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Show "directions for erecting J CONCRETE MILK CELLAR . Ecnnomlcnlly Constructed Affair that Is Useful on Any Farm as a Cool Inst or Storage Rtxim-By A. It. Houghton. A Concrete Milk Cellar. On every farm there la a demand for a good outalile cellar which ean be anally and cheaply built of concrete. Tlila can he naed for a variety of pur poaea. auch aa milk-cooling cellar, for the atnrlng of roota and vegetables vege-tables well aa any other use the needa demand. The cellar ahown In the llliiatratlnn la of s handy alte eight by IZ fi.it floor apace and all feet to the bottom of concrete naif beanie, which are eight by eight Inches. The walla are eight Inches thick and the floor and roof four Inches, the roof being reinforced with quarter-Inch quarter-Inch Iron rods laid two to the foot each wny. After eicavnllng to a depth of about five and tine half feet, build form of one-Inch bonrtla, ten Inchea wide, thitt la exactly eight hy twelve feet square and al feet eight Inchea high. Hel thla In the excavation, the edge of the enrth to he the mold for the nutalde wall on three aides to the top of Hie ground level. Above the ground level build the form of hoards for molding the nutaltln edge of wall, epneo for concrete to be eight Inches. For the. front, or doorwny, make a form three hy six feet aa a cnalng to mold the doorway and set In plnce. Hoard up where needed outside this casing, which la eight Inches thick, mill hoitrda may bu nulled to amnv for oiilHldii wall. For the aide walls of the alnlrwny build forma aa for the rexular side wulla and uf a lenglh of eight feet. If you want a small landing at the fool of the stairway, tho side walls mny bn eight Inchea thick, but If desired de-sired to make aa cheaply aa possible they may be built alx Inchea thick. The forma for I hla should be the height of tl.Hirwny at top, aa ahown In Illustration, and then elope downward down-ward IV Inches, If tho ground permlta. Aa soon as side wall forms are In plnce fill with the concrete mixture, which la beat made of one part Portland Port-land eemeiit to two parta of fine Blind and fmir parts of coarse gravel. Thla la titiiiH'd In thoroughly up to the top of the forma. Before the forma are entirely filled tin the aides uiiike three boxes eight Inches siiuitre on the Inside und eight feet long. These ure In hold tho concrete. con-crete. I'lnce three feel upnrt, ns shown In Illustration, so the top edge Is even with top edge of sldo walls. Ilruce up from below lo bold In place und Mil with concrete and reinforce rein-force with H'l-lncti Iron rods. This enables the beams to bond wllh the side wulla and so maketheiu atronger. For the roof build four forma 31 Inches wide by eight feet long, plnce wllh top edge even wllh top edge of beiiuia In the four spacea betweun beams nml bruce up from below to hold lu place Over this tny about two Inches of concrete mid then pluce your reinforcing reinforc-ing rods In position and cover with 'concrete until the roof la tho required four In, Ilea thick. It la beat tu leave the shlu wull forma In place, ulso the roof-bcutn forum, until the concrete oil the walls ami roof hua begun to set or hardeu. Thla will require a.ierul days before be-fore the permanent set Is sure to huvo Inken plftco. Then they iiuial he removed re-moved ho the cellar t un be completed. After forms ure removed from thu side wulla lay your lloor III cellar und ulso in l.'unllng. as Illustration shows, to a depth of four Inches. If desired, tho bottom of the lloor mny bu of small stones of nbout two tir three Inches In sle, nml over this a concrete con-crete mixture poured und leveled off If cure is taken that the concrete Is tntuped dt.wn between the slonu und thin tho top course of mortiir Is Ii limit IV) lur lies thick ut least, the lloor will be ns strong as If of solid conciete. This tun also be applied lo the walls, small stones of even six inches lu illiiuieter enn bu luatcried In the mtirtnr when forms are lllled and thus save the unitiiiut uf cement used, and for thla class of work the strength Is uuiple for all uectls und the expense of building Is materially lessened For the steps uf the stairs set nn eight Inch tumid upright, 1IU Inches nut from the dourwuy ami brace In position. posi-tion. Fill the space wllh concrete to a width of 11 iucues and a depth uf eight Inches. If you liaie not cut out the stairway In the earth ns shown In Hie lllu.tra-tinn. lllu.tra-tinn. the step need be but four Inches in thickness. As fust ns une step Is molded muve the board or nan another, placing 1.' Inches further from the door. This will give the steps n width of 12 Inches Inch-es and a rise of eight Inches until the top Is reached The work of building the steps can lu. ,. rule .aaler If In excavating you u so care to cut out the alte of each step In tho erath; in heavy anil thla can easily be done. Then all you have to do la cover the same to tho proper depth with concrete to comlpete. For the Inalde arrangements you can easily build the bins, milk cooling troughs or whatever la desired by using the aide walla aa part of the same and then constructing on aide and end of a corn of the alia desired for the Inside of bin; also another sldo and end for outside about fou. Inchea larger. These are used to mold the walla of tho bin und aa the fresh concreto will bond wllh Hie altlo walla the whole should bu na atrong aa If molded together. to-gether. Where water or Ice la to he used In tho cooling tank It will bo necessary to paint the Inside wllh mixture of clear cement mixed In wnler. Apply this wllh a paint brush Just aa you j would pnlnt and tiae several coata. j Thla will give a much smoother sur- I face to the Inside of the trough or bin I und ulso If water Is placed In the I smue II will not permeate the cement I so readily ns II would otherwise. t |