Show today and tomorrow tomorrow is not yours and it is yet uncertain whether it ever will be today is the only time which least shadow of you can with the propriety call your own of course we are all tinctured more or less with pessimism but it is as bad form to talk about it as it is to be a whooping optimist if it is your disposition to lead the parade you will find a parade somewhere even though small if men have to think and worry over making a living they would be handsomer understanding and knowledge knowledge without understanding is as ineffective as was steam before watts discovered how it could be applied your friend is not the one who tells the truth about you but conceals some of it bless his loyal heart people perpetually pursuing thrills give you the impression of being or worse still unbalanced work and values the wealth of the world is not its money it is in what we produce by work A woman has fathomless courage when she undertakes to engineer a love aff affair air between two other people the right sort of a husband is is swollen with pride when his wife is the best dressed woman at t the e party it if youre told to i alkalize ay try this remarkable 41 phillips af pf way thousands are adopting A on every side today people are being urged to alP alkalize aliZe their stoma stomach ch and ana t thus 1 e case ase symptoms of acid indigestion nausea and sto stomach macir upsets to gain quick alkalization just do do this take two teaspoons of PHILLIPS MILK OP OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating OR take two phillips milk of magnesia tablets which have the same anta antacid cid effect relief comes almost at once usually in III a few minutes nausea gas fullness after eating an and d arid acid indigestion pains leave you feel like a new person try this way be surprised at results get either the liquid phillips or the remarkable new phillips milk of magnesia tablets delightful to take and easy to carry with you only 25 ff a box at all drug stores ALSO IN TABLET FORM rach tiny is the of a GE tta sPoonful of geu LU PS anne abill milk of mag zt SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY 0 our lobby Is delightfully air cooled during the summer stammer months radio top every room rooms claths a I 1 I 1 A ier 14 E HOTEL temple square rates 1 SO to 3 00 0 11 o bot hoppl l templo sq square aare has ha a s hielle desirable fric trie udy odly aam atm id immaculate late supremely 1 comfortable and d alboro ehly ayou can there foro understand why this hotel jet ii HIGHLY lally recommended you can clao appreciate why its ts a mark of distinction 0 o top stop at this beautiful Ims feTI ERNEST C ROSSITER egr mgr 1 I i I 1 II 11 I 1 1 II 11 ir I 1 nn in i n i |