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Show VICTORS are Standard Value. of a new party based Oh, yes, I have." she replies, in for freo coinage of triumph, my great grandfather demand the oil - iriniindia'': tlir of tl.e helped eat Captain Cook" Lo silver, 111 pr .1 ri VrLu sL tho Bland bi!lt ban. is no evidence that the veto meets Pablisn . In 1S8S, Mr, CarvaL The congress- paring to produce au general approval. i . H.J.KKMOX, Kditur. men who are at the head of this opera by Emile Cheve, when the fire of the Opera Combine took TbUpupnr In entered kt the potiiJfice at movement declare that the admin1uiuiu, Hull, fur truiuiuiklu thrauik Ilia istration lias set its face toward place. The score parts ware deinuile i,i,il matter. the gold btuudard. It is olearly stroyed. Mr. Cheve, olthongh St IISClillTK IN ; evident that any attempt to pass a brokenhearted at the loss, heroicDim bill favoring silver in any way, ally sat to work to leprodnce the Six uioi.llik whatever, while Grover Cleveland work, which is now finished, and he 4404 occupies the presidential rhair is resolved to let it be heard in M.I1I Kitty 7, ttut. wasted, unless it be gels. The Cercle Artistique lent No deviation. to 11 e itiiM'ird piivft cf Victor Bicycles is f 125.00. possible pass it over his veta the building, ih Monnaie l.r.t current year. the cut rates Tin; American Fork Item has Docs the Herald suppose that the several of its during . are against guaranteed Victor and the! artists, and for contest a voting inaugurated Bland bill, hud it become a law, French embassy its patronage, the most jiopular lady in Utah would have injured the cause of The perfornan e took place Feb-- 1 OVERMAN county. Present indications are, Bilver? Bland surely would havelrnary 11, DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. DENVER. that they will Elect (a) Bullock. been very foolish to have introCHICAGO. NEW VORK. SAN FRANCISCO. duced a measure, which would lie lavuiiiso uas, The rise in the price of silver del'iuml the he ai I Fweddy (lighuTg dg.tte)- -l since the defeat of the llland Bill voca ng. You aw dont mind my smoking will only be temporary, like it wbb do you? A Quarter Century Teat. after the repeal of the Sherman For a quarter of a century Dr... law. It is a trick of the gold bugB , , , 111 a S uo c orY' New Las been to deceive the people. Discovery Kings $8 Mabel George stole a lot of tested, and the millions who have The Brigham Bugler accuses received benefit from its use testify kisses from me last night Maudo Oh, he doesnt knowl the Paris Post of swiping its edi- - to ita wonderful curative powers Harness and Saddle Oil 25 cents per quart and upwards torials bodily and dropping them in U diseases of the throat, chest any better! and NOW IS THE TIME to use it Mabel Yes, thats sa He said into its columns without giving and lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has they were better than any he everl proper credit. 'As yet wo have Oifiny Dune failed to discover the editorial given so universal satiifaction is had. Truth, I au:l at reasonable prices. column of the Bugler. Ive got a great cmiosity Id jno experiment Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give re-- like to you gir , said a man Call'and see us whenyou want anything in our line. be refund- - ju Kildulf. or money deserves Bawlinh Delegate ia admitted to be the most Wfaat it? the praise of the people of Utah, H- It colds. and L,u8 A. LOVELESS, written by George Bnc-letter .A 1 regardless of politics, for his THE GLOBE PAYSON ' tablibuuu-u- t ! e'-si- 1 m u-- wmMiiud-cimi- . V t iy. e Brns-simplyti- ai-ki- i. I rj I WHEEL CO. I . I j LOOK HERE! and upwards. Harness Saddles $8 and upwards, 1 I Jlepairiny anti Promptly I cess in Utcs from being dumped territory. lie has made a hard Main street, Payson. J, ,.r. fight for pur rights and has at last gained the victory. Let me see it. Here it is, said the man during a document I HfHY HOT pro- - BUY Till BEST? Ail Our Goods Cuaranteoc!. Why, you fraud," replied Kil- Vincennes is the oldest city in I Liliuokalani know, Indiana and was its capital from duff, this letter was written on al typewriter, nud typewriters werent iug that her chances of being re- 1800 to 1813. invented when George Washing- stored to her throne are forever Tho Western Union Telegraph L gone, Iihs expressed her willingness cousnmes 100.000,000 .,Woron.t tll , That nake,i to favor annexation to the United oompMiy Your StoroUooivor foi Thom. AbIc run Stove Poliah, Jet Black Dealer' Tasta, J:t Clack Jet Black i aa.l Waterproof She Drcuinf, Jgt Black WaternroofCjrr:a:,o l'c.--I:nna-riHarness Qfcasin, Jet Black Enamel for Stavca, Tip :s, etc., Ll.oa Shoe Drtuinz for Ladies' Shoes, Ancnts i Loot i Blacking, French Boot and Shot Blacking, Uncle Snm Ai.j Creuso. Ex-Qoe- el a-- 1 Al envelopes a year. the letter a bigger curiosity than States for a 20,000 annuity. She Bench to find stones sale 1 thought it was. I'm glad you ready values her favor rather high. used in manufacturing perfumes told me. I wouldnt sell ic now We do not think Uiicle Sara iU be extracts and prussic acid. I for leas than fifty dollars. flavoring give yon any annuity Li; but miles! And the wouhl-b- o vendor folded likely you can obtain a life posi-- l I Maine lias 20,000 square Ion under Grover as house maid of pine forests. The lumber in-- 1 h8 previous document and stowed dustry sends oat 400,000,000 feeta Maseum Manager What has! year. American Publishers As--1 become of my diamonds? I left war jranco ja pn.J ju t;me 78 Doarborn on them Street, pared to put 370 ont of every 1,000 sociations, my desk here when I went lout-finChicago, are jnst completing a very Lf iier )npulation in the field; of glass Poets and Germany 310: Unwin, 210. work entitled Assistant We ran o frv of Ulii:. It vou are u uml brd to fii.-- then t ) III" p.ii.-s- - ; The women of the middh ages v. rii: r of pootry eenu to the them, , . eiter to keep ihc .vi'i-.- fg.M.i'. , , hair with a a favorite of more w8. or on poems yonr When not in use it Jasper Garner is !; N"v.- Vir and vou will begiven reptOMute. m,1 ust now crr,ul 11,0 lien in the work, li willbeilloet. Jumpuppe Who is he? Lack of vitality and rated with engravings and life-Jasper He is the man who has portraits. Do not fail to Bend ter in the bulbs causes the hair been in Africa studying the langpoems as tlie publishers are anxi- - to fall out and turn gray. We uage of the monkeys. ous to have the work include all recommend Halls Hair ltenewer Jumpuppe What is he doing to prevent baldness and grayness. the local poets of this Territory, lipre? 88223 r 1 I I I I itawayinhis-iusidepocketJudg- ucbckml c. I QUEEH CITY KFG. CO.v N. Y. REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Bt. piSOS to nae. Chaapest. Belief ia immediate. ei ia For Ctold e o. eolor-mat-ji- 4s Ly in the Head it liaa certain. b ,! .... N f:?' - lEB9 A no eqnal. It ia AnOiubnent,of which arir.r;!! the - noatrila. to Price 60c Addnna ; . T. tv.li r AJA. .a or si'utby ki.iiji., Wonen, Pa. ke Ii you avt going It is complained of English Jasper Studying the language The notion of the state militia nurses who come to America that of the dudes. of South Carolina, proves that they are altogether too genteel, Btate militias are of little conse-- 1 and carry their sense of superior-quenc- e MOODS Sarsaparilla wins its way when brought to a test if ity about with them in Buch an 88 into the confidence of the people it is doing. Fair trials by the they are all like those of South offensive and conspicuous manner guaranteegood permanent CURES. Carolina. A Btate militia that will as greatly to impair their useful-nTire Urea Mrrrf. obey the Governors orders is ness. worse than no militia at all. Be-Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of JuncTho gloomy earB an(1 tbe weari. cause the members of a regiment tion was told by her doc111, City, neM of BOul of wllich many do not tliink an evistiug law is tors she had consumption and that complain, would disappear if the no should reason there was no hope for her, but right, is why they blood were mHih more healthy to do their duty. It is 1 fore it rcBehes the brain. two bottles Dr. King's New DisAyers be hoped that newly organized gargnparilla purifies and vitalizes covery completely cured her and militia of Utah will ever be ready saved her life. Mr. blood, and thus conduces to she says it to go where duty calls. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida BL, health of body and mind. Han Francisco, suffered from Mrs. Langnish. Tired! Oh. conTnE Salt Lake Herald RJ:sotiml all the time!" Mrs. Smart dreadful cold, approaching result tried without sumption, Or any point Kant. auilwVriito enThe majority of the people Well, so I used to be until I lxv joy t duyllvht ride thniueli the else then bought one everything (nniilr- -t Hcenery of the Kooky well as of the newspapers of the mountains, lie aure to gl fur e ghn to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla os bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovticket read vii the country will bo fonnd endorsing U Bpring mediciae, and now I dont two weeks was cured. in aud ery the presidents veto of the Bland know what it ia to have that tired He is naturally thankfuL It is bill for the coinage of the feeling. Ty it, my dear; only be such results, of which these are The gold standard aure you get Ayers, seigniorage. samples that prove the efficacy o folks are pleased with his action ifa&ef llofman, the boy pianist, this medicine in coughs and colda. bccHiiso they do not want any iu- bottles at John Qnigleys No Tiresome creaso of silver currency. Hinny l8 now kl enough to defy societies Free trial Layovers, store. Close Connections in of tho bimetallists aud most of the! that look after tho welfaro of drng Union Depots. free silver coinage advocates ap--1 children, anil if we are to believe And Positively the Low Kates prove of the veto because they do the foreign, press, has developed Quickest Bouto not want any half way measures or into 8 wonderful artist He will are still in effect to eastern points makeshift expedients. Of course begin an engagement in Loudon vin the Ilio Grande Western rail the Herald would approve of the early in May. It is said arrango-vet- a way. Bemember the Bio Grande Cleveland has never done ments are in progress for an Ameri Weatern is noted for the ekgance To the (rent riven aiul Atlantic vealHutrU. anything yet, that the Herald lias can tour next season, under the of its equipment, its new coaches anil Thoroiiylily Modern Eqniiiment its flue chair cars, its tourist or Elrguut not approved, and never will. If management of Abbey it Gran au-liivliiiliiar Llmlr Can. in mhh-l- i tlie entare free to liolilan of ntrular truin and its new am: the majority approve the veto, why To be considered while is the one colonist sleepers tiekrlu. in the name of common sense and ambition of the European-cla- d artistic Pullman double drawing did the bill ever Sandwich Islander. reason, A very dusky room palace sleeping enrs whiel, Call on or addn-4pass thQ a. r. itKHU t . House and Senate? Did the inr, maiden, clothed sumptuously in a run through to Chicago witlinu Conimcn nil I'rrUrl A Art. Itoom:i. Morln-.- liW .Suit Speed, sniety ami con. jority tliero vote for the bill be-- parasol, was one day bragging of lianga. Laki('it. cause they did not approve it? English enterprise i:v ouo etubrac fori in its well earned motto. Two The movement of Southern Biid ive we." But yon have no white main line fast express trains to the II. c. Ton ASKS It, (Imrrnlilaiw.. 4 Ticket in you." said a byaUujUr. east daily. Western, democrats, for (lie Ria ;ame I .Western. I Railway. ! I ot bo-refu- I se Kansas City, St. Louis, I so-call- Rates in effect Ncv. The I ITrom 0 continuous pass first-clas-s ago. via the? Bin Grando Western Bttil way to San Francisco Los Acgeh-- s Chicago will le 120.35 20.35 3285 St Louis 27.85 Missouri Eiver 20.35 To Coloi ado common pointsJlft.35. Bound trip limit to Colorado GO days common 35.55. points Bound trip limit GO days to G0.55. Deming and El Paso W. H. HJIEB3IEB, AgL I I 1 F. HcCAW. WATCHMAKER TTtsiIi ULXCl I JEWELER. I l I 3 i St Lonlf, Mu., lo. Fine repairing a Specialty. Xxx. old PuHtolUco |