Show GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW L D S recreation HALL the opening of the now recreation hall at Randol randolph tAl will be held F jan 22 the opening ning was set owe once before but contractor geo ashton was unable to complete colli the building in time for the daff date set this time there will ie be no question about it as the finishing touches are ara almost complete all the doors have liem been hung the floor is down and the floor contractors expect to be through sanding and cipoli bing today just jul a I 1 few final touches will be required to complete the he building no means meana have been spared to make this hall one of the nicest and most up to date hall in the state A building of this sort is Is one that randolph Randol nh has needed for a long ion time the bishop backed by the alie randolph people and many people from adjoining towns deserve much praise for the boust coust construction r udra of this fine hall it is ill a bea icv and the best most up to date hal ball iu in this section of the country rv everything h ing Is arranged for the convenience and pleasure of the people the people ot of randolph are proud of the building and proud of the work of Cont contractor raMor geo ashton lie ile has sure worked hard to have the building completed tor for the opening date jan this opening has the promise of the greatest event in the history of randolph one can not imagine the beauty and convenience of the building by looking at the outside those who have been unable to watch the inside construction of the building are going to receive the surprise of their lives we are unable to tell you on paper tho the conveniences of this splendid building 5 i ou must come comet and see for you yourself the admission is arranged as a final contribution as well as an admission a ticket for gents and goc a ticket for ladies if you want to celebrate the biggest event alln in randolph history dont miss atif tl grand opening of the new recreation hhall many surprises await you |