Show = NEWS OFTHE MIN ES IIIID Plltsbarg tie Only SlIer on Ihe Stock Kubanlie fclMKXSIOS AT TWIN SIUINP Urijim Mins Owned bj 1Ml of Fall I AkeSlO Jnin Ulilrlct Ogdm did Bmln Mlnti Tile sale 1 at two thousand lhaios of Mtlle 1IIIburl it ti coot per share baa Ibo only business transaction In me pit of the stock I exchange today Figures remalnel low and nit much interest attacked to tin call although o goodly number t stocks made their appearance on th e b ard Ai usual Anchor led out and wait offered of-fered at 12S bat not a bill verged Into I the materialistic AJax which It I generally conildereJ a good buy al present quotations Wall bite for at 47 cents while oflirlnmol the Hock were made at 69 Beat BalllonBiclt < kept Its place at fl nres almost too lew to mention and the Dalya I appeareJ as I oau r ear oflerlnga but bids for 1 the stock were nolloelKbt I Four Acts maintained a itallonary poltlon and bad a floent bid while Qilena Geyser and Geyser Marlon were treated to the uiuil con a Ids ration llercur stock chronicled chron-icled Us belt bid at 745 with oOerlngr at 8 and as no sales I were made the quotation bowed that holder at lent were wllllnc to tick to tbe stock until they cot Their price for It Mammoth was low Northern Light normal and Utah In bitter ibapeinan on yesterday The male of Little Plltiburg I opened up the call of unlisted stocks Began tea and South Swansea were itlll In lowly elation and neither were itrong lysouihl alter Btoiamento firm In Ibe bidding at 27 centp while Opex was brought out and bad bid of Si cents ai agaloet offerings of the stock at 11 cent Oraahn stood ahjut ate tloutry and Silver Cloud was cone alter at 2 cent but could IDOl be bu stilt under three Units that figure Ibe closing figures were as follows LISTED STOCKS MIN8 AU IUd Actual I I 1 I At T A 71 Brief fZaIiwa BILbion1101c 5 to 5 00 entinDiallHures 4i oil A 0 JIM 7 u I ton a L is 93 mt 6 raw Y lit I NourAces I 11 a fi 8 Us = = 11irion II Do I 24304 = 1 10 Iloru biIvor I blercur 1 a he 7 43 AlageIth = 1 52f 14i Northern I1N 97 11i 7 to overlan tooli i to 25 u htn = 11130 I he 5 UNLISTED STOCKS KINEL il I T 1Id Alice Honl I iluckeyetlltic I 10 74 is it A annel camp 110YO Creole DexterN Vj7 = = I 24 If MT Qi 1 14 U14 11U9 7 2 111C little 11 i V6 dn Luky La td A else P19 city hANaa T N1 Is = A4300nd h a L 6 N on Iuth a 1regent uttea I 4Iden Os I a Iria is as jh d 1 a short time on acojunt til this company com-pany It was better under the circumstances cir-cumstances tn shut down for a short lime than In 110 allies I and Incur bills lor Ibo raymonl 01 which the money would not bo at band All account uow duo will bo paid as saon as Ibey probmbloboynJalfifiLblay can be made up probably by Monday next nextMr Mr AnJtrson IOU the work would undoubtedly be finished ai planned lie was not In a position to state when work would be resumed but II traihla Impression that the enterprise would not be closed down more than a few week The milling 10 far done he sold bd booo very satisfactory The amount of ground worked bai been small owing lo the fact trial Ibo company com-pany bad not been able to reach the waleriupply that It bad expected to Wiliest In this seasons work but the value ot tbe ground worked bad proved vory good and aQorded every ocourallerooot |