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Show -- imi Ton: taijww union 1 ruins arrive follows: pai-- i I'iijsuu South, N'.-ri- Iwiii; T. ... JL;V" a. in 1 ah a. in S. A. M'.KK, Agent. BIO r.I.ANDE,VE8Tr.I:N. Mixed train. ..In :li2mn Mi mil train.. 8:12 pin IV. II. Mhiuiht. Agmt. T ... Pulvcr, Alliert Iluisli nn.l Richard Gough loft Tuowlay for u prospecting tour through tho Hoiitln r:i part of tho territory, and pnrt of Nevada. to be gone about a They expect Eug'-r.- Fir. uml .si &ji y:.-- Bouth-oastor- e ti moo t!i. i ir itiitr I'iitit.H, II'. Tu Missouri Diver points 29.35, return 935 05; 9'7.,,.'j i Ciiiengr 932.85; return Sun Fn.i r:.20 15: n is expected that pirn 930.05. It the rate situation will be adjusted jieaceful slumber and told to get up quick and go and procure some whisky for his brother living near y who was said to be very sick, ut proved to be well and hearty when the victim of the joke arrived, almost out of breath. TLe t. ladies and au excessive Decker, llolicrt J. Shields, H. (1. rouug cuke. Ou the McMillan, S. Durant, Salt Lake; iuukering after T. C. Holding, Spanish Fork; F. first day of the present mouth he full iminc. W. Catkins, Denver; Jos. F. Dal- called ou a certain young lady of our town who was aware of his Rhubarb roots for sale by J union ian! NL Ijouis; E. If. Mclioth, city. onduess for sweet-meatShort-- y ; ouce. Em s. Don't exerimHit Yiith yotir bi cycle. If it needs rcpuiiiug seiiil it to us. Fine work done uml guaranteed . Send for catalogue of bicycles and sundriea Salt Lake Cycle Company, 2 W'221 Main St SJt Llke Cit throe The Union Pacific trains will run botwoon Frisco and Juab Sim tiny, April 8. Quite a number of our citizens Tho Literary and Debating goIihvu gone to Salt Lake this week to attend conference. ciety of the central school gave tful entertainment in the Mrs. George llainscy is in Salt 1 Ulldl,18 r,dfty, n,BLt Lake City visiting her sous. She Afttfr tl,e refreshments wPl Ih, aWnt for a month. ferci8eB were served to all present, and A lot of men's and boys clothing tho remainder of the evening spent consigned to J. S. Page & Sous to in various amusements, lie sold at once, at J bargain. In addition to the irgular trains 1 left ednesday the Dio Grande Western will run George Ramsey Meadow for Creek, Mill- - special trains during conference, morning ard county, to bo absent about two The speeiul leaves Payson at 7:J5 months. a, in., and arrives iu Salt Lake 9:3( Fon Sale Dhubarb roots at a. m. lletuming leaves Snlt Lake very low prices. Any kind of pay at C p. m., arriving in Pnyson 9:15 Cnll on James W. Ip. m. The round trip rate will be taken. 552.35 lluish Sr. df 1t 1 ! -- between the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe'systems jiu the near future.". All who exjiect to take these low rates lird bet ter make their proposed trip at Notices to Insure insertion imut lie In the (lilii by Thursday evening. All comuiniiieu-tlo- n must l uceoiuisiniisl l.y the uriices W. Huisli, Sr. McBelh Bros, Hliipl cam of jKitatoea this week. - . other victim was a young man who registered at tho Wightinan : Jua F Wells, Jno. R. Hast, Joe ;ias an exceeding fondness for gloisclets. L-mi- s & A. Bogsmoyuc, Lefcbcr glLHOfN Ohio. FOLPING OfQAN after his arrival a plate of very MaveMNOanaaraMS suijvu mmrtm. tempting globular cakes, all wiwwe weed e sprinkled with sugar was set 4Mm rot nmtutu Rheumatism With him with the request to par- Helpless tnsuauMn romtu and Without Appetite . CMOSnM N0MM4 take. Of course he did not refuse, P BILHQRH. ceucMa t Tired Feeling and Pains Dispelled vm.c. hb MAwraLsar. but nf ter ward wished that he hud by Hoods Sarsaparilla. misery with rheumatism In SEITD FOEi OXKCrcJXiAH lie immediately seized one of the I wii Inandterrible lower limbs. I mad so much my hip i innocent looking little cookies, about Iluoda Sarsaparilla that I thought I and took a bite which was intended would try It and Kt it would relieve me. I commenced I could not alt up nor even to divide it into hemispheres; but When turn over In bed without help. Cue bottle ci FARMER MILES, the cooky was not very strongly Hoods Relieved Me in favor of such a division, and o much that I w ai aoon out of bed and could walk. I had alao felt weak and tired all the made a strong resistance. After time; could not sleep, and obtained so little rent at night Hint I felt nil worn out in the morning, no appetite to eat anything, but Hoods repeated attempts to make his incisors meet he was persuaded to HOST VOTED USTMTHa ill THE WORLD believe that tho little thing was hid inelhodd cow fi bock form, and for I Hu ale, full; illunt rating hi uwt npprovad filled with exceeding toughness, Sarsaparilla restored my appeUteandso that EBOdaot I have could eat without any distress, Altering Colt, Spaying Caule and and desired to let go, but had gained mildly In strength. I have taken five Doga, Miwcialiy Kidgllng Uoraea, eto. Alao Ilia bowing ropea and iiutramanta, nnd tell am aa I well and Kittles or Hood's Sarsaparilla boat after tnatuient ol caat rated the taken such a large bite he could as aver. Hus. 8. A. I.i.vxkxk, Boatinoyue, Ol ing took. Very important to aUatock owner and book not. "With considerable sawing' Hoods Pills cure liver Ilia, eoualiiatkin, caatmtora. atForpiiisaudCotea particulanol Co.. IU. write bin Chiurhaton, xlcL IumkIaiiIui, ludl JUKtlun. lifl)mmi!.i-nfgrinding and pulling, the little aGgravator at last yielded, when lo! and behold the young mans tCULES mouth resembled a cotton pod which had recently yielded to the rays of the sun and cracked open. Mail your orders to the ENOSES Terrible Misery be-or- 11 Hoodss? li h Cures Puts! HOM Wear EJ Underwood, a yonng man o The absence of the sheep shear-ers and those who are iu Salt Lake Saiem, who is herding sheep for attending coufereuoo makes our John Dixon was very much Lrtter of rand (lienee. ITave fbwer parts, and are lonesoiuo this week. likely to eet out prised last Friday evening when To the Noble Grand akd Mem- FAMOUS thpnrfknel of outer (ban any other ku or geiolliis engloee now to his see llao burner, turn Ilia wheel, and U bullk Just Uglit Poached camp, S.ALE:-Good six horse pow-ili- e Foil bers of Payson Lodoe No. 19 luiailldif. his aog im merge from the ten I. O. O. F. or traction engine, cost 9150, will SLAKES XO SMELL OB DIBT. CO., with a huge mountain lioness after Xo double or false explnalnna. (o fteqnaat wlt lk Your committee on resolutions sell for 9250 cash. Address Frank uundutUu spark. him. The lioness soon gave up and condolence on the death of 22 South State Street, Salt Late City Duuibcy, Dox 12G, Pnyson, Utah, Vor Simplicity it llents the World. chusiug the dog and leisurely Dro. Henry Smiths father Robert There is talk of organizing a walked up the mountain side, Or give your order to our Agent, who will Xt Oil Itself Aut nmaticnll y, (Kill on youSmith, lespoctfally 'submit the Xu Batierlna or Hluctrls Spark. in seems our club It city. bicycle while young Underwood hastened ItmoaVklklsC usr Cntleiif t.ii'ii uioa ri; as though we could afford to have over to the camp of Eugene Winn, following: Ulter Engine. Where as, It has pleased the a bicycle, baseball or football dub. n youug man of this city, who divine father, the allwiso ruler of m DascairTivn chcolau Fiitronize the road that gives seized his rifle and hurried over to tlie universe, to take from our PALMER & REY, Mak Iu Fmssa,kL -- AT you the Ixst service. Tuke the Underwood's camp. The lioness midst and uuto himself tho beloved IL G. W., special to conference, was boou discovered sitting oil Suits father of our brother, Henry nl DtstcoiIi, Trains lcavo at 7:15 a in, end 10:021 rock a short distance up the side Smith. Therefore be it a in. of the mountain. Young Winn Resolved first, That we extend to 0 shot at the animal, severely 7 'lie Dio Grande Western d jj q Smith our sincere condolence ts;c:is UNION . He approached nmi assure him of the ini train leaves Pnyson at 7:15 a. wounding it. smpathy within & few feet of tho wounded which in., for Salt Lake. Trains leave Payson Lodge No. 19, 1. O. Snlt Lake returning at 4:25 p. in., beast and fired two bIioIs into her O. F., feels for him in his sml bo which laid tho intruder out. It reavement. nud G p. m. ' Second, that a copy was killedovtr by Goshen gap, of these resolutions lie spread up Word lins been received from . near tlio D. G. W. hpJcfc' SPRAT TOOK FRUIT TREES railway, only a ou the minutes in full, and that- i the sheep shearers who left for feW miles from tLis city. LOCAL TIME CARD. be published iu the Payson Globe aiul destroy the insect that yon are paying Milford lost week, that shearing I11 effect, Feb. IX H4L Tho cool baud of death has again also a copy be sent to the family has not yet commenced, and that tariff to every year. Trains Run as Follows: visited our midst and tuken away of our brother. they were losing lime aiul expenses- I. A IIAM COCK, Jr., la ogent for Northbound. Stations. Southlioiiiid A. niels. Da one of our respected citizens. J. ( ADO a in. 6.10 p.m all kinds cf Salt Lake James Elmer, aged 20 died at 11 . Williams. G. Committee. 6.01 p. m HIH Lnkl m. a. Thursday about two oclock Robert B.40a. Provo m. 4..t) I p. m the home of his parents in this Smith passed from the sceues of John E. Betts. 2.58 SPRAYING OUTFITS. 10.12 u. in Payson ), m 3410 p. m 11.10 nm, Npilii buried was ami last UTAH 2.0$ p. m. city Saturday, 8.00 a. m Mnntl PAYSON, thig hfo to the land beyond. He 2.Z3 p. m 12.10 p. m Jimli The flrrnt Spring VNHrlu 11.40 n. m Monday. The funeral services I baJ beeu a 8ufferer o Bright.8 di8. 2.00 p. m Leamington 10.05 9.40 1. m n. m OsHs were held in tho first ward meeting eaB0 an(j 8.10 i. m 64H n. in. Milford for sometime, For liilliousness, constipation 4 JO n. m Frisco IOlCOji. m loUa0 which ho bore with great fortitude, torpid liver aud kidney troubles Trains Soutbof Juab ruu daily excr-i- Sunday John Dixon has the foundation being frequently confined to his or impurities of the Mood, use Trains leave Fait Luke for Ogden et 7,40 a and basement of his new house nl- - bed. lie returned from a trip in.. iUl a. m., Z.45 p, m. nnd 1.00 p. m. Yerba Buena Bitters. most completed. When finished through the southern part of Utah Trains leave Ogden for Salt Luke at 1.45 a. m., and 9.00 a. m. 2.25 p. m, and 8.15 p. m. i t will be one of the fmeBt residences about a month ngo being quite ill, nrVKLESM ARXICA SALVE. Two through trains daily leaving Salt Lake nt 1. n. m. and 7 p. m. reaching Denver in 24 Thebsifc silvj iat'i iu the city and will bo quite an and continued to grow worse until hours, Omaha in 28 hours; Chicago lu 48 ornament to our city. hours, nothing much fuster tlmethna via any death relieved him. He was con- cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sa other line. Pullman and Tourist Bleeper RATES. REDUCED and free chair ears and the only line oiernt-iu- g fever aores,tetter, chappec scious until a short time before rheum, Registered at the McIIatton: Dining Cara and solid Ventibuled trains Utah. out oi a. 8, Stark, Agent Payson E. 11. Bradshaw. Omaha; Wm. Le passed away and Beemed to hands, chilblains, corns, nnd D. E. Burley. Ocul Agt, Pusugr. Drpt. from River Missouri 920 to Ogskin eruptions, and positively cures Balt Lake City. Colvin, city; C. II. Moore, J. N. know those who stood around the E. L. Lomas, Oeni Paiwgr. nnd Ticket Agt. or den, Spanish Fork and intermediE. Dickinson, Oenl Mugr., Omaha Parker, E. H. Smith, B. K. Block, bedsido. Deceased was bom iu piles, no pay required. It Halt Iiake; J. C. Hoofier, St. Joe Montreal, Cannda in 1S31, and was guaranteed to give perfect satis ate points 8. H. H. Clark. Oliver W.Mli,k. Mo. 1). White, Goshen ; L. O. Taft, 59 years, 9 months aud 27 days old. fuction or money refunded. Price B. Ellery Anderson, W. Domic. John Bale 25 box. cents per For He enrna to this city 23 years ago. Frederick B. (imlnt; Keeeivera. A wife, four sous and two daugh- - John Quigley. the 2nd ward meeting house Sun-lin- y ten are left to mourn the loss of a BUTTOX8 night, aud one iu tho 1st ward kind husband aud loving father. BUTTONS ,f BECKMAN, of Provo, mooting house Wednesday night. They have the sympathy of the BUTTONS of Both were well attended, the exer- Globe iu their time sorrow nnd BUTTONS bereavement. The funeral sei vices cises being very interesting. Hatter, Dyer and Tailor. BUTTONS will bo held in the tabernacle toDont fail to attend the lecture at 10 o'clock. Sorure tickets at Bio Grande Western oflle of Dr. llitl at the Academy next day Hata and ClotLiLg'drauril We were of informed two will young Friday night llis subject ilyed. repaired, nnd made be,Oii Horseback Through the men of this city, who were the vicof Fool tims "April jokes last Holy Laud." The price of to order. will bo 15 cculs. Re- Sunday. The first was perpetraBURLINGTON ROUTE, Offle nt H'fghfmiTN Hotel, freshments, including ice cream ted ou a certain yonng man who is and cuke will lie served after the in the habit of snoozing late on lecture ami entertainment for 10 Sunday mornings. Early iu the cents. morning lie was aroused from his sur-tow- ' PLYMOUTH PANTS - n nm 1' SpsciaW: j apec-Dre- ill mmmi PACIFIC id.ustajprices. SYSTEM. - I , t I v:ll 1 OR $35.50 ISoimd Triji BUTTONS BUTTONS ou BUTTONS BUTTONS AmvrdeA Highest lie;: ers Worlds Fair. -- AT- STARKS The Stock Question Settled to by Buying Y our BARB WIRE A -- Bakin The only fiC PKlt DOZEN fjC OF- W. L. WORSEN OR OFT Large stock Painted and Galvanized at bottom prices. lure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alma Used in Millions Houses 40 Years the Standard d PAYSON, i - . - UTAH. c |