Show Notes and Personals Judge Her will bold court for Judge Ralapp In Ogden next Batur day He will then return to Logan sun go ti lllch county through Illicit Btnlthj Fork cauyou to open the Juno term at Randolph next Tuesday Fayctte Hatch will leave Franklin ilurtly to fill a mlssiin In Homes Cues Boruorougu of the samo places marls about the tame lime for Now Zealand Peter Hcnrlkaen and Adolf F lIoLtlketnlormerly of OJei se Denmark Den-mark but now of Newton wore itrantcd Ihtlr cItIz2 a hip papers last Tueiduy Mr Charles Overy ssvered one Joint from Ibo thumb nf tile Ml band Ian Tuesday while In the employ of Mr A L Ukanchy of lull city The A C ol Us baseball nine will go to Wellivllle ntx Monday llay the nine ol that View II la I un eritooU thai the Wcllsviliu boys will ploy ttjs A C boys In Lgan ou the A C n I day Mlia Mllllo Uowell one of Logans oehcol haobIB has gone 10 her burner 10 Cllllo faunas to spend bar Sam Meg vacIIIn |