Show THE OF 01 YOUR TOUR HAMD w by leicester K X davis 0 public ledger inc 7 eft ant As AS HAS been learned from pre c eding ceding lessons the first or nail jint of the thumb denotes the type cyp e ot of will power of the individual the will however ex expresses presse s itself in man ways the thumb will slow show you how in this lesson we shall analyze the reverse of the inflexible or stubborn will the thumb of non nonresistant resistant will you will note many thumbs which indicate this kind of will power or rather lack of it in varying degree the outstanding indication is the resilient yielding quality of the first or of nail joint when pressed back ward toward the arl wrist st the lack of will power and the tendency to impulsiveness ness always associated with the over flexible thumb are usually found in exact ratio to the amount of flexibility in thumbs indicative indica tiva of non resist ant will the first joint may be either excessively long or short but often is found with length disproportionate to that of the second joint its sides are either extremely ely straight or exaggerated in taper those with first or nail joint of this type invariably possess wills that too readily fall in with suggestions gest ions of persons who may not always wish them well they realize when it is too late the folly of impulse P alse ulse which has had its way ungoverned by reflective thought the characteristics which mark the non nonresistant resistant will when found in thumbs of refined structure always sig signify nafy that extravagance where the purchase of luxuries is concerned is almost sure to override sound judgment in the coarser type of thumbs indulgence in grosser material desires is apt to be a serious and always present risk service |