Show r I I II I OBITUARY j IIxnEnnALL I L f lILL > lon > ClTT Utah May 21 1887 130 flied 01 Knob MIII1 couuly at am MnySO Ii97 Ilober O 2 tho ton of I Ibo ate A A and 11 wife JUry E tan Klmballl born Novombr 12 1970 jhl young man conlrctod a eold which pro dnord o Ihorlng upon Iii Drck roull 8 ing in gene deblity hili owing 10 hit cherlul and tlllcomplalnlll iltiotliIOo II woq thought tnatiir 0 would right 1111 and all woul go wolL hut 190 uddon ptIog away to In a titop ore ated a rol000d0000tIOU00d corro repeoltily antoeg Ibo yotleg lojileof I the J td Hebe1 0 ito wa icllonalcly 01 plendld e1eclioro called tool a clod u whottt touch irot I Ieree youth cr900 i teird Witty dn retro tie joetal coot to 1aeloothtp without the oppeilie tot etreegdrtok Or tehocco whtcit cc tee qllonlly mr the 1Iannl round 01 youlblOI etteciOtlO0t h eoltt000 fly to cm a looder and a lor olong hit Immdlol ooeocioiOt lilt ide land eeothrr IhoughllhoIUbr could do no fnolho bolng Ibo old1 boy 01 bomB oroeg the lamlly cecirecteit hi cOI1ol I oot fICIC1 work hot heal their hi ccli t t hilbr loving hope down In tho dlll The foneret nervtcn took plBC on Saturday he 32nd Inlftnt prcIded over by Bihop Jecee UoklllOD who it I In qulto dlc hellb 01 toooflottatiOtt and wee B ocrntoetieg manllItol cmortnl wa itt which the do the loon cod oeioorn it cooeot none held mT epoch 0mw ore KIdor Jarue M Gardner Uorgo Cruno and Jol > rntiii of Kiltnore Ialrlarch Ulas nlackbum In whoso admlnljtra maekbur C hOOt Heber had much faith had been telegraphed for and arrived m tithe to 101lnpbd dedicate Ibo gravelo which the body was dolclo by eight young men as pall olgh hr learers followed by tetive young ladles dressed In white with Had nhe then followed twelve young mencompaulons lolowd of similar ages the family mournera coda I cod-a loot cortege of the general pubiic > While viewing lu procession youthful youth-ful whiteclad marble corpse an aged C I hand gripped my own and drew ino aside f and pointing to Iho mortal cloy said I saw the Prophet Joseph JII In hit coffin looking just Ilko that and as again looked the form six feet one Inch tall and caught the graceful con 1 tourof that whitened lace a response turol woe qulcaonod In my own mind 10 I the torroovfai memory of that In Jlrothei Thom Charlewortk U O i JA > WOOD Jane Wood departed till life May 4 1837 at hi home In fcrda Tooolo county very auddouly having worked In his garden all morning came In at noon Ilrun dinner 1 Immediately after complained of a pain In the direction of the heart and at eon Buffering for two hour anti a half quietly passed away Funeral service woo held in UioTooelo meeting house on MayUlh Consoling remark wore offered bp President lie We bl Oowaa Bishop Bale and other of his immediate acquaintance all testifying to his Integrity lo the truth and willingness to do whatever wa required of him Ho wa the on of dome and Harriet Woods was born at Chobhara Surrey 9 i Von 13 1833 was blI I llled Into the Church of Jonas Christ of I Latterday cabin when quite a boy afterwards movod lo London whore hot ho-t resided soino two and a half year and became deeply Interested In tao spread of the Gospoli emigrated to Utah In 1811 In company with hun slater the late Mrs C O Dye lie first obtained out lIrta r V ployrnont toln lalt Lake City i the lain lllder William 1 Bialnea taking charge of hi bud ness while he woe engaged filling a ml Ion to England In ISO2 ho wa ouo 01 B company of twentylive toot at the rennet nh govaritavnt enjen Coo 5 llobert T ISurlou to Laramlo lo pro I lOCI had mall sorvioo aajainat Indian dep J redationn In 18U4 he tnadn homo lu ° J tho Ninth word 1 Lake City whore 9 bo reilded until ISM wont ho moved to his farm home End Tooole county I which ho beautified by hIt labor uud direction Ho was cork of ion ward whore hellOed and one ot presidents Df the 10rlbld quorum et Hevmy I At a meeting held by the member of bla Quorum the lundy previous to his 0 ueatb ho was chosen ne one suitable togo to-go on a mission In l U he wits called and apart as Sunday kobool superintendent superin-tendent Krda ward tbe duties ol which he look tho greatest of pleasure In ion forming up to Ibo tlmo of hi death he was also buporlnlendentof Ihe religion class of the word HU remains were 101 lowed 10 tho graveyard by a large coo courso of friends 10 by the riunday school In a body Ho leave o larie lamllyaud a great many friends who mourn the loss of his eoclotyCOM j PAVIB CAMncw > Died at Hamblln Utah May 81S07 S Savld sCanucld lie was born May 1012 In Jorbam Ontario l county Jsew iln htejotoool the Church lu Toronto Toron-to Canada and was baptized In 1813 by larly tO lralt Wnl io Nauvu In I lS4 oud helped to finish up the Tempi aa fur at It woo completed Came to Utah In ISiOi Bottled In 1rovoj wu lithe li-the Indian war there was called on the Dixie mission In 1SD1 aud first nettled nt HI Qoorge was a willing worker and a true Latterday rjalul Ho was the lather of ten children had foriyU Krodchl rn and DDO gratKrand child Ills lost Illness of four week was severe but bo bore his suffering patiently and has gone to rest leaving a i record of a man who never failed 10 ro spend lo the call ol God nervauts aol who was ever true to the trust reputed In Coif him May his children done wel ALAXBOX WILLIAUS HOlIll Died at Oceansldc Long Island N Y May 12 1937 Alanson William hope be hi huh year ol consumption lie waa IIrbla of Wlillaut It e boper nod Mary Eliza linemen both of old ont wellknown Long Island families The funeral service Snore hold at CIte home of Ibo deoeasrd May lCh and conducod by Elders Waite Burton and Hanks from Iho Brooklyn oleo About IWO hundred relatives nnd friends assembled Last April ho become a luember til iho Church ot Joslia Christ of Latlcrday Baluts and his clod l > I day wuro brightened bright-ened by Iho expectation tif ajoylul re urreolon Ho leaves a most ostltnablo wile and throe young children |