Show A TO TONIC NIC FOR SILVER when the financial stress of the country carried the metal prices down to low ebb the mining industry was seriously crippled few of the producers of mineral wealth could successfully operate against such odds but nevertheless they exhibited re staying qualities when their source of revenue was practically cut off lead and copper prices have now partly recovered and there is a fair margin of profit at the present level silver however is still clinging around the low water mark and shows few sings of advancement this unsatisfactory condition has been attributed to many causes the chief factors however in the continued depression of the white metal seem to be the decrease in demand from chef trades and the falling failing off of exports there appears to be no immediate remedy for the latter but the former factor might be stimulated to a marked extent if an increased demand for trade silver could be created it would be but a short time until the effect were noted A prominent western mining man has suggested sug est that the people of our silver country take up the advocacy of silver in every available form silver articles of every description are not nearly as popular now as when the metal was at a much higher figure perhaps this is because of the human tendency to value things merely because they are expensive if the price of diamonds was reduced to a nominal figure they would lose their charm and the desire of possession would be greatly diminished so it is with silver silver articles cabi can be obtained cheaply now their desirability is lessened if a so called craze for silver could be inaugurated throughout the country it seems more than probable that the metal price would increase perceptibly and there js is a great difference beleen forty eight and sixty cent silver A few cents either way means profit or loss in production |