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Show VOL. D B, J. H. PAYSON, UTAH SATURDAY', APRIL 7, 1894. 42. EVANS, HEADING vi Over Dougin a htnlvara atom. Every Governor Waite Will Issue a Proclamthing imtniiiing to high art dmitiat ry. Kuilly dwaynl teeth nrula aorvieealile for life byiu the adjiintmeiit of Uuld, Aluuiluiuu or ation. 1'or-eela- crowua. SETS TEETH OF It May SERIOUS TROUBLE if ,1a Math fur Xau. Dean AGilmour, Propr's. BREWING Goor Old Eatabliahed.Barbera. liHfirtiHtriuI, ... IILMbtaBlrfla I "S ELEGANT ROOMS IN CONNECTION. OpihhII et he Olule Oflice. Tir I jj Remaining in tho postoflice Pay son April 1, 1804: Jcu Fannin. The above letters will be held 30 days; those uncalled for will then be sent to tho deoil letter ollicc. C. W. I Q.F. M. 1)., Lrttie Muxwrll. W.O. Hemlow. I TILSJX. Mats "S1 I Work Liurr - I BATH A huamtt T0PIG8. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, .with. severe Armed Men Now on tho Way to Irrvcut thr . .. Entraueeof Utah SKoey Into CoUirudo PftinS in hlS back and fUSO that Ills bladder was affected. lie tried Suid the si. up are DWeaaed. many so called kidney cures but About a , without any good result. Desyo, April 5.-noM()(Electr. aile issues tomorrow a prodam-- 1 aml found relief at once. Bittcrg ation forbidding entrance to tbia I Electric Bitten. Uespocially adapt. atatofromUtali of .llBl.eep iM 1 to enre of all kidney and liver Will nmi a clean bill of health. on PrtWPf- - AilG almoat give, will held be in the race shuts out 150,000 Utah sheep, and wiii meeting 6 Drivin Mftnli Park the Colorado cattlemen are credited prove1 ourstltement Price of. only Association. with threatening to maintain quar- - , At Jolm or autine for ten days which will ruin Mra Ferris of Salem who was Btor0t Jl from Qnjgey8 sheep. Dispatches implicated some mouths ago in a Grand J unction say a large herd R. Ch W. Notico to Sheep Owners, shop-li- f iiug speculation is in town is headed for Colorado, accompan. today. The lady is engaged in Tqthe WooLGBOwEBgOFSouTH the very laudable but most einebn Utah: Yon are vitally interested this harassing task of seeing all tbe I whom sho has wronged, year in taking your wool to such I Parties those wrongs right, ailway stations as will secure to makintJ at price witliiu reach of all. Chits NO. 9. it a MM .Una. Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick head ache, bad taste in mouth, foul From the breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skiu, jmiu in back aud between the shoulders chills aud fever, Ac. If yo- novo ALL THE NEWS OE THE DAY any ot these symptoms, yo- -r liver is out of order, aud your blood is slowly beiug poisoned, because The Horn Silver Vllua at FrUoo Dmstroyed your liver dot's not act properly, by Fire, Lima About I2UO.OUO Doatriiotiou llerbine will euro any disorder of of FUh at FLh Luke. the liver, stomach or bowels. It lms no equal as a liver mediciue. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottles ootl)a11 loumameut is being ar- - a Quigley's drug store, by tbo Manti team All hB K'presentaUre team, of tbe Unclalmed Letters over tho success of yesterday. TERRITORIAL Mozarts Magnificat in G rendered at vespers last evening in a pinsing manner, closing an Short and Crisp Items important musical day's work. Territory. Ann Arbor News 0FF0UR8HEEP. DENTIST. BEST GLOBE PAYSON THE Wright, P. - Physician and Surgeon. OflUrfopposite Smith's Hotel, Puyson, Utah roigMyufoand M. determined which keeps you constantly cough, com petitionnreight ratesasvell Uf. or if you are afflicted with ing the state lino near Fruita, and a ber of to lead a better life hereafte- r,to t any chest, throat or lung trouble all classes of citizens are prepar- - wool Dispatch. buyers. whooping cough, Ac., and you use ing to resist their advance. State L t 3 ar tllig conipany ga ve you Deputy Marshal nenry went to Bullard s llorehouud Syrup as di- Veterinary Surgeon Gresswell, . oweBk freight rates ever made Salt Lake today with two prisoners, .. 11 tt fur now at Grand J unction, reports to .tna1 and vl.nB from Utall HIl(l we illlend counterfeiter Mason and a d benefit disis expenouceil, wc Lakin llia Governor Waite the sheep are I)0ssib!e cftre 0f 0ld boy named Thomas Moran; 01170 refund with scab, bence tho quaran- Se,lt jour money Mason will serve a six months thig geaBOD of boJ n uev0r fails tine proclamation. rt:tura freight rates from Saliua sentence in the penitentiary. The to 8 Sheep have ruined tho grazing wiU boy was caught at Neplii on Sat- bronchitis. m, rial and Nevada lands in Utah aud than thos0 romyMilord aild Urday lost, lie is one of a pair of M1 afc Jolm dr"B the approaching hosts wonld also lhat vicinity- Salt Lake youths who appropriated ruin tho Grand Diver counties in At Salina and Manti the repre- - to their own use a horse. The Gunnison ani IfcTsXate pollute 80utatjvea n TEJI GBEAT fheigut other boy got tired of his wander- i)rfr tha river. lines will compete for your busi- - ings and returned homo repentant farfl ra to Omohaj c ness, and we have arranged for some time since. DiBpatcli. Council Muffs, la., and Nek, CARETS ARID LAND BILL. some of the stbosgert wool but Saliua Press: Parties who came Missouri river common Elis in the West to lie located there down from Fish lake this week re- - 20.30 one way and 35,98 re I I a 1 I JXCHAUGE .... I I I 12-ye- ar ... auth-eose- Ij ler I I SourboaRye olt I I WHISKIES. Will hi Favorably Beqorted by tht ti Sen- - CommittM. in addition to the regular Wool Growers Associations. Do not be deceived into taking yur vol to a railway Btt ionwhere you will find no competilioa; e simply caution you to pro- . port that the annual slaughter ofL Limited to GO days. trout is now in full blast. The Qny K).30 for firetclnsa ticket small streams are alive with fish, the L;uion rucific KaiiWBy this being their spawning PnyK)ll Ruling, San Francisco Hordes of men and boys follow AngeejJ flna ColtoQ California the banks, and wagons arc .loaded K 0gden and Southern Pacific with the Cali andpeddled bout for round trip Mll AVliat a tke S. forGO Stork, A gout, gocsl days. co1?; shame this is! An energetic com- missioner, such os they have m other counties, would quickly put a stop to the nefarious work, The great horn silver mine at Washington, D. C.. April 2- .Senator Carey is encouraged over Wines, Liquors aui Cigars. the prospects of the bill for the cession of a million acres to each Goods a Bottled Specialty of the arid land States and Terri- toriea to be improved by oocomodations in .lion. The general expression of All necesssary Lhe free of L. way shearing corrals , iy tain First-ClasBt ion an oo oom whose shearers of .g ,iwle and plenty ban those else-doubt it will be favorably reported will be found at various soon by the committee on public where, our lands. Mr. Carey believes the bill PintB fire last Thursday, the large cn-- 1 Respectfully yours, Payson, Utah. will reC(,ivetlie unanimous endorse-- 1 Opposite Bank. feu.ncei Loaves Payson 7:15 a m. I centrating and sampling works bo- mentof the committee. Senators .5 rouu(1 General Freight Agent R: G. W. fog entirely destroyed, and the bill and the favor White Dolpli timbers of tbe mine set on fire, and say it f rovides for an expen- There is more catarrh in ibis e. ckook, JtallardufMOir Lhiimrnt. toseph last at which were still o burning and direction tho lineut in section of tlio country than all right This invaluable remedy is one j een had works I The reports. just other diseases put together, and may lead to the solution of the that Att rney at: Law ought to be in every bouse-- 1 ou with new machinery until the last few done wlml shall be to of years was question bold. It will cure your rheuma-- 1 Licli was completely deatroyel. reclaim arid lands. to lxi incurable. For a tism, neuralgia, sprains, cuts, jQgg j8 gupjjosed to bo in tbe OHlae over Bank. Payson, Utah rrcat many years doctors pronouncbruises, bums, frosted feet and neighborhood of $200,000. About ed it n local disease, ami prescribed Raster Musis at St. Thomas ears, sore throat and. sore chest gQ m0Q vere jn be miu0 when local remedies, and by constantly roU have, lame back jt will cure the fire broke out, but all escaped wh'ch excellent manner The failing to cun with hxal treatBOOTH & WILSON, to the Beat of without injury, Marzos mass in G was given at it. It penetrates it incurable. ment disease. It will cure Btiff gat Lake was favored Monday Sciencepronounced the Easier services in St Thomas tho to lw a catarrh has proven and contracted muscles after a visit from a party of dis- joints manshowed the church disease and I lure-for- e thorough 1rota Ituh. have failed. tinguished gentlemen who are corn-ti- l utionul remedies all other choir which Thomas ner in St requires constitutional treatThose who have been cripples for traveling on pleasure, tho most had studied the grand work. ment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manuhave used Ballards Snow I priuninent of whom was Gen. Juo, years music difficult of pages factured by F. J. Cheney & Co Liniment and thrown away their Schofield, Commander of the was this mass as rendered yesterthe only eonstitu-tionToledo, O , 1C crutches and been able to walk as I T. Lincoln, a form-we- ll Robert bIiows the qualities day morning, cure on the niRrkct. lt is ever. It will cure you. I er Secretary of War, and Minister as of the choir and the training it in doses from 10 Price 50 ci nts. Free trial bottles aj tho Court of JSt. James during taken internally has received from its organist and PAYSON, UTAH. to a It acts leaspooiiful. J at Quigleys drug store. Harrison ailmiuistration, and drops the McClellan. J. John mucous blood and choirmaster, directly on the George M. Pullman, the milliou- - surfaces of the ' Go to ConfrrrHtr rid I". I, llailiray. First Class Fare, Sample Rooms The Charming tenor solos rendersjsUm. 71iey ofcar The other manufacturer. laire . so B. James ed by St and Hostlery. piquantly The Duion Pacific special f rain njemlKrs ot tlie parly were John fer one hundred dollars for any nccouipaDied by tbe strings, the will run case it fails to cure. Send for during Conference, April DeKovoUt j. Uoune, Henry Terms Reasonable- Adbass boIos bo splendidly rendered 0 to 9 inclusive, as follows: Leav- - Elliottj P- - jA Yoe, Lieutenant R. circulars and testimonials. Co. Toledo, dress F. J. Cheney it 7:05, a. m; Benjamin M gchofielli (gou of General Sc of the Misses Oesterlin, Caspary, ing Payson 75. Sold O. a. druggists, by 7:27 a. m; Spanish Fork m; Also Mayer. -T- ribune, j jjjn8eyi Foley aud darken in their Springville 7 :36 a. m ; Frovo 7 :50 fieia)aud Edgar pleasing solos and beautiful duets a. m; Pleasant Grove 8:15; Ameri- - j ;r5T was a happy satisfaction to nil. can 8:21 a. m; ljehi 8:27, Arrive Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Govt Report. Miss darken gave two barp solos, train 9:30. Salt Lake at Regular oe accompanied by orcbcatra ndl1(iavM p rTOc), 3 p. 1, a otter by organ, t organ, a"MMtLUe.t C:10 p. m. Faro 4s artistic manner. The Minuis or- -, good going April 2:35; tickets . ediestra, also A. Hoelschcr, flutistn,to 8, returning good till ifurnuhed accompaniments. Miss The boat TURXOU1S in tbe City (j, , fluey, tf Detroit, gave Gounod's Randle ouly'the Lent brand of tux-n- u s I I fgs j1 Bup-jos- ed I I I Land Attoruoyn I I Six-ty-t- I al At-my- ; I I I John Fraud, rrop.- I ho-7:- 20 1 LIVERY Bafo STABLE I j AilI'ihiSlAlili . Tl- - OVj!nr'' ! FKAlilulb, rKUr '1?,"' ".T' i. comLinnOon, v,o-HAC- K PECULIAR iniTfi.i- choir, portion and prc,urali,)a of C'lfli.m, buwo work ! bnrl on this rntjl Hood- Sarsapaiiai music and have cause to feel elated curative value. You should YRT - &S&S& I ABSOIDTELY PWIB |