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Show NEW STRENGTH FOR WOMEN'S I BACKS. How to Make Bud Buck Better, j Women who auffi-r with bar-ka.-ha., ' bearing down Ialtis, dliry spells nnd I a I hut t-oi.atiint fffling 'CiJ- I of dutlnc niul Uri el. C?'S fC;f 1 ni'SS. will fit: ! Ik. lie J i'!. ''" iiihM.n .it :i "V,,L Hlroth.T St.. Mt. i &Y'l HliTlliiit. Ky. Ilii. I In I tint nnd IX.;. n a I 1 ' ' Kldtuy I'llla, I l.o. . llevc I would not 1- living tudny." says I Mm. Illnson. "My cyi-slnM poor, . suffered with nervous, spllttlru; henil- I aches, spots would danec bflorc my ryes nnd at times I woulil lio no dizzy 1 would htive to grin o something Inr Bttpport. My hnfk wns n weak nnd painful I could hnrdly bend nvr to but. ton my shoes nnd could not Ret around without suffering; severely. Ihiun's Kidney Kid-ney rilli litr( m from the llrst.nn.l 1 continued until practically wel! (tln." Iletneniber the nnme Dunn's. Sold by nil denlers. f.n rents a box. Foster Mllborn Co.. Ilullulo, N. V. ECZEMA COVERED HIM. Itching Torture Wai Beyond Words-Slept Words-Slept Only from Sheer Eshauatlon Relieved In 24 Hour and Curad by Cutlcura In Month. "I am seventy-seven years old. and tome yeara ago I wna taken with eo-tema eo-tema from head to foot. I wai alek (or alx montha and what I Buffered tongue, could not tell. I could not Bleep day or night beransa of that dreadful Itching; when I did Bleep It was from aheer exhaustion. I waa cno maaa of Irritation; It waa even In my acalp. The doctor's medicine aeemed to make me worae and I wai almoat out of my mind. I got a set of the Cutlcura Boa p. Ointment and ReanWent. I uaed them persistent! for twenty-four hours. That night I slept like an Infant, the first solid bight's sleep I had had for alx months. In a month I waa cured. W. Harrison Smith. ML Klaco, N. V.. rb.. , 1908." fatter Dnt a Okas. Our, aula Plot. ttuetoa. DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Quickly Curse Rheumatiw Pains, Also Splendid System Builder, do to any good prescription druggist drug-gist and get the following and mix them: If he does not have theso Ingredients In-gredients he will get them from his wholesale bouso, One ounce compound syrup of Surniiparllla, and one ounce Turls compound. com-pound. Add these to a half pint of Srst-clnss whiskey, and tiso a table-spoonful table-spoonful before each meal and at bed time. The bottle must be well shaken each time. This simple remedy la one of the moat effective known. The rentnratlve action will be folt aftor tho first few doaoe. Important to Mother. Examine carefully every bottle of I' AS I ortlA, a safe and sure remedy fur Infanta and children, and aee that It ' Signature of uty$ff&3fait ' Jo Use For Over ,'fO Yeara. j, The Kind Tou Have Always nought Easy. (1 She (at the art exhibition) How lltnn you toll the masterpieces? He My the price taga on them. Many Children Are Sickly. Mother dray's Hw.-.-t l'uw.liia t.ir Chll. Ir.-n, UM-d by Mother llray. nurse Is ., 'MIJr. ii Heme. New York. cur.. Hum- .r Complaint, Fev.rlBbni-aa. ll.-nilili'lie I'omsrh Tr.i.il.le, T.'O.hll.K I Haunters a.ii t'-alroy Wurina. At all I r..lsta'. I.mpla mail..! KIIKK. Ad.lrvaa Allan A Olmatad, La Hoy. N. T. , I A Name That Names. I "Why does I'enryn cull bis comlni , Itovol 'A Scrap Hook?'" , I "Mecause It la a story of a married ! Ink.-. JTnlce a hint, do your own mmnj. Rough a Rata, U-ilut all poison, una Ifa- bus w ill ; rllead or make W to 1UU little uakea that 5" "II bill fkk) or more ruta and tii.es. li t f "tt unlatable exterminator. Den t die ia f r bullae. Jtewara uf imitation, aubati t ia and catch peony ruady-fur-uae u i ft A LITTLE COLO. lie cv.ia.tit a lit J lo cold That :. at:. ' Pn the nelpVors sn.lly said. ! Aa ttiey ffStli- .-.! round hts l .l. When they le .ml that he was .l--.nl . llo caiiRht a 11' !,. cold.- Hi . waa all. (Puck ) I NcBlcCt of '! . Mill or C.l.l often leads to serlei: 1-. uihle. To break up a cold In twin. 'i ., ,r hours uti.l chip any counh th.' I curable mix two ounceB of (ll . .'t me. a half-ouiice of Virgin Oil of 1." compound pure and eight ounces rl . r- Whisky. Take a teaapoonful ev-'ti lour hours. You cm buy these at imy i-ihhI ilr.m store and easily mix the n in a large Pottle. How' This? Wa eff Ona M.....UH Is.n.i Krwanl Sw aaf a catarrh Uat t I ba rulnl by Hall a Catarrh I ur. r j cm m v a co.Tiaio. (. Wa. ISs UIMlmlr.r.1 h,.r t'N.an - J i hrnrr Ihr lha laM II T .".I lire h.in prtlarl.r h.. pralia- In all tn.a-.a. ir,. .rih.na ai.d Bnai.rla.lr tWa to tarry mil an, .... ... .... m.w lr ha. Sin. W ..-.. I,,-.. s a H.a.ia. HIm.i.i. Onaraiaia. T.4wln O. Haifa ratarrtl din. a. lalMi k.lrfi.aliv. arllna llfM-l.a u.-n Iha b'.1 .-..I r.uma milvr irf Um IWa. tratlnvHta.. M lira l-nof II aaabl pal hlt. SaM hy al l.r.t..a.u laaa lian a laatt, Cm lor anaatlpaiaa. For Consideration. All pertinent facta must be considered consid-ered when you tire dealing with the great problem of prosperity. Would you put the plus or minus sign before the Item that the county jail has a great fulling off In patronage? Detroit De-troit Free Tress. . SOME HARD KNOCKS Woman Gate Rid of "Coffee Heart" The Injurloua action of Coffee on the heart of many peraone la well known by physicians to be cauaed by caffeine. caf-feine. This Is tho drug found by chemists chem-ists In coffee and tea. A woman Buffered a long time with aeveru heart troublo and finally ber doctor told her ahe must give up coffee, cof-fee, as that waa the principal cause of the troublo. She writes: "My heart waa ao weak It could not do Ita work properly. My husband would soiiietlinea have to carry me from the trl.le, and It would aeem that I would never breathe again. "The doctor told me that coffee waa canning the weakness of my heart. He sold I must stop It, but It seemed I rou Id not give It up until I waa down In bed with nervous prostration. "Kor eleven weeks I Isy there and suffered. Finally lluslnnd brought home acme I'nstum and I quit coffee ind started new and right Slowly I not well. Now I do not have any headaches, head-aches, nor those spells wltb weak heart. We know It Is Postun (hat helped me. The Dr. said the other day, 'I never thought you would be what you are.' I ued to weigh 91 pounda and now I weigh 108. "I'ostutn has done much for me and I would not go back to coffee again for any money, for I believe It would kill me If I kept at It, p.atum must he well boiled according to directions on pkg., then It has a rich flavour and with cream la fine." Read "The Road to Wellvllle," found In pkga. "There's a Roason " Kvrr raaS tha abova latirtf A Ira apprara from Una la llaie. 1'krr are Brayl.a, I,.., (v .( B)aa taleraat. I 'I ANOTHER IMPORTANT VICTORY FCR THE CARTER MEDICINE COMPANY IN THE UNITED STATES COURT. j The t'nlt.ii sia'.-s circuit Court for ! th. South, in llilct of New Yolk , Mini' In N. w York City haa JuM I nw.ir.l -d to the C r Medicine Com- i I p. my n ii. , r, ,- hl. h m-alii kuhiiiIiis : the con. ... in 'a cxi liiMVc llnht to llau the red pii Kui;.. r.-r liver pills. Ity the Iitiiih ol the dicree, It K .urn. uk oiher ll.lioa; A . 1 J i . . 1 u . 1 1 that tile Carter Mi dirlli" Company la the owner ol ihe sole nnd K l.u-lvc rlKht to the in.' of red col- 1 oreil wrappers nnd lah. lH ui'iitl said II. round packages of lit .-r pills of the style deaerltieil In the bill of com- plaint, mid right hut lug been in-ipilreil in-ipilreil by the prior mloptlon of said style and color of package for liver pills by the complainant predeeeaaors more than thirty years ago, and es-tal.llabed es-tal.llabed l.y the contlniioua and rx-clualve rx-clualve uae of the same In conatanily Increaalng quantities l.y said predecessors prede-cessors nnd by the complainant, the Carter Medicine fimipnhy. Itself, from the lime of their anld adoption until Ihe preaent day. The decision Just announced Is perhaps per-haps the most Important nnd far reaching reach-ing of all. by ren.i.n of the character of the tribunal which rendered II. No Court In the country stands higher. .Vufl.innl f mi;i.!f, HI. I. null, IO. Hi that docs a base thing In seal lor bis friend burns the golden thread I that Ilea their bearta together. iMiirr srnt kit Tit T rot'ciit n la.rta.iily rarh. yi.tif ayrt. ,u aM tay run late Uaiilt-ali" tad panaaarnllr. lot atai atldiuaa.ta. Procrastination la tho thief of many a good time. I School children should cat Quaker Oats . , at least twice a day jY- AemiriJ r In i us In lit r.iuH Him Pv ka r r 1 v -: Five Minutes In the Momlng V NO STKOI'I'INU NO IIUMNG I ' SICK HEADACHE m . . - . -H roa,IHvly cured bp If ITTr-W tlaalluDai.flTi!Hrariy 1 1 1 V E R wiihiVX El PILLSa aaa, Uniwalnaaa, Ha yf . mm J al T.Misi.r. I'a.a in (hay mmmmmmm l.n. TOKI'lll I.IVKH. Thaj. rrgwlsts Iha llual. Puraly VagalaMaw SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. rinfcDl Conuin Mult Ucnr LAKItKa Fso-SimllsSianatdre I REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. !""V"!!1 PARKLR'a I t. 'Zl ' J TJMr ralla la liaiora ura HOWARD E. BURTON, VVa?er.NO I Nranrt MD pfli-waa lesl4. tMItr. f-il. to, llrls I HIs.r. Tr; fssil-l, Ktr: Kiftr .f (pf- r. II. Mtilin. I ftiplonsi ond prim lift at-iit t miii' -atttt I i..nir..l strut irwtttra. ..rt a,. hi WtA, I rttUtlUem I l uL Hrtmnom. tterfawMial (ttutaa.l tUuk. raw furs ggyssa HlttlSO m ttf1fflte.lf1 BtMl BMltafst. tutf ttM.. I-Oia IIIIIK MH. n aVseaay. tmt. I r-tW Ms44 ntf, . PRETTY KIMONOS W.ZiJZZ'l'JZ Vim II Us loll 'A Nmi Inr U'lf Af nla. n Mstplva. Un Mg V.. am l9uitk..lmimAAm I DEFMXCE STMCH tssrsx--"" " J I W.N. U, Sail Lake City, No. 48-190. I Not Sisters y Now and a sain you see two women pais. JT ln down lite street who look like aialers. M .1 at a't.CV You ere aaluniabed to learn thai Ihey are ft il a? mother and dautbler, and you resliae thai VVCfVaj, u 1 a woman at lorty or forly-6 ve oujln to be a M I Iti J at bar fiueet and iainrat. Why lao'l ll so? I I Jr Va. II The gsaeral heallh oi woman la ao In- 111 V if II llraately aaaocialed wilh the local heallb r f" j II of lias eaaentially feminine organs thai V- a. J II there can be ato red ehecka and rouad M funa where there ia lemale wseluaeee. ' ml'f''w Woeaeo who have Buffered frooa ai Jit r this (rouble have found prompt iaiLz reUaf and sure la the use of Ur. Piarcya'a Favorite Praacrlptlon. It glvee valor and vitality to they organa of womaahood. It eleave the eoanplaaauaa briabteoa tbet yea and reddeoe tbe ebeeke. No alcohol, or habit-forming dnixa b contained In "Favorite Praeenptloa. Any aick woman may eonaull Ur. Pieroe by UHter, Iree. Every letter Is held aa aaoraally aonndenlial, and answered In a plain envelope. Adtlreaet Wurld'e Oiapenaary Medical Aaauciation, Ih-, R.V, i'leroa, Pres., Buffalo, N. V. Difference That Ten Minutes Make From 35 degrees fo 70 decrees tT '4t-; a Jl from sn unbearable cold to s glow- i5""if (a Ing heat that contributes the cheery !f'l comfort you want In your home Is 'tkiLlia, the difference that can be made In S-tr'i I 10 minutes when you have the JLH 3 PERFECTION 4S? Oil Heater M'S m (Equipped with Smokeleaa Device) A"'";; A f.'.n ' to do your heating. It Is unrivaled Jj "rf' ',' for quick work and effective, clean- J l.f ly work. j J ', Impossible to turn the wick too high or too low Impossible ' ' ) to make It smoke or emit disagreeable odor the self-locking p Vn Automatic Smokeless Device -,.".' absolutely preventj smoke. Lighted in a second cleaned in a minut jy ' bums Nine Hours with one tilling. Rustless brass font. V . Automatic smokeless device instantly removed for cleaning-. !' Highest efficiency in heating power Beautifully finished in Japan or Nickel an ornament anywhere a necessity everywhere. Variety of styles, Eviry Daillr Eiryht. II Vol At Voun, Write lor Damlptlae Circular lo the Ncirlll Asiacy ol Ike CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (lJaCOnMnstMl wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssammmBxmmmmnm . '.;Av::'-:..:;:' ..r i.iiaiii i li ii luiistlll ..UJi.UJiJjntsijiiWiiaiii -".ii n- |