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Show J II. H. COLLINS SLAIN HIS TEN THOUSANDS. list miugtit a farm with pqulrrel Krill AIinm. iWaun Higgs, of Hutton township, 4 eight miles from Charleston. 111., curT-tlnaisand ries tlie scalps of twenty-ou- e squirrels at his belt, so to speak. As hi reputation for truth ana veracity Is prfrvd to do all kiwi of murk is got si, his neiglitfors do not dispute Watelim, Chirk. Jewelry, ete.. his claim that he has slaughtered tire neatly uml on short nut lie. Alan eurry a toil Hue of buimI hundred deer, '.hive hundred wild than wliirh I will sell rlwuper than any turl.cys and more prairie chickens ilavimr had 15 house in I'tah. ha had time to count. He is, accordin tha Jeweler e seventy-onyear ing to the Chicago Tribune, buklue 1 guuruutee imrfert years old, and his sight is just as aud all. work warrauted. I good as ever, so good, in fact, that if carried rifle he has the from the bullet : lnysoii to strike Mr. Squir- Opposits Hank. Write Postmaster J. C. Woodson, for many years rel between the eyes he will hardly Forest Ilill, W. Va., I had a Brondiniw the auiiuul in his game bug chial trouble of such a insistent arc worth from twelve and stubborn and character, that the and asquirrel fifteen cents. For thirty-fiv- e T G. WIMMER President. to half doctor pronounced it incurable with J. S. PAG lYiee-l'reidvyears "FrecnT Higgs ha hunted his of ordinary medicines, and advised W1MMEK. Cashier. and the 8. U. hush tails, proceeds fne to ti Ayit'a Cherry IectoraL accurate aim have bought a fine farm did so, ;s!.ii one bottle cured me. n which he reared a family of ten For the lust fifteen years, 1 have children. la Clinton 'Froem Bigg was used this preparation with good Authorised Capital Stock! county, O., and went to Hutton townaffect whenever 1 take t!...t At old. fifteen when years ship A time (here were plenty f deer and $10,000.00. turkeys there, and as a boy he acquired and I know of mimin' rs of ioile riiie a remarkable proficiency with the : who keepi in the house hU th : time, a " hu-h:- .a' Jriltei jiid ! v, it sale to pot consin means ot support. Tlie railroads cumo. out it and deer could be shipped to the cast, and until tha aettlp;pents drove the have I FftYSON EXGHANul i'jn! Ayer's Cherry game away he sold venison. After the Pectoral in iny family for 30 yeara, with the and settled greater country became tlie most aatisfactory remits, and can part of the timber felled, tlie turkeys cheerfully iw.ominund it aa being espeand deer disappeared, and he was cially adapted to all pulmonary comobliged to begin a business engagefor made I have, many years, plaints. ray son, Utah. ment with the squirrels, which conpulmonary and other medicine a special to least at the up to tinues present, up Study, and I have come to the conclusion Transacts a General Ranking Itiuine. the time prohibited by law In each (hat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a he thirty-fiv- e last the For years year. mediover other position has done business exclusively with the 0 per cent interest cines of the class." Chus. Davenport, squirrels, and modestly estimates that pah I cm time deposits. Dover, N. J. on an average lie lias sold about six the first hundred a year. At price ranged from fifteen cents up, but now JPlwpand by Dr. 1. 0. Ayat ft Co LowtU, lisst. it ranges about ten cents and twelve cents. Of course the supply of squirPrompt to act, sure to euro rels is not so large at present. Besides, farmers who have woods pasA tures where these animals abound, put A Kew Departure. .oar on their frf, signs huge With the new time card in effect ing that "No hunting aloud on this Sunday, Nov. 19th., the Rio here farm. wasUnder these disadvantages unable.to takeover four Higgs Grande Western inaugurates a Mr. hundred last year. llmlsr A Who exia-rieue- When was ates Special rates by the week. Excellent accomodations and large sample room in connection. e a Boy, 'fine ball room and parlors to rent separately for balls and socials. 1erv:s reasonable. Santa lTe ltoute. ut Rio Grande Western, Colorado Midland, Atchison, To Santa Fo Railways. The Only line which runs 5eka and Pulace Sleeping Care bet ween Ogden, Salt Lake aud Chicago without change, and lullman Palace City Reclining Chair cars between Ogden, Salt Lake City, Denver and Cbicngo. The Shortest Line. Superb Sciiinry. Equipment Unsurpassed. , bm Bad Cold, .IV V -- g i.i i.-- i-i ovwv the SANTA sure and secure tickets r j, ! riiu.ul oil Earth. Jj RuUTE, Grandest and (In Leave Ogden or Galt Lake on the train in nider to see tlie most beautiful wenon :u vmerica. Train ,! leaves ltio Grande Western Depot, Lake City. at 9:25 p. n. Ticket Office, No. 15 W. Sml Stmth St. !i 1" . BANK. SAVINGS General Ageui i?sser.gt r Dcparlmeut SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 805 Dooly Building. COLLECTIONS mm SPECIALTY. between Ogden and Deliver. The chairs are'of a special pattern and for comfort and elegance are not anywhere. These cars to holders of ull classes will II. Denxkt, of ticket T. A G. P. l)3e SiG ! GW 1 1 SCENIC I.IXE OF THE WORLD. JOHN FBIiSHON, Fkop. The only Huerunuiiur ClvanliiK1 WEBSTER'S car service special reclining chair RY .JZMZ..DICTIONA A Franc iseo is now open to visitors The management have very care- Everybody boaid own thU Tlie Mid-Wint- er to Leadville, Aspen, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and BweeueoToftke Taolu-i- d Jed." of chdh wimples io arlert from. Hundred Denver. an-- nxicT Rcpali'inj; xi Hpooialty INTERNATIONAL Winter Fair. Fair at San! Tlie Mid '. C. I5XJlSf Id IX, nt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Per 12.00 Dictionary. It wen qnmiiun fully selected the beet of the worlds EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 19 ill, 1893. concerning th hi- PRICES REASONABLE. fair exhibits so that those who tory, 111111, Train Ku. t leaven ( Iwdni TOa. in. Salt baka nunclall l'neliliiSdila. in.. a. m., arrive at iMBlni were unfortunate in not seeing SpriiiK 1:2U a. m. Denver :W a. la. No. 4 leavra (hnlen k:5l a. in.. Suit Ijika Find cl ii as work Train A in will giiaraiit coil still. the Chicago exposition library in.. Color cJSji. nr., arrive at Pnebln1:MU i. llSWli. Tart ten Rook of the T'al it io Itself, Denver in. nlo Sfiriuaa in.. p. givea the often do-opportunity to inspect the i 'onnert ion nuuie at I'neiilo, Ikilnradu Persson block, ujistairs. ftind infonuUkn been received. It consains super Sprlnics and Denver with all lines east. j ooooeraat San Francisco, oreignVxhibits ; eminent fcU anil iullnian rara Vayson, Utah. penoo oourliea. dav rbuir eoocernlnjt is and and beautiful illustrations, let per on all train. Take the Denvar A Western Grande Rio The Railway ltu Uraiuin and liave a etnnfort able trip aud .devoted principally to the AY Omans enjoy tba burnt evanery on the emitlneiit. ur.ual progressive ite with in line S. K. HOOFEK. A. S. HUGHES. Traffle Man, . Building and Mackineiy Rail. . Denver, (bin, tJ. I. T. A. Denver, (ido. 10 connochoo w.tU ft. w.ll, T. C HAILEY, B. V. KEVINS, Gen. Atf't. Suit Labe, City. Too mich cannot be ..id of tUi, .p"t will PaelSo Southern company, work. It woold make a ban- l'Mry I tthllr. Jjt h4 um4 Hieing AtUumeg. on tieketa from r.ysoD tome CUmtnaa present for those promptly mlnaral appllratiun to San Francisco and return, nil wrririillnral land. forFiqam who desire to give something in P imtrnt and S.for Land omor, roow loU. Ufliue next the five ft m.ons (5) eM.ng the way of literature. When Mm h Salt Luke Citu plot, will contain 1000 folio Agents for- Wf,b pages of twenty. fire parts, price I part We understand th, Xo reduced rate tickets will be there is an opportunity for a few more competent persons to can va sld to California points other side trip for the superb book and we km v than San Frnucisco but from San lie sale will on WionTMAN L Sons of no more praiseworthy or prod!- - tickets AKD is hedth or latarixr wlthoaWebadBra or able occupation. Those interested! I rancisco to all interesting points and Impnmw th a.. It baud up for the and n a third are ra oocplndoa. elnithekiD andHabentiath can wri'e to Francis Smart 99 Kit-follow till tnwtmrnt. aortety tadiea indlMdiBif idoned phyWdaii round by Keep constantly on hand a supply trip. CONFIDENTIAL PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL ridge Bldg , Denver, Col. The Rio Grande Western rail- r.r hlnnl. MlMkkikqilrpaMna r. nmi iikmii tiutil uiuhl xl of fresh aa. way as yon know, runs through to San Francisco without change Greatly K educed Rates both tourist aud first class Pullman Some years ago we pnblislietl in Good Stfpl; Coafiullj tt !ut Dwicret News, the testimonial I'.r The sleeping cars. Two traius daily the A nd late Bishop Ilnntcr of Salt the of AND IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. J. II. Dennett, G. F. & T. A. Lake City, recommending the X Orders left sit the Office X X Horse Medicine, and Horse-luan- s Hoof Ointand Collar, Gall will receive ment There is an impression in for Delivery 111 some parts of Utah that the testi prompt attention. monial was for some other remedy. Prices the Very Lowest. Via the lines of the This is a mistake. It was the X X X Liniment and Horsemans cr U, P. B. B. W. HI HD v LOWE, liar 011 Ointment th? Bihiiotj 11 t Color-uil- o -- M McBeth Bros I !'r tee,tkft' la -- UIA. f!1 Pleasant Valley Gash Meat Market. Castle Gate . wnw-ia- l Rock Springs, COAL! ir its California MIDWINTER FAIR Sausage. NS MAR By System and Southern Pacific Co. ' Hound trip Ticket tt good for 30 dags Iaysos to Sas Francisco 3C3. WfSEIPS 250. AM) RETURN FITE hit (1.50 Wt It tin Fiir Excursion Trips railed trip ratee- To Station under 1M mile from San Frau-elaey d fara. one and Tostatian 130 mllra nr.mort from raSan Friuclieoi ono and uuaiiftli otiaway inFor exart rate and full information, or W H. quire of S. STARK.W.U. F. sireiif. SHEKMER. Apent at Faymni Ltuli. nr adilnwathe undeniianed. T. H. GfM IFIMAS RICHARD GRAY, Gen. lnMeiiirpr At. Gen. Trulfie Munai-er- . Rout hern Iueilie Company. C.il. San Frunrl-n-- i o, taie-tliir- ooe-wa- U-- i"d. if.' IIomeh Will.. Salt Lake City, May I1 : 'lift . .."If. f : -- hrut'jy. o.rr. hull iMkr dig. EIGHTS When your horse gets cut on barbed wire, has a collar or saddle sore, use Horsemans Collar Gall and Hoof Ointment It is a sure cure. CAN I taCTlH? from QUIS.Uk I EATnEl.nOSili I nturaaswn U.uh malartal. bnt mam aatitf I VI. KM. all Dur L AI iha pries CM ' B?ATHERB03S ViZLS'rm a riao Real, far Citwih k th to Cm. and llMpeM. Remedy Ealat mma Sold y DrojrrlNf orwntliy PirR. Ke. R. T. raxcHinr, Wirrun. ni.'KN 1. b J raarsimy mmm Bcnuro HeaitbY 'action to th Uwal oil 3a- - f vt:4iiii hr " -' .CIK. jthPio expariw .1 rkvmhOo Uum m forma .. n a tain I , leal Fa apael . i thto ': oat ei .i Imaad tanraal PATENT A . V l. '. A liaadhsah af la. ir--i aad bow to oB a eatakuwa of anrhta a;o jI .lit to h.lr iii . a Maas A C ramlan kn tr h .ealMa Aairrlraa. aad widely I BtamUd papar, i .ha inveaisr. , . . !.haabyfwlS .ahv.'aaUy i JeUam of aay nenatina work la U, - fr. ...1 ' Mot fra. rear. t).nla and of uaw In colon, ulDKiyrapbi plate. anaMiluf uulldur id ihow Uas with and Mean eoatnet. Addram latetde-.- B iiai, HLMN tt CfiwkBW Youh. Sfel ttauAUWAPi $40 FOR WEEK Ids i boa, of either lex, aay ac. in any pwt of the eoantry, at tlie employment which we farnlih. Yoa need not be away ftoo homo over nlhl. Yoeaa five no-meyoarwholetlme to t!ie work.oroaly your (pare A capital 1 not required yon ran no rkk. We ajiplyyiai wl'h all that I net di.l. II will emt yoa iwllila lo try tha boiine. Any on make money Don eaa do C.i: work. Pegln-e- n th.e Failure I unknowa wllli nurv. r.i. . Every hour yoa labor jxa can easily ma.ea Noow who la wllliii td work bil'toniain- inoio In liirre itiji i:i.ni:y every day Shun ran be made At ivoTiliiiary c mpl7ypnt. KiU lor litt I w1 eoutainiiij flw fullest isif'irnrUoa. El. U 8rglw P: KALS,F,7T He;. d rol'svs all lilV ;ioui !Atruuulua. . . , 1(lr ratlrely Uanra, tt la atPBMly Americas la caid sad tha lUuatrxtlv aay. Il In useleaa for ua to ora anjiofb-eq-uti jo ud typowraphy pudity aad nnqvjatawm to th fMctaatiag p I lrt - SUFFERERS rur prompt a W1LLIMS WORKERS is mvi rmm pmiMliir Mlw el manly niven. nhiailljii draliui Mid all tlM min evil ivwitinv fn IndUte of errorv of MV Mon.ww.owrtnwtkin, . Vili'vif uipntMHltjrruTi1 IV Thk KlMflOf HortMftd EBVITA ; 5Qs (LOO $1.25 FROM SAX FRANCISCO to cither point in of California will lie allowed purehawm tinketa at the fullow-i- n apaeial Midwinter Fair -- 1 75c. 39.00 hthliif Hunter reotr PCRTL-.- f 'l'i lr. j four newmlraier fcaiit. If not. aend to Iwwif.fMllr . ;".. a year, THE CHEAT DIVIDE, Dnnvcr, Col. CO,; r.W, vqpjH?rimf,aflJrd I TlhwtmtM. CORTRMHTD, ote Fne Information and free Handbook write to HUNK tt IX- - Kl BaoainraT, New Yoair. OMaat bareaa for ascurinr pataato la A takes sat by aa la brnoeht uaTpaCto hr a ihjUo (iveo fra ot ahaiya la th fritutifif awcr'wan ii vly nmiHl Ifirbitji rirrnlaHoa of any ariantlBe paper In th iiMdi.uubC Mailings Ciiif hatt.1 , I.ral aJI( world. Pplnmlldly lilaniatad. h'o tatellixmA - uk foe ou nr liwinldtiTt widh to know. without It, Wwkta,$J,Ot a rhould ciiw irn fLdidx 0 month ml. rs ieiwv imly l. tkriu I'J nprcM jiililwi .uritlft OIL Pr. J, W BATE, Chicago, III. yrt Rkl lireda,5iw k'urkUVb VuainuJUi, w- |