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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIU, UTAH. S, YEARS: HAUNTED --a w A M erry Chr istmas To All "IF AT FIRST YOU DOXT SUCCEED, FIND OUT THE REASON WHY, WEAR A GRIX AND WADE RIGHT IN, AND HAVE ANOTHER TRY." ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. 31 North Main Street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the interior U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah, December 1st, 1921 NOTICE is hereby given that of Fountain Charles R. Coombs 27 Green, Utah, who on October 1916 made Homestead entry No. 017342, for SEUSE. Sec 30; NE-- NW hi , NE V , WSEVi Section 31 Township 13 South Range 3 East Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of ar Distiet Court,' at Maati, Utah on the 14th day of January 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Jasper H. Robertson, Martin Lund, Martin Anderson W M. Coombs all of Fountain Green, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY Register First publication Dec. 9nd, 1921. Last publication January 6th, 1922. of Engraving 6.CC0 Years Old. Au engraving upproxi mutely (UK) recently iu years li wus discovei-eWales. L'D'jIi the plaque are a number of triangular symbols dating front Neolithic times, probably by workmen of the Iberian race, muny evidences of which survive. Headquarters for Xmas Candies and Nuts We hare the largest assortment of Get our prices Candy in town. All our candies before you buy. are Utah made. X, L. Bakery & Confectionery SEE US FOR Cedar Chests Baby Carriages Children's Chairs Leather Rockers Hope Boxes Doll Carriages Morris Chairs Jardineers English Tea Pots A complete line of Furniture, Rugs, Beds and Bedding BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. j NEWS ITEMS VICTIM IS ALIVE Meets Man He He Had Killed in Thought Quarrel 14 Years Ago. Missourian LIVES IN TERROR PERPETUAL Barley tor sale See Perry Kansas City, Mo. Reuben E. Hall of Paris, Mo., met face to face In a Denver (Colo.) street a uiun whom he thought he had killed 14 years ago and the memory of whose alleged dentil hud haunted him all these years. A letter telling of the remarkable case came from uenver to i. n. Shutzer. manager of the Tool Specialty company. It was from Shatzer's half brother, Reuben E. Hall. Hall, a young farmer near Paris, Mo., went to the Kansas harvest fields to work In 1907. He disappeared. The letter received by Mr. Shatzer wa signed with a strange name, Harry H. Thomas. It contained this story of the disappearance of the new name: In Perpetual Torment. For 14 years Hall, under the nume of Htirrv E. Thomas of Denver, hat quaked at the sight of a police ofllcer. He has avoided all persons he knew when he w as Hall. He has spent wake ful nights, fearing arrest for murder, A wife and then a child served to add to his anxieties. What, if they should discover he had killed a man? But the worry Is over. Thomas wai walking recently on a Denver street He met the man for whose murder he believed he was hunted, the letter states. The two recognized each other at the same time. The "murdered man held out his hand in greeting. I thought I killed you," Thomas gasped. "Land, no." the "victim" replied. I was only bruised a little. In the 14 years since his disappear ance Hall's family has mourned him as dead. Relatives after a diligent search, took steps to collect his Insur ance, but lacking proof of death, were unable to do so. Of what happened after Hall, with $175 in wages, left the harvest fields the letter has this to say: I got into a dice game. 1 won $750. One of the heavy losers was John Wil liamson. He and I fought over the game, then patcned up .our amerences. Friendly, we climbed into a box car ta go to Kansas city, we quarreiieu again, fought, and Williamson fell from the train in the fight. Not Guilty of Murder. The next day 1 read In a paper that the body of an unidentified man had been found on the railroad right of way. I was not guilty of murder. but to prove it was a different thing Others had seen us quarrel. "I went West, changed my name to Thomas and grew up with the country Finally I settled In Denver, was mar ried and now have a daughter six years old. "You cannot imagine the relief now. Williamson went home with me, and we told my wife and daughter. 1 am the hnnnlest man In the country. We are coming to see you and all the rest of the folks right away. I can hardlj watt- - est appreciation of the cor- dial relationship which has existed between us Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foote, vis ited in Salt Lake City the early part of this week returning home Wednes Mrs. J. G. Irons returned home Wednesday after visiting with her mother in Hyrum, Utah, the past two or three weeks. Accept our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Miss Ida Brough, returned home Tuesday after a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs. W. A. Mulliken, in Provo. Mrs. Reed Belllston came down from Logan yesterday to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives here. The testimony of many say that the One Minute Washer for easy run ning and washing clean has them all beat Call and examine them- Grace Garage Co. Mrs. Albert Edwards and baby, of Salt Lake, came to Nephi Monday and will spend the holidays with Mr and Mrs. Elliot Miller, parents of Mrs. Edwards. Nephi National Bank Mr. N. P. Ipson, former member of the State Land Board, and daughter Alice, and Miss Lynch of Salt Lake City, were guests Friday and Satur day of Mrs. E. Burton. White Leghorn Baby Chicks from heaviest laying stock. Booking ord ers now for Spring 1922 delivery. Safa arrivals, live vigorous chicks Prices on request. guaranteed. Relable since 1898. Must Hatc'a Incubator Co., 478 Seventh St, Petal-um- a, Calif. pleasant surprise was sprung on Gordon Wood, Friday evening by a number of his friends. The evening was spent in games and music and refreshments were served to the fol lowing. Ruth Grover, Edith Morgan, Kathrine Whitmore, Blanch Burton, Erma Lunt, Emma Cole, Dorothy Boud, Ashael Chrlstensen, Rulon A Cowan, John, Cowan, George Black-et- t, Claude Lomax, Leroy Lomax and Gordon Wood. 'He Builds Wisely Who Build Well" mil-- . TO BUILD WELL USE Nephi Plaster NO SWORDS For the furnishing of materials and constructing a store building on North Main Street, Nephi, Utah, bids will be received up to noon January 7th, 1922. Bids will be opened at 6 p. m. January 7th. Plans and specifications prepared by R. H. Evans, may be had at the First National Bank or at the R. H. Evan's residence. We reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. GEO. C. WHITMORE COMPANY. HAS NO EQUAL fiht IP CLEANLINESS The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpyatun In the World. Is next to godliness our excellent location has helped the Increase of oar business. We purvey the best meats In a pleasing manner and guarantee honest weights and complete satisfaction. What more do you want? NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY Avoid Being Irritant. Some folks are just piuiu Irritants. You don't know why It Is you don't like them. OR PlArtjui HERE ARE USED For SCOVR PATtowse to UP OUR WORKING TOOL E'AIH Bt'JSEO SIHGLS NIGHT NOTICE FOR BIDS But you surely don't like them. CITY MEAT MARKET Geo. W. Garrett. Prop. By word and deed they get under your skin and you feel mean at being so touchy. But It can't be helped they Irritate. Do your best to get beyond the Irritation stage. Yon can put up with a lot when you train yourself to lu In the end you may find that part of the Irritation belongs to yourself. Come on. Be a sport. Buck up. Grit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Taxi Find Silica of Valu. Silica Is claimed to have prodii'-er- i remarkable effects in many cases of French physicians arteriosclerosis. report that sodium silicate, applied by mouth or Injections Into veins, has brought some bedridden patients back to active life, and relieved others of headache and dizziness, end lessened their Insomnia. "Crepuscular" Sun Rays. The beams of light sometimes seen radiating from the sun when not far from the horizon are called "crepuscu What Every Woman Knows. lar rays." They are due to rays of When a woumn asks tier IiuhIuiiiiI fur light passing through breaks In the "a little money," the word that seems clouds and made visible by dust or fine lo Impress hlro most Is "little." Bos-to- u drops of water in the air. Their apTranscript. parent divergence Is an effect of perspective. The phenomenon la popularly described as "the sun drawing water; Sound Like Double Meaning. sailors speak of the "sun's backstays," Seine female defendant are homely. And some are acquitted. Nashville while iliiuier wrote of the Tennessean. dawn." "rosy-lingere- d HOLIDAY TO BAGDAD - - f Fare and for the Round Trip One-Hal- Deserts Mad Isolated by Accessible by Aerial Transport. Regions that would have to wait many years before they could be traversed by railways are now quickly mastered by aerial transport. News comes from the air ministry that a new air route has been opened up across the desert between Pales tine and Mesopotamia. Notification has been received of the arrival at Bagdad of three airplanes of the royal air force which have flown over this route. The new route Is about Wi mile long. It starts from Kitmleh, passes through Amman and Kssr Azrak, where landing grouuds have been prepared, and proceed thence In an almost straight line across the Arabian desert to Remndle on the Euphrates, nd (.hence to ftngdad. Tickets on Sale Dec. Return limit Jan. 4th. mum fare $2.50. Ix'nrton. . 1921. luring day morning. In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Utah of Educational Entire Country System in and for Juab Countr. State of Under Direction of American Utah. Professor. In the matter of the Estate of Elli- Lima. Peru. Virtually the entire beth A. Hutchison, deceased. Creditors will present claims with educational system of Peru Is now un der the direction of American profes voucher to the undersigned at the residence of the undersigned at Spansors who were called upon here recent ish Fork, Utah County, State of Utah ly to complete an educational reform on or before February 10th, 1922. movement heirun ten years ago. James Hutchison, Executor. The foreign educational experts are to develop the system, from tne pri First publication Dec. 2nd, 1921 Last publication Dec. 23rd 1921 mary (trades to the university, In cordnnce with the special needs of each section of the country. Dr. Hnrry Erwln Bnrd, formerly sec Society retary of the of the United States and formerly connected with the Philippine educa tional mission, was chosen by President Legula to direct the reorganiza tion. Dr. Balrd has been appointed and under biro general of are more than twenty American pro fessors. Region rons and friends our deep- returned Mrs. Isabell Whitmore home this week after a ten days vis it in Eureka with her sister Mrs. D. J. McMurphy. PERU'S SCHOOLS OPENED this opportunity of expressing to our pat- Mrs. Oluf L. Allen, came down from Salt Lake Monday, and is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ingram this week. From Train During Fight Which Resulted From Disagree- ment Over Dice Game and Thought Him Dead. AIR ROUTE We take Hall. Before you buy your Christmas Gifts call and see our beautiful gifts and our cut prices Lunt Drug Co. Man Fall YANKS RUN C. You'll find our service never lax And willingly you'll pay our tax Taxi, sir Watch us stir take .here and bring back. Know the phone that wB own call us up and get a hack. Sun or rain, meet the train our name. Price t's Johnny-on-the-spo- right, honar bright! brought us fame. Super-servic- Ijet Orace'e Auto Doctor look after your cur's hnalth ORACH! 0ARAQB Nopal. Utah I ........ CO. , e Mini- Full information from Agents of UNION PACIFIC See Nearest Agent - v- - V - |