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Show PINEAPPLE AS A CURATIVE. It hua Ioiik been known 'Jiul Iho ptiieupplo la one of Hie tualllileat of fruit., but Ua real m.-illel mil iiialltlea proliulily I, an- never hecti realised In llitwull c-xpc-rimciita liuve hei-n iiuulti to determine aimn-tlilim of llie.e properllea. It hna been founil Hint the fruit of the plueapplo contain, a d-io n'lie principle cloaelv reaeinhlniK pepaln III Ha iiellon. und to tllla la prohahly due I ho beiiHtlcliil reaulta of the tiae of the fruit In lenaln fornia of dyaptp alu. tin Hi.' casein of milk plueitpplu Juice a. ta aa a ttliteatltt. In nlnuiat th.. tutmtt uutiitier aa rennet, ren-net, mid the action la nl.o well llluatiitt.'d by plitc' lux n thin piece of uncooked beef between two silica of fret-It plu.-,ipili., where In Hie coume of a few hoiira lt-i t hiiracter la compleiely chiiiiKed. In diphtheritic a. ue Hi rout ami croup pineapple juice hua come to be very lurxely relied upon In coiintrlea where the fruit la common. The false iiieiuhritnea which ciiiu.e the cloalng of the throat ui iii to be d la.olt. it by the fruit uclda and relief la ulmoat liuuicdliite. |