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Show THE TIMES-NEW- THE CIRCULAT- S ES THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND IS A VALUABLE : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : l IS . . .. 10 This paper la The attempt to have this road changed to pass through Sanpete and Sevier Counties should it succeed would be a direct blow to the future development and prosperity of the greater portion oi tms vairej. asnucu the this road is once designated Federal Highway, the tranic tnrougn this valley during the entire year will be more than doubled, all of which will mean vastly more business for our business houses, hotels and garages. Our best interests are with who make up the Fifth Judicial District, and with Millard Counin the ty our legislative State Senate from the Eighth Dist- rict. In years past these counties together with Juab County, worked hini tr crat thla Arrowhead Trail es tablished, and now with the fruition of these years of labor in sight, nothing but plain common sense should dictate that these five ties should be a unit for this all year round highway, to Southern Calif- ornia. Everybody "Boost'- for tne Arrowhead Trail as the Primary Federal s - Highway to Los Angeles, which road will pass tarough the entire length of Jaab Valley. CITt COUNCIL MET EVENING WEDNESDAY The City Coucil met Wednesday beevening in regular session there Councilmen Wood, ing present Mayor Cowan, Winn, Ostler, Beagley and T. C. Winn, and Itees. Mayor-elec- t Councilman-elec- t J. A. Booth, were alos present. ". A permit was issued to Geo. W. Garrett of the City Meat Market to erect a slaughter house within the limits of Nephi City, the operation of same to be In accordance with the Meat Inspection Ordinance of Nephi. The annual public library report was submitted to the council and f in district tairouea Various causes uivcu lor iusnu. jr uuureio for the maintenance Angeles. - STATE BOARD I'iiirty Three student, "Hoi e Arrowhead Trail as the DISTRICT COURT ADJOURNS Angeles and Southern California, and Is absolutely opUNTIL JANUARY 3RD posed to any attempt to divert this beas highway to any other section sup-po- rr , SENT -- ing a detriment to the vital interest o Juab County and Juab Valley in particular. This paper calls upon every Commercial organization, and City and County organizations in Juab County to strenuously oppose any movement to divert this highway to any other section, and lend their full to the counties of Millard, Beaand Washington in keeping Iron ver, the Arrowhead Trail as the main highway from Salt Lake City to Los - : ,. cipal HighwayInterests Of County Must Be Pooled With Millard, Beaver, Iron, And Washington. J : ENROLLMENT T SUPPORT Vital Interest That This Route.Be Maintained As Prin- -- : : : THE NEWS, VOL 6 NEPHI, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1921 ARROWHEAD TRAIL AS PRIMARY ROAD Krer-- - IS A BOOST. 8 JUAB COUNTY THE TIMES, VOL. 12, NO. 42 JUAB COUNTY TIMES-NEW- ER FOR THE AGRICULTURAL AND MIXING INTEREST 'F i proved. Bonds of the .. - rMfv fnim!! incoming Mayor worA annrnvAil nil being surety bonds of the American Surety Co and the National Surety Company. i The present term of the Fifth Judicial Court adjourned yesterday until after the holidays, when it will Jan. 3rd. again In the case of Merie Hansen vs J. R. Hansen, on motion of Attorney for plaintiff that the demurrer of defendant be stricken from the files for the reason that it was not filed until after the default had been entered. Elvin Houtz, found guilty of adul-tr- y in the recent West Tiritic casee, was brought before Judge Knox Monday morning and received an indeterminate sentence of not to exceed three years in the State prison. In the divorce case of Helen vs Raymond Pettigrew, it that the defendant was un able to be present in court the case was adjourned until Jan. 31st, 1922. In the case of Geo. Udall vs Maud R. Udall, the case was ordered strick en from the calendar. In the case of Frank Tranter vs. Nephi City Corporation, the hearing of the demurrer filed by the defendant was set for January 3rd, 1922 4U1UU uu. 1 1 1 "Why-why- DOaiU " 01 J ve V uue dctuauy eu.Ouea, iui c- -u auuuiu tiAi ua iu case juau ocuoot jjiaiiiCL wm iobo iiuout Sw as tuuie are oo cunuiuu oi ocuooi age wuo are uot earuneu lu acuooi lor vanous causes pnysicai auu uioutai. 'I'hu inlinu'inv In rolimeni' by grud-es' R llHt Of tllO 611" 1st grade 13a. tu 2nd grade ilt. 'iuira graae grade 11. btn grade 117. Sixth grade 13s. Seventh grade 154. 8th School 109. High grade 12ti. ...1st. year .... i n:.k Zna year ilign, oo. iuira ymi ni6u 61. fourth year 1.- Unciassified 7. Total euiollnienc 1280. . - , at SPECIAL PROGRAMS 2 P. m. In the case of Willard Garrett vs Nephi City Corporation, the hearing of the demurrer filed by the defendant was set for January 3rd, 19 22 At 9. Under the au&pceis oi tae M. I. A. there will Ue special pwgiaius given ouuuay evening, ueceiuoer iutu, i" each oi tue warua oi tnis city to comJf'ine programs P. ui. mence at nave been aiian&eu Dy tue various comuiituees in ua.cn orgaumatiou and a coiuiai invitation, is "extended oy the omcers of eacn waiu to the general puuac to attend. The toliowing is a list of the programs outlined. Xll'lU VA1U Prelude "Holy Night" Nephi Ward n. m In the case of Earl Pitt vs Gus Keyte et al the same was set for heariner Januarv 5th. 1922. State of Utah vs Eugene Harris came on for hearing on a motion for Attornev S. A. a rhantra nf venue. King of Salt Lake City was entered as counsel for Harris. After present ing additional facts suDDortlne the claim for a change of venue, among which was the great expense of bring ing witnesses nere, ana me iurtner fact that 125 jurymen were examined at the previous trial. Judge Knox sustained the motion of Attorney Kin? for a chance of venue and ord ered the case to be tried in the 3rd District Court In Salt Take flnnntv. In the case of Alice Harris and for A. Tjfflnnri Harris, iha motion change of venue in this case was also granted to the same court as given in thn above cane. I. E. Diehl of Mammoth, and H. D. Goldsbrough and J. M. Brough of Nenhi were annotated as inherit ance tax appraisers for Juab County for the year 1922. or until their successors were appointed and quali fied. ANTICIPATION The day long looked for through the year getting close at hand; I hope old Santa Claus will know Each child throughout the land, For it would be a sad, sad thing Should he, perchance, forget To visit every little one And cause a pained regret Is. felt BUILDING MODERN SLAUGHTER HOUSE Ron W fjRrrett. nroDrietor of the City Meal Market has commenced the erection of a modern slaughter house a abort distance East of his present building. The new building will have cement floors throughout and be m ton with everv convenience for the sanitary handling of meat, and will be under the supervision of the city meat insnector and manaced in ac cordance with the city ordinance gov erning siaugnier nouses. Si MM But Christmas is a time of cheer Let's turn our thoughts away And think of happy songs and smiles That make a happy day. Let's hope that Santa brings to us His gifts of dolls and toys, As he has done so many times To add to Christmas joys. Charles Frederick Wadwortm 1 1 portLAii yol'xu itrri.K WKDNEttDAY MAHIIIKO I. O. O. F. ANM'AL HALL LOWK XKXT WKD.NESDAY MAKKIKD IN SALT LA K K MBM. VI NX IK II. Trio. . Remarks .... President J. E. Lunt Mrs- - Vocal Solo Alice Crapo Christmas Story Mis. Jeanette Lunt Melba Anderson Piano Solo Leeta McCuue Heading Kollo Orme Violiu Solo Trio "All Through The Nigaf The Cole Slaters. .NOKTU VAK1 Singing, Dear To The Heart of The ; Suepherd" Prayer Singing congregation. President T. D. Kees "Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains" Congregation Lazelle i Reading .ma Piano Duet Retta Sperry and Jones. Leeta McCune Reading It. Q. Dorlus Cello Solo Oneita Rees Reading Vocal Duet Mailne Sperry and Emma Jenkins. Instrumental Selection. Jenkins . . . Legrande Mrs. Ed Carter Vocal Solo Solo "Jesus I my Cross Have Taken" Arthur Pyper Bishop C. II. Grace SOUTH WARD Organ Prelude Mrs. Harry Beagley Singing, er"Far. Far Away on Judea's Benediction. . . . . .Plains-Pray- J. A. Booth Singing "Star of Bethelem" Vocal Solo Paul Cowan Cradle Song . . Twelve little girls in costume, conducted by Miss Tacy Irons. Christmas Reading . . Luella Winn Instrumental Selection . Mrs. Diane G. Booth, Mercl Goldsbrough and Mr. R. Q. Dorlus. Mrs. Mabel Lunt Vocal Solo Christmas Sentiments Jas W Paxman L. P. Anderson Vocal Solo 8ong By the M. I. A. Chorus Reading Carol Serenade..., Benediction Ludean Lunt by the Carolers P. B. Cowan I marriage of Miss Lorett Sparks, to Mr. Kollo Orme, was solemnized Wednesday In the Want! Temple. The bride Is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sparks and has been prominent In social and church work in this city and has a host of friends among the young people here. The young man Is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Wm. G. Orme, and for the past aoor. it two years has attended the L. D. S. with sn(pl. KelIpri ft for his Mrs. J. II. Hogan of Salt Lake Is Conservatory of Music. This paper to spend the holl- - the guest of her sister Mrs. E. H joins with their many friends In Ile looked Forrest this week. wishing them the greatest of Joy and Jy, happiness along the journey of life. "You" Mr. and .Mrs. Victor Jones came They will make their home In Salt down "Yes. Dorothy, Ivefcr. attend down from Rait Lake Wednesday Iake City, this winter, where Mr. to spend the holidays In this city. Orme will continue his studies. you had ft v. ry Merrjg; they had never don corn balls, peanuts and V paed and each ate thelft hi. Uo iSMlM Wul Wll-lar- 1 ot tug txauL Pet-tigre- w The electrlct light delinquent list camtpnp for discussion and the commute during the nest few days will go over the books and prepare the list on which definite action will be taken to disconnect from the system unless paid. The City Attorney reported that d the case of Frank Tranter and The members of the Ladles Liter Garrett, against Nephi City Cor- ary Club met Thursday evening at poration would be heard January Che home of Mrs. J. W. Whitmore. 3rd, on the demurrer of the city to A very Interesting program was ren the complaint. dered, including a paper by Mrs. I. In M. Petty, on the lire and work oi On account of the first Monday ., . . I 4 I. I. Madame Shumann Hlenk, after ' over of the business of the after which several numbers by the an'.he new administration would famous singer were rendered on the 4. filnra until tha nnvt Ha Jon y Victrola. Mrs. O. M. Whitmore, then VJSkI o'clock noon. paper on the life of Caruso, gave "in renort of the finance eom- - Victrola from this singer. Mrs. . 1. .. it.A .... i. IV. UIO HUII1 which also included selections on the I'UUIIIi ilUIKI 00 was transferred to the Libr- Diane G.' Booth, and Miss Merci I. ary Board for the maintenance of the Goldsbroueh. then rendered instru library. mntal music for thn closing number All claims on file against the city Those present were Mrs. O. M. Whit which had been approved by the var- more, Mrs. Mark Howby, Mrs. D. O. ious committees were passed and war Miner, Mrs. T. C. Winn, Mrs. E. R. rants ordered Issued. Forrest, Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mrs. J W Iftlliinn. Mfi I M Pettv Mrs. A. rn. Henry Stephenson, of Rait V. Haeue. Mrs. J. W. Boud. Mrs. Wil Vted at the home of Thomas son Glazier, Miss Neva Booth,, and wrtw l the hostess Mrs J. W. Whitmore. Wednesday. T felt CO UVwwl.AA, The The marriage of Mrs. Vlnnie B. Lowe, daughter of Mrs. D. K. Brown of this city, to Mr. Lewis McLaughlin Drader, of Tamplco, Mexico. Is announced this week. After a honey moon Id Southern California, Mr. and Mrs. Drader, will move to the Island of Trinidad, where they will make their future home. This psper joins with their friends here in extending The annual ball of the I. O. O. F Loden of this city will be held at the Arlington, next Wednesday. Decern ber 28th. Those who attended pre vious dances iven by the I. O. O. F. will look forward to the coming ball with r treat deal of pleasure. Music will be furnished by the Goldsbrough Sisters Orchestra which Is ft guaran tee of the best In this line. NEPHI ARTISTS TO APPEAR IN CONCERT What promises to be one of the musical treats of the season will be the concert to be given at the Venice next Thursday evening, December 29th. The following well known local people will appear In this concert. congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. D. 1. McMurphy of Miss Mercl Goldsbrough Violinist, Kureka, are guests at the home of M Mrs. Diane G. Booth, Pianist. Mr. R. Q. Dorius Cellist, assisted by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson and Mrs. Edward Kendall this week Leeta McCune as Reader. Old time and family of Shelley, Idaho, are ruasI at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lillian Lunt, who has been t melodies, and classic selections, toJ. It. Downs, parents of Mrs. Thomp tending the II. Y. U. at Provo re gether with the readings of Miss Mcson. Tliey will remain here for the turned home yesterday tor the holiCune will make up an entertainment that is sure to please. day vacation. holidays. ' |