that the country General Lansing Beach, chief of army tftaln!ng to pnrn' ' set ta foot forward on the way engineers, and Brigadier General Tay- teacher for the purpose of eti I lor, assistant chief ef army engineer the return In good times." oiling It In book form. 0 Furiously Ho Caught My Wrist. slipped from him and fled to Aunt June yes, to Aunt Jane nnd clung to her convulsively. Miss Hlgglesby-Brown- e seemed to have petrified. Her skin had a withered look, and a fine network of lines showed on It, suddenly clear, like a tracery on parchment. Beyond her I saw the face of Dugald Shaw, gray with a steely wrath, A gun had been trained anew on hi in nnd Cuthbert, and the benrer thereof was arguing with them pro-- I fanely. suppose the prisoners had threatened outbreak at the spectacle of k the Ing. No one had bothered to secure Cookie, and he knelt among the pots nnd pnns of his open-ai- r kltclieYi, pouring forth petitions In a steady stream. Blackbenrd, who seemed a Jovial brute,' burst Into a loud guffaw. Look at old "Ha. ha! glttin" hlssclf ready for glory !" He approached the negro and aimed at him a kick which Cookie, arising with unexpected contrived to dodge. "Looky here, darky, git busy dlshln' up the grub, will you? I could stand one good feed after the forecastle slops we been livln' on." Blnckhenrd, whom his companions addressed Indiscriminately as "Captain," or "Tony," seemed to exercise a certain authority. He went over to the prisoners on the log and Inspected their bonds. You'll do; can't git loose nohow," he announced. Then, with a savage frown, "But no monkey business. First o' thnt I see. It's a dose o' cold lend for youse, savvy?" He turned to us women. "Well, chickabiddies, we ain't treated you harsh, I hope? Now I don't care about tyln youse up. In ense we can help It. so Jest be good girls, and I'll let youse run around loose for a while." But Mngtms struck In with nn oath. "Louse? You're tun.ln soft, I say. The future Mrs. M. there which I mean to mnke tier If she behnves right she's a handful, she Is. There ain't no low trick she won't play on us if she gets the chance. Bettor tie her up. I sny." ".Magnus." resjtonded Tony with severity. "It'd make a person think to hesr you talk that you wasn't no If you can't keep little Bed-to- p in order wlthont you tie her. why, then hand her over to a guy what can. I bet I wouldn't havf a speck o' trouble with her her and me would git along as sweet as two turtle-doves.-" "You dry up. Tony." said Ms gnus, lowering. "I'll look after my own affairs of fhr heart. Anyway, here's them two old hens what have been makln' uie sick with their Jabber and nonsense all these weeks. Ain't I go-I-n to have a chance to get square?" "Here, yonsel" struck In Sllnker. "quit your Jswln'l Here's a feed we Int tbe like of In weeks." chin-chuc- Like a Chapter From the Past. Five men had emerged from the woods behind the clearing, so quietly that they were In the center of the camp before Crusoe's shrill bark, or the outcry of the cook, warned us of their presence. By thnt time they had us covered. Three of them carried rifles, the other two revolvers. One of these was Captain Magnus. Advancing a step or two before the others, he ordered us to throw up our hands. Perhaps he meant only the men hut my hands and Aunt Jane's and Miss Illgglesby-Browne'- s also went up with celerity. He grinned Into our astounded faces with a wolfish bnrlng of his yellow teeth. "Never guessed I wasn't here Jest to do the shovel work, but might have my own little side-shoto bring off, hey?" he Inquired of no one In particular. "Here, Slinker. help me truss 'em up." Tle ninn addressed thrust his pistol In his belt and came forward, nnd with his help the hands of the Scotch man. Cuthbert Vnne nnd Mr. Tubbs were securely tied. They were searched for arms, and the sheath- knives which Mr. Shaw nnd Cuthbert carried at their belts were taken away. Ibe three prisoners were then ordered to sent themselves In a row on the tmnk of a prostrate pnlm. The whole thing had happened In the strangest silence. K.vent for a feeble moaning from Aunt Jane, like the bleating of a sheep, which broke forth at intervals, nobody spoke or made a sound. The three riflemen In the background, standing like Images with their wenons raised, looked like a chorus In an opera. And Indeed It wna all extraordinari ly like something on a stage. Sllnk- er, for Instance. He had a prowling, sidelong fashion of nieving about, and enormous yellow mustaches like a Vi king. And the burly fellow In the background, with the black whiskers two bad he'd forgotten his earrings. But I awoke to the hrrtd reality of It all as Captain Magnus, smiling his wolfish smile, turned and approached w You TIMES-NEW- (TO BE CONTINUED.) Energy Needs In Calories. According to the United State Department of Agriculture, a family consisting of a father, mother and three children requires approximately 12.") calories a day. Tha diet Is best balanced by considering I'M units of 100 calories each. On this basts, fruits nd vegetables should supply 24 units; milk, eggs and meat. 34; cereals and legumes, 30; sugar and starchy foods 12, and fats aH fatty foods. l& rn(. Cos-grove- fsll-ron- y o lf WI1-hel- n e ry I w-r- |