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Show I HOME Hi' NEWS! Dirt!!! Coed Dirt 1 1 1 , Bur Cood Dint Buy food dirt in Summit Cowatv. E. L. Benton, Dirt Dealer. Will riloiiea ia puttiiiK up a new burn. Head Mm. M. K. Khoailea adv. un IiK f'- . It. ail M. It. Halmon'a ailv. Kiaily-to-wer llreanes. Have you InveallKaleil the merit vf goats ('" farm 11 Special rates tu farmers at tho W'uIht house (or (I In nor. I ' llealiiiartera fur Xmaa goods at H f.. Ituchmllier's, at Kuhu. Tim nutahln work on ll. Hen' new house in about completed. Found Keys, Owner can have Bine by paying for this adv. Tim orders are coiiiIiik I" for TliK -Cmkh Tim He. Have we yours? For Sale Cheap. A banjo and 40 airing. Enquire at this office. Henry Wheatun reports eight ine. of snow In Park Wednesday morn- Tueaday Mr. and Mre.W. W. Uluff eamo out frin:. Halt Iake fur a few day a IhIU During the laat weak Sargent Bros, hare shipped, eight can of hay from Coalville. K. L. Hnnaon baa started In the real ealate bust awes with head-quarter head-quarter In Coalville. 7 A large shipment of chickens left Coalville tlila morning for Bait Lake .-. shipped by U. H. West. I '5 Mm. K M. Rroinley haa at Koho about luo panujr Anion) gnata for --" v sal"1' Write lor pweeaajw - '--, - The alorm on Tuoiday -drove the , 'remaining sheep berda from l.ere- J bout to the winter range. ' John Henry llohaun will shortly move into the honae of lint eon Frank In the aiiutlmrn part of town. 1 Mr JoKepli Wright left on Tuos- lny imriiliig fur Halt l-nke where alio went fur medical treiitmi'iit. T. W. Kvhiih, representing the Ogdxii Whnloenlr tinx'er.v Co., waa in town Tuesday doing hueineaa. If you waul to tall your fnrin, Hat It with K. I.. Ilenxoii. If you don't. Hat II with the other follow. Will Whealon'a new rcaldeiiec duwu iiinr the pnrk la Hearing com-pletlnn. com-pletlnn. Wati'h Coalville gruw. It will pay you to luveatlgute the the gmida and the prices of the runt-ting runt-ting merchant. K.llilchliilllc r, Ki-ho. farmers! Take dinner at the Weber houau when In town next time and are how well pleased you will be. The S. f. ft M. Co., ha the (In. at aaeortmcut of overall', ruhliore and legginga ever liruught to Summit Sum-mit county. A good way to decide which are the live towna of tiouiinit Coliuly ia tu read the report of their progreea In the Xua Tina. I'oalinaater David Moore of Caatle K m k waa In the oxmnty eat on bualueal Monday. He paid till of. lice a pluaaant call. Mm. C. I. Wheadon left Wednea. day for Chicago, where -alia will visit for two or three week among her alaler and friend. About the brut herd of buck In the aialn can be anen atCaatln Kork on the Heea ranch owned by the Hlgby llauch company. M. C. Taylor' new bungalow la receiving ita II rat coat of paint. A the building near completion M. C.'a amilu grow broader. (loo. Karneworth and wlfo returned return-ed to Kvauatun thl morning, after epanding a couple of week vialtlng frinid and relative here. Mr. and Mr. Win. H. Clark and grand daughter, Leoua, left Sunday for Logan to vlait their daughter, Sarah Crouthiv and family. .. . . .. ! iiihi.ii. i. ' ba Mii,iit,nV ' Ul ir A ! ol Ilia juuug people are getting married in thlscify someone will have to build a few liouaei or the good work muat oeaae. Summit county teach ura institute will be held In I'ark city Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10th and ltb, at tho high school building. T. K. Huae, II. I'. aurvoyor, who line been running levek on the track liernithouta for tho piiat few ditya. returned to Ogdeii thU morning. Mra. Klirn Wilde left Mondny for Lelil where ahe Inteinia lu r. inaln during the winter the gueat o' her alaler, Mra Neahlt. Mr. and Mra. (leorge Heard went to the metropolis Wedueadny to attend at-tend the reception of the newly wed couple, Mr. mid Mra. T. K. Heard. roaliniHatrea Northrolt. inform ii that t'pton la aoon to linve a daily mall. That la aoinellilng the people of I'ploti have lung wanted. Mre.lliiinmoii.oitiigiitttr of Mr.and Mra. John II. Iluhaon, returned to her home In Hoy today, after a two week vialt here and In Hoytavllle. Mra. John Junea returned to Kclin lliia morning. She Inforina u that John ia enjoying hie iaboraaa a lula-aioliary. lula-aioliary. He I at prnaelit In Dallaa, Texan. We notice aome beef being ahlpped by llnguell A llall thl morning. Coalville ia acquiring a repuUtion aa a wholceale center. Watch Coalville Coal-ville grow. P. II. Neeley haa bven working on a driveway leading up from the Co-op' gralnary, making a much, needed Improvement. He flnlahed the Job Tueaday. The Waaatch mine I woiklng alxty-four men at prestmU Laat Tueaday they Uiok out ItM tone. Thty are shipping about one ear day train the alack dump. Mr. and Mr. Win. Huffman and family have moved back to Coalville from Cumberland. Wyo. Will think there I no plaoe like Coalville aftnr all, and he' about right. We are very pleaaod to e the old familiar face of Conductor Kobbln on III old run on the Park hrancb. The chanoea are good for hi (taring (tar-ing un the run all winter. K. L. Ilenann waa In Ilnnofer and Croyden Wodneiday Hating farm for aala. 7,000 acre ranch for $3n ono. ton acre, ll.ooo. 10 aer, 11,100. 1,00U aerea, .'I6,000. , , , HtUilflbatctr UroV hv aold' five new wgna lUle wtek. Xnnira wagon I the one that tbey need. I have a customer for a email farm within X!i mile of Coalville, alao one for a fruit farm In Weber county. Llat your property with me if you want it (old. E. L. Demon. Court will ho In eeaalon next Wednesday. All you litigant take notice. W iiniloratnnd I hero are anvernl criminal mid civil ciikcs to come before the court thla aeaalou. 7. Hk ul.l.'l I hii.I W. II. Johu- ates ent (Miing 'l ueaclii) . Tin y waul I he nvi r nun Waiiship. Tyioae a g I day fur tbey nuvtl' a K"od cii h -t hey cnuulit cold. P'' '. I. Co. ia now inaliilling a mi i illlng Hppitrntua on the chtlin snstljof W. II. Kolilnxon'a place. Witllil new in nc h in.- they can g dul'Ver l.ltll feel. It looks like tlaty leant biihliioa. It in have any old aewing inn-clf'i inn-clf'i to trade olf or to lie repaired, lesvilonlera at Weber House, also piin and orKiiiis repaired and liaV' C. ('. Print and A. J. Kails. SiK Sewing Miiclilne Agenta Xil.on Walton beian work laat Kri'if , llring al the electric light psv He la Jusl the man for the puKtaml will keep up lots of steam. Iit4f steam makes lots of "Juice" aeujota of "Juice" makes good H' l kuvomeiil la on foot to move nail of the vacant house from I'ar rlty to the county aeat, where tlit.. are needed. Not a vacant hot i here, and many houses are tefrjrnrlly housing two famlllia. Wlli Coalville grow. Cklville is the beat town in Sum-ml' Sum-ml' county. Summit I the beet couty In the stale of Utah. Utah is i Is beat state In tb United Stale. The United Slates ia Ui bealcountry on oar.li. Therefore Cfl.flU is the host city on the rf I V notice two new hay presses ou tin ara which arrived yesterday fur I Consolidated. It look aa the um hay ia going to be ahlpped flu i here before long. Coalville aiiu tb surroundlug country Is not I for the Una quality of hay pr. teed. , ilrthday supper waa given for M, James Salmon at tier bom In the astern part of the city Tuesday v tig. A number of relatives wri present Including Mr. and Mrs. Ft i . Iliprtpn. C- H. Jones, Mrs. JulJ hnv o Kcfiu, and Aunt Annie rmi ,.1t'' 1 vif1 m. .1 - j I yt.' iX- i '' -oi Hliu -ilea, .-nr. Kdkjuud Eldredge went up near dkutjj I'olni last Monday on a fishing fish-ing trip. They came back with a couple kof beautie. The reporter did not sea them but we have Hugh's word for It that one of them waa sixteen Inches long. Mrs. Susie Wilde underwent an operation laat Wednesday at our local hospital for appendicitis. Hhe is doing fairly well, and bur many frleiula hope for a speedy recovery, tier parent, Mr. and Mra. John O'llrlauull, of Kama, are here, and have been since before the operation waa performed. I. K. J. Alexander of the Alexander Alex-ander Optical Company. Sail Lake City. Utah, who haa been making regular trip to (t.uMUe lor Hie put eight 'years will he at ihe Wubor I Intel Monday, Nov. I.'., until un-til i . III. Do nul fail lo call early. Yours respectfully. Alexander Optical Op-tical Company. H.'cli Staley. of Twin Fulls, Ida., cams down laat haturJay to aee the folks and look around a bit. He reports the Twins Falls country aa having a regular boom. New settlers set-tlers are oomlng In every day. Mr. etaley has lately become Interested in a livery stable In Twins Falls and Is doing a big business. The Superior Fuel llrhuelle Co. will begin the manufacture of briquettes next Monday. F.very-thing F.very-thing I in shapii, a try-out of the machinery having been made. The pries of be find will be delivered III any part of tho city, 11-iaJ. At the mine, $ J. 60. Another industry that will make Coalville grow. |