Show ft in memory of elder john hubbard brij c 1 t ad 1877 lot editz editors deseret mew new s 1 t by publishing the folio wih g you will oblige the relatives lyes of the deceased f the relatives and elder john hubbard were aa saddened adden ed a few fawd days a fj since on ther rival of the news that ho he had died suddenly while on a mission to the indian territory deceased was the son ot of charies charres W and mary ann hubbard urd ird and anid was born at nauvoo hancock co oct oci 1843 he ho came to utah with ith the fall of 1848 was vas baptized when about it t eight years old ordained an eld eid elder eider er when quite young and in the spring of 1865 ordained the quorum of seventies he started on a mission to england the same year and labored in that country faithfully and zealously for upwards of two yeats years in the Fall eail of 1867 he returned to his mountain home and after spending a hoffr time with his father on the muddy in nevada he returned to wi diliard Yi lIard ilard in the fall of 1868 1668 he nia married crded rosabel daughter of william and diana piana shaw of ogden he continued to reside at willard willaid until the fall of 1875 when he was call ed to assist brother george W V hill in his labors for the emancipation of the Lama nama of northern utah from thence he was called una ona on a mission to the indian territory he started in company with brother al M NV V dalton for that place april 1877 and on arriving there commenced lab iab laboring with his wonted zeal he ife was subsequently attacked attached with th chills and fever from which he suffered more or less for fur about seven weeks the account of jus h Is deall las as forwarded is as follows he was watering the team te acin with which they travel traveled eur elt and while doing so remarked tor brother dalton that he be mft felt very bick at st this moment the horses ran away and the brethren started after them brother hubbard ran a few rods and fell I 1 he wi wad instantly administered to by elders dlton dalton and navarre but ex phed in h a few minutes the distance he was from home prevented the conveyance of his he hence they were interred in illila lila nield field ol 01 labor I 1 I 1 he has left a wife and ren his parents beveral brothers and bister sister sand band a host of mends friends who altho aitho tigh they mourn his absence and regret his apparently untimely departure look forward to the time when if f faithful ai thu they will again enjoy his society where pain and death are arend nao tad x adre really in ing that his bis labors are re behind 0 III nd the inie valli va lland iland ind ni ma odd he served he will ie receive eiso elyo that wel weli j come plaudit well done good gou gom and faithful seri servant enter enten into the joy of thy lord loro yours in the gospel of aiace peace Ci CHANDl jER gonel butr buts onry only for a parents wife and phildren children A loeez o revelation also reason reabon teach ria faithfully lor tor keep ev r thie baws ot of god which he be defended and proclaimed bolh bath farand near then when our mortal I 1 live are endredi well meet him bun in the hem heu heavenly venly sphere 0 f t no F fenee fence ince ence etc por A MEADOW milla rd ca J october jtb 1877 E Editor Deseret MM I 1 A 1 l J on the lot dinst abloom arwas cast over our little town cau caused senJ seni iby y the tha unexpected death dof AW alice nield meld stott deceased was weli well Bl millard illard lilard minty afia awid inith respected on account of 11 her hen 6 r g good bod b ad i dc deeds eds and her unswerving inte integrity arity as a latter day saino saint she was b born dru in oldham 40 years 11 months and 11 days oli a at the h tj time me of her death was baptized z by y he her r fa father tiei tier 17 lubo lube nield rd in 1847 emigrated to utah in 1854 with her parents lived in lehi city till ahe aha married marrio william IL stott an old resident of Fill moret moreo city in 1855 lived in that gity city till her husband wat wag called to preside over the meadow nvard ward 1 in n 1863 ghe the time of its organization moved to td meadow in 1864 where ab she lived up to the time of her death having 9 served as clerk cleris in the ed operative store for a number of years and also as treasurer of the F JR society the remains were taken to fillmore for burial where services of a very impressive nature were held in the meeting speakers being elders eiders nephi nemi Pratt Wm blatt begnand thos T ane ani gril jg our town 1 Is V good 0 kany enny er raised sixty eight persons have llave recently renewed thein their covenants by baptism faith falth and good works abound and increase A rathe rather r odd cirque ance occurred a short 3 VV we are under wh a ont CN t termed r theno fende fence lawi law here a go I 1 b v bad our p iule iuie y eeck a e ed d haye always paid axy quite recent lya iya number lumber of breech brah stock was taken to the stray here there held heid foa fo fiody five days and accord mg to Jaw sent t ta to the district pound b d ty the K keever keeper orf cof which would wot hot bleid stock on account he saya baya if you are ate living onan on an indian reservation rhe tap the stock was wag turned loose tado dp more damaged hw is hig this i hen it i 1 generally understood ther there thero wili wilf b is ili but one such auch iii in utah edw how will it be providen provider wen ap pp the ibe above ground refuse to pay aby any py more taxes w when h en the ohp t asses assessor bor bof calls calis Is around agal again nW we iha have a s strong rong notion to try it yours truly jonn JOHN the meadow people had better iS gei 01 thier notion 7 ax aa soon as possible A refusal lawful taxes Is wronmin wro ngin prin principle cae abd dang dangerous erous in practice two wrongs will never make one right L inhere h ere Is a proper in method ethod of obtaining redress for all grievances but hut if any person or ar persons aver steil stell sep the bollitto of law their error or oroff offense enser will not be fiedor punished by the violation of law on the the part of others dont dent try ita ED I 1 lyem sk t FOR ifor FAR FARMERs M 1 the wool states for 1876 was bounas dubi durbas do th the 6 british d aba abw abent I 1 now that bottling fruit is la inor oen oer will be glad giad to know that by fay eefting setting a glass fruit j jara 0 on n I 1 fl si rai folded ded towel thoroughly saturated ted with cold watery the fruit I 1 can n be put in the jar jax boiling hot ota without breaking the the Theja latest test article urtie urtle le of export from tha the united states tor 3 england I 1 gland f s glack acl aci walnut in togs logs they he are gre pu out ot uniform length loaded 0 on arf i alad to 0 o great britain for for foe gie nine fine furniture tho the bark is left on the logs IM topie tople to pie prevent V D C checky cheeky eck ing V vegetable ivory is the haid hardened eged ebed albumen lb men of the jho seeds of a palm paim thich which growson grow sin bin to central america now in sueh demand d for th the 6 a u fi ac t ul 6 of toys and find orna merits that it 80 a torf de 6 len Ift erid at A the vessels which carry it or four times the amount it commanded w a rew few years ago most people know more about java Coffe ethan of the island from which it is imported java is miles long and miles across its widest part its soil is one of the richest in the world palm and cocoa e ia trees grow to the hight bight of 50 feet its forests furnish trees lofty enough for the masts of large ships while teak supplies the place of oak for ship building it is the most durable of woods the population is preserving winter apples I 1 those who grow apples for mar ket bet and make it an especial branch of bf business do not need to be told bow how to keep them till the proper time for marketing comes but those who have bu but t a few trees and grow chiefly for their own u use se inay may be bene fitted by a hint or t two we the gathering should be done b by y hand as if shaken from the tree pw and b bruised they soon eoon rot even when handpicked hand picked they are often badly used subsequently and early gecan is a conse consequence quene e after gathering they should be sorted byer yer ver and any that have been injured ared b by y grubs gruba or caterpillars taken way away wherever the cuticle is in any by way why the apple is liable 8 to 0 rot and linck such fruit should be kept away from the boun poun sound bound dones ones those which prove eri exi entirely whole may be put in clean barrels headed to keep out mice and then put in any dry cellar collar just secure from frost it is very important to carefully take out the injured ones as any decay in a lot will often hody body ceilan celiar blit bot pl y are frown grown a copl eori cellar r garret are r r or 6 a shed h e d se secure gure from orom frosty r gid rid W thi fruit laid ion lon the fl gAZ on bif shelves I 1 la Is aa as a JW this ibis case emba V where 4 erla eria hera here there is continual ne uve for bouve hou bou lii lil purposes the imperfect farqu awk ya 1 th they ii appears ap peana pearA ar A this gaii eral plau plan gio vit thuu lei lt betta betth 1 anere ere timea timen time ti mecan macan a be oso 1 A napa spa over ovee w hen p pu u 4 1 v I 1 9 r sop sog r 1 er r J all ail at i on anc and done with it I 1 ban n depend an on afi the daily daliy 19 9 gutt gatt V II 11 id abne ht brie and thus 18 sacs ves time the women vf h im sev sep ggs lbs d ass aas bad badly 37 1 wore WorK or ed edt t ante tD a meu men and eyen eden eyen even ft a tew few w q u a can daymeon day I 1 feon tuffs ay WI afes ay can badly pare besta nis bis his the continual of the sound apples lis jia likely to ir injure U f ute ure them and wid thus ji ae e evil frow fruit is in edt moreover it is by no that of nie tie leya ieya matter malter may ap read to t perfect v bound sound fruit irid and hus hua make mahe hig bad bid iid aln ald it IV will ili certainly do so in a almes aides barrei barrel and muy may daso id more moro open places germantown German town fown T telegraph ph i I 1 dould nt t manage tila aher pantaloons from tho the buffalo commercials IL fitpold county to the doc of pr many Mary lV alker valber took advantage vantage 0 of hei fier husband husbands lips bands banda 9 absence to bis hij clothes she I 1 put plat on the coat first andt arld ignoring the button pinned tinned hitup it up from chin she sha put on tho vest bac baek back in fiott and buttoned it ft up behind that was about abolt aoe 3 ak in the afternoon i at about half past aher 6 her husband found he seated cn the bide aldeba side odthe the bed in a disordered room weeping her herr hair 1 down faba fa midi kyes eyes eyes ini flamed darid darld arid her whole be ifie wi excitement impatience zhi zei aha aua tangen lanker I 1 slid sha held hiis fils qi tier e Y l all bli joae mortal bigg bhe she had ben 9 to q the them gli f kyer ayer fel jei i eads 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