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Show THE The TIMES-NEW- S, LOCAL NEWS Times-New- s I'liblished every Friday hy The Time Not because it is an honored custom, but because of the sin- News Publlsavtog Company DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON Edit Manager Subscription Bates One Year cerity of our appreciation, we take this Six MobUls 1.00 $1.00 Defective Teeth Among School Child ren. Defective teeth in the school child ren of Utah are the chief cause of malnutrition or under nurishement & in some districts of the state the presentage of children with bad teeth runs a trifle orer 90 per cent," de clared Dr. Heber J. Scars, head of the department of hygine and prev entive medicine at the University of opportunity to thank you for the part you have played in our Utah. business It takes the average child with defective teeth six months longer to complete his eight grades in school than it does the normal child. Diseased tonsils cr adenoids also retard the child in his studies at school, according to statistics at the University. Any church, society or any other organization of the state may receive tae benefit of health lectures sent out by the University without cost. Dr. Sears is now devoting practically all his time to lecturing on vital problems of health and social problems connected with health. Already this fall he has reached nearly 30,000 people. Twenty-fou- r other lecturers, mostly physicians, are also available for these extension health lectures furnished by the University. prosperity the past year, and we wish you a good OLD MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. The Present Wheat Market First National Bank IB NORTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH We Carry A Complete Line POULTRY SUPPLIES NEPHI, UlAH. of such as Swifts Meat Scraps, Charcoal Oyster shell and etc. Let me know your wants Wasatch Produce, Provo, Utah Dun's Review, one of the great trade papers of the United States, in its issue of Saturday, December 17th, has the following to say concerning the present wheat market. "Without any very pronounced net declines during a single session, the main trend of wheat prices this week was downward. An early sharp break in cotton was a factor, but cereal markets yielded chiefly from other causes. Liberal supplies of wheat in this country and in Canada was one of the bearish influences at the outset, and talk of the possibility of official crop estimates being revised upward made some impression on sentiment. As the week progressed, other elements calculated to depress prices came to the surface, with receding cash quotations prominent in this connection. Expert demand, moreover, was spasmodic and limited, while receipts at Winnipeg were especially heavy. At western points of the United States, arrivals of 6,480,000 bushels for the week end ing on Thursday compared with 6,325,000 bushels of this week, but were less than the 7,632,000 bushels of this week in 1920. In the ChicKARL KELLERSTRASS, Prop. ago market, the December delivery, which had closed last Saturday at fell to $1.064, and May, $1.10, from $1.14, declined to $1.10 Wall. Old Cannibalistic Dog. the for Quicklime were the levels reached in Freddie had been given a puppj Instead of (l.vnnniite try quieklli-i- to These These rallies which whs very playful. He watched ret rid of an old masonry wall. First Thursday's session. It with great concern as It ran about drill In the wall n bottle shaied hole, as occurred during the week were the room snapping at Itself and trying having a small opening: Fill tills with not impressive, and resulted mainly to catch Its tall. Finally lie voiced lime, add enough water to slake it, from speculative short selling. anxiety by exclaiming, "Don't you and close the hole with a snugly fitted oorten pins. The resultant pressure ADVISE TO "FOOLISH WIVES" your sef (self), doggie, we Just will easily take down the wall. you yesterday." BY MISS DtTONT 3-- 8. TO-DA- I will buy your rabbits. See E. L, Guyld, 1st South, 8th East. Phone 168 AND ALL DAY Y TO-MORRO- BUY EGOS AND ALL. KINDS of POULTRY Mutual Creamery Co. Special Prices Will Be Offered on our Entire Line of Christmas Goods LOST A Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen Finder return to Chaa Latimer and receive reward. Mrs. Laura Ingram returned to Salt Lake yesterday after a weeks visit in this city. LOST A Dental Cutter. Finder G. Irons and receive return to Dr. J. reward. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 slightly used Universal Air Draft Heating Stove Inquire at this office. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Sidwell went to Salt Lake yesterday to spend the holidays. Ralph Cole IVORY - 33 3 Per Cent Off Perfumes and Toilet Water 25 per cent off Stationery - - 25 per cent off Ladies Hand Bags 25 per cent off A Few Dolls 40 per cent off Eastman Kodaks 10 per cent off 1-- and Chase Cole, who are attending the A. C. at Logan, re turned to Nephi yesterday to spend the Christmas vacation here. We have a 5 passenger touring car, a snap for someone. In splendid condition, will be glad to show you tfhis bargain. Grace Garage Co N. C. Lund, went to Castle Dale Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother Joseph Lund at that place. J. D. Smith left Wednesday for Fil. Imore where he will spend the holidays with relatives. Come in and let us show you how to save money on your Christmas purchases. Miss Eva Winn, came down from Salt Lake Monday to spend the holiday vacation here. Miss Winn is at tending the U. of U. this winter. The storm that this valley is eet- ting this week is worth thousands of dollars to this section. We wish to call the attention of our readers to the full page Christ mas messageof President Harding, in this issue of the Times-New- WE ARE HERE TO SERVE s. Mr. end Mrs. L. A. Bailey left for Nephi Drug Co. Salt Lake today where they will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell. WE LEAD Miss Beatrice Gibson and Miss Ada Gibson are down from Salt Lake to spend the holidays. They are attend ding the University of Utah this St. Sw.thin A THIS? IIALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and They Can Afford It. acts through the blood upon the Our guess Is that the only people mucous surfaces of the system, thus who lauuh and crow fat are those who reducing the inflammation and re don't have to work for their hoard. ' ftfli v'gtm storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. A SAFE TEST holiday season We express to you our appreciation of past favors and wish you all Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year LUNT DRUG CO. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. o. Tardy Science. It has taken the scientists at least !.i"Mi jt'nr 10 catch up with the poets and lovers in respect to the mysterious ton e brown off by the human '1iViii.-eye. lallj News. I A Piano or Grafonola a suitable present For those who are in need of a remedy for kidney troubles and back. ache, it is a good plan to try Doan's Kidney Pills. They are strongly re- A husband In band is worth two commended by Nephi people. court. Mrs. D. M. Miller Nephi says: "I have had more or less kidney trouble Your husband will never outgrow for a number of years. My back over the boy stage. Treat him as such and my kidneys pained so at times I was he'll ruddle like an infant. Black spots often pretty bad off. appeared before my eyes. I was Foolish wives are those who buy terribly nervous and so restless at I heavy glasses to find their husband's night I couldn't get any sleep. weaknesses. used different remedies, but Doan's Kidney Pills proved so satisfactory. Taffy now Is better than epltaphy that I have always relied on them dur later. Say It with kind words Ing these attacks. Doan's have alflowers wilt. You've got him let ways given me prompt and effective the others worry. relief." OVER NINE YEARS LATER, Mrs If he says he has been at a Lodge Miller added: "It is seldom I need believe wont add him, meeting, you remedy now, but at times to your peace of mind by learning a kidney colds cause a slight disorder. I use otherwise. Doan's kidney Pills right away and A Uteful Fish, get the same good results as ever." l'bey have H ,t;,m, k.il.le lln In 60c at all dealers. Foster-MUbur- n Neva Scotia. It in known as the frost Co.. Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y, Ash. because It can I frozen solid but if placed In water It soou thaw out and swims around as vigorously IX THE WSTKHT (X)CHT IX AXD s ever. The nnile-- . we are told, use FOR Jl'All m'XTY, STATE OF this fish Id milking ( cream. I'TAII. The fish is caught, frozen and placed In the matter of the Estate of Jane in the cream. In IhaAlng out It Mary Mulr Fox, Deceased. freezes the cream and Its moveneuts at the same time beat the mixture, NOTICE TO CHEIHTOHS nitiklng it nice and smooth. It In a fresh water fish, but the story requires Notice Is hereby given by the una lot of salt dersigned, administrator with copy of will annexed the estate of Jane Tit for Tit. Mary Mulr Fox, deceased, to the cred When lord l:niil"l.h 'Ttiirtill vt itorg and all persons having claims Ited Ihe diamond flHU of Hmith atib against the said deceased, to present he I said to have exclaimed gftpr and file with said administrator such looking st some din iiioihI : "And ll claims, with the necessary vouchers, for the vnnlty of wtifiirn." A lady who within thirty days after the f Irwt pubheard the remark milled: "And the lication of this notice at the ofTlce of depravity of men " P. N. Anderson administrator as mentioned above. Olive Oil in Babies' Diet. Nephi, Utah. I)eccmbr 23rd. 1921. Dr. E. E. Omhmii of I'tiHii.tiMMhin P. N. ANDERSON, recommends the addition of ulHp ii Administrator with a copy of the to the diet of babies In their firsi iwo will annexed of the est, n of Jane tears. It la digested well ! miom xu Mary Mulr Fox. deceased. fants and supplies them v. hi, ..; i, Date of firm publication De,. 23 1921 llonal fat Date of last publication Jan. 13, 1921 To Remove a Tiyht Can Lid. Can lids are often dilticult to remove. Here is a plan by means of which they Can be loosened easily. Tie a piece stout twine loosely just below the cover, then thrust under ttie twine a pencil and start to twist this. When the twine Is tlpht. the cover of the can comes away readily. Music For Christmas In thi OTHERS FOLLOW Myth Disproved. record was kept from 1840 for twenty years for the purpose of testing the truth of the popular belief that If HOW'S fell on St. Swithin's day It would ITALL'S CATAEE1I MEDICINE rain rain for forty days after. The result will do what we claim for it of this test shows that the greatest cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by number of rainy days had occurred in e do not claim to cure these two decades in years when St. Catarrh. Swithin's day whs dry. anv other disease. winter. e At W WE fA m i mm ub At long as 36 montki to pay for your Piano Pit JUJyJ ". We Sell Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Uku-lule- s, Music Rolls, and all phonograph supplies. This Grafonola and 10 Records for $108.50 ROBT. LOMAX Music Excluslye Venice Bulldini |