Show F around the state park record A trial run was made at the new mill erected by the Adri mining ining company at its curtis property the first of the week and after a few necessary changes and alterations are made the plant will be put into regular commission beaver press work was resumed on tile the blue point property in the lincoln district yesterday it will be remembered that considerable work was done on this property two years ago and things were suddenly y shut down it is understood that about will be spent on the developing of the property at the present time quite a number of local talent who bought stock in the prospect will be glad to hear of this move and will be pleased if it opens into a mine milford news the leasers leaders on the old summitt property have opened up a good body of ore and now have a shipment ready which they expect to make as soon as teams can be secured to haul it to the railroad it is expected that a shipment of forty tons will be made at this time and we are informed that the ore will net the leasers leaders at least 25 per ton the old summitt mine is one of the old time high graders and the indications are that the leasers leaders have cut the old vein of rich ore park record news comes from the south dakota property to the effect that a highly mineralized formation is now being passed through and it is thought that ore will be showing in the near future Par kites acquainted with this district appreciate the fact that a strike in the south dakota property would mean more for the camp than anything that could happen those interested in the property have great faith in the ultimate outcome of their operation there and the best wishes of all are with them eureka reporter the carload of ore from the east tintic gintic development com banys property was sent forward to one of the salt lake smelters shelters sm elters yesterday this is the first shipment to be made since the present company of which ralph M kellogg is manager took charge of the property but there are reasons to believe that other shipments will follow now that a nice body of ore has been opened up the ore is of more than average value being an exceptionally clean silver lead product and the money from the car sent out this week will help out upon the companas comp anys expense account eureka B ureka reporter yesterday marked the completion of the big tunnel at the black jack property this tunnel which is 2100 feet long will furnish an outlet for the mines ores enabling the company to put the ores upon the market without a haul by team at the mouth of odthe the tunnel the company has erected a large ore house which is connected with the new eureka hill rail fail way assistant superintendent birch states that commencing next week the black jack will begin shipping ore at the rate of about twenty five tons per day the company has for the past few weeks been sending down a few cars of iron ore to the tintic gintic smelter american fork citizen the entire aw ownership of the bog property passed to dr W J holden on monday when he purl pup chased the 45 per cent interest from ed hines and other considerations is given out as the purchase price the property joins the mineral plat flat and is considered one of the best best in the american pork fork district it embraces eighteen mining claims ten of which are patented A good deal of rich ore has been taken from the property although very little of the ground has been prospected dr holden has great faith in the district and the ore shipped from his dutchman mine during the past year has greatly strengthened his faith |