Show I 1 A sure cure for dbr the tiles I 1 assure cura cure curator for tor the tha bild blud f A t andl andi ulcerated elres piles h ibee Au 1 javed ur me A if wiand a n indian ar remedy a y jb jar f A al B ba vi cured durad th the carst cT oid run eases af af gsand 25 and say soy ears tending buffer suffer tive five minutes af after ap plying this W wonderful on d soothing medicine Xio tio lotions tlona tiona strum ell el petua rl esdon lnore ore jh jearm rathan than good williams trient end up port the tumors gives tives lustan ednd painless relief and ft nd elusively for nothing else over aured pazienta Pati enta U t attest ats its ita virtues and of all schools pronounce it i ti the krea greatest test contribution to medi me di gine pine bf the tho age y wen WENT TO zo time ehe THE N NOTED HOT irra SPRINGS cleveland 0 bee dec 27 D deab DEAR BIB I 1 buffered suffered nine moro more or less tor years with the itching or ulcerated TAles I 1 lafter remedy a advertised ingher in papers papera sf and consulted physician sin irr philadelphia Louis LouM vitle ville lf nati bati indianapolis anahis and thiis city y and spent hu hundreds j d eede bir olt but founded round found plo flo tellef comfort until I 1 obtained of williams 2 indian ointment somer four foan months ag ago T and abd ic has hay cured me completely I 1 b had a d a bab hab part paa of the them box boi left pave gave to a friend of mine who had doctored with many maby physicians without relief and rik rig as a last resort went vent to the noted hot Spring springs got sot of ark ank arkansas a ansas for fox treatment he in arms forms nie me that ointa en I 1 I 1 has also cured him of the piles it ia certainly a wonderful discovery and should be used by leho lehe he many thousands who ard are now suffering vel with th th that thai cread ead il disease I 1 seasel I 1 T josept josepat MF M ryder r 1 10 byor fai more cats ok ott eurea curea se aee sue e I 1 large a y g 1 e j J around argun d each box ak of ollit ointment ment i will b be paid hor tor or a ir more certain ana nna 7 remedy sold by all the leading druggists and country storekeepers everywhere warranted a 4 sure cure or mone money refunded beware of or imitations ask for tar williams indian ointment and take no other othen depoti sti sli superior perlor street t cleav cleveland elan eian d ohio I 1 IS B pitta fc co wholesale f drug druggists I 1 g ests salt shit nake jake vake cl city jole aren agents to fo for VARIOUS CAUSES advancing yearl years care dl appointment kud and dud hereditary all ali ll operate F td turn the hair hain gra gray and elt eit either elther herdt herbt them inclines 1 6 I 1 it t to shed abed es 1 l prematurely 1 ayera maie haie vigor rigor will faded 01 nay ray light and i r med red d hair 10 to a rich brown n or oi deep 11 idie laik aji mi may axy be desired it softens I 1 a nd 61 OA actton th 1 E ewalb i vint no a healthy heal thy anti antl removes and urea urek a dhu humors mors by itic tir i fe checked ard a h i L V illie all hii ase seb ses where tho the follicles are T C 0 k ses jes dest royed kydd af ar giand gland s decayed i yelta lits ilta effects are ore are liea u ot dy own on or sickly airl i a few application I 1 ti ong oni will produce the glossup a nad aad d nefi sor youth harm hanm lesah Cl sure in its operation it as a dressing andl andi ja is valued for the sott soft lustre and ri rich eb glued ness ess of tone it imparts it contain sf deli bell neither er oil nor dye and will wili not ahli apil gil or color white cambric yet it 1 lasts ats long on the hair and d keeps luc luu fresh r esh and vigorous for BP T 0 byi all dealers 3 I 1 A 2000 oliver oiiver C hilled chilled plows iia tia saye save I 1 me I 1 10 ben e n sold I 1 td iri J utah atah lii ili llie lie lle I 1 past I 1 tt two 6 seame and aud andall nil nii all testify to ke ir great matue an andl d ampre p A lii lil diary ary for FALL PALI PLOWING PI OWING bold sold by i ii i I 1 ilal ilai balawag 13 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four sour i fc farr rr vo 1 3 the arm l rm la is that ot fi A 1 with ru rued ed and births rebr marriages arld and deaths in ram IT alse also toe too names 0 dates lates aina and pisces places ja une boe one jati boil icord 11 epacs for sor boyi m mallori mat a iori lori one ono endows n t s taira intra al blessings and various part uart cun A 4 larar the same m e 1 me tiie third jo orm r r a seattie SeaM kie tie i for 0 name of 0 sel gel gal tal ld hot tot catli limm lime a ajit the fourth form orm U is a I for bortle tre lb tle 0 nel neg ki tecora with eidd far for 1 ha to ulsa niSa bates death baptism 16 b 06 fett 1 wog xoa log oa each book la Is furnished with a title paget on which the person downin owning 9 the tha record cf cun oun ett itt enier enter lh or her name an m the forms or instructions how bow record Is also printed primed in each bobka e dita pa paires ires are numbered these records urta are well p anted and tilled on oh good rood ledger paper substantially bound L 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now prepared to and pair pali all kinds of steam engines milling and hoisting machinery agricultural machinery moto noto gra era magra readers reapers Re apers rry threshing machines maera fcc ac tc c iron and brass castings of any description made to order oanh for old oid cast iron brnik to r |