Show NOTICE I 1 T havu in my posses possession slon sion A grey MARE mabe with saddie baddie bridle and ad spurs branded with a spanish brwon brand braud on left shoulder and thigh and D on left thigh wab WAS souni about miles mues southwest westor vestor ot camp llloyd Floyd the owner can find herat berat her at jameso JAMEST NIELS DINIS Fount fountain aln ain green co utah fountain green gren co oct STOCK OV Q I 1 ild sl i b t t x ifill a I 1 r i knit elitc etele etc ete ee tc wj NATIONS HOSIERY in ENDLESS I 1 L veried VARIED U aj I 1 I 1 1 1 good two button kia kid glover GI over at boc p pair al i f doun doub foun yoca c OT or 3 j sno pieces to 7 binche 3 wide wid e at pr jr 3 d 0 nancy FANCY neck NECIE les IES aad buo RUC d u t 01 1 il J bil ISAHO IS alo AHO caps o thi fth latest styles CD 0 i gehis GENTS furnishing caba cara AND mattl MATTI X gotsi T I 1 TA dihl ihl az til d iii 1 11 1 ui bartee irith crate ani klassie Klas twe swe M lot hot menis teals fin fir S cloch etc i 0 AGENTS IJ 1 U 1 Q i S j basta G A RS M i i i etwo carloads cooking and pl geating eating stoves and ranges i uj to rt r I 1 j ii I 1 r ij i QI i 1 i A r ajl a i I 1 01 j i I 1 J I 1 1 1 ALLURE CORDrA 30 CALLAND CALL AND ij 1 bua bur eua stor STOCK CK 1 wa jan w MA L EAGLE G L E EMPO EMPORIUM R I 1 U M 1 1 IS GENERAL J va fhay imitation gold watch in eho tho market for mr amea tue the TUO inoval Is I 1 a of othier her metals molsia sa so bosely gold that the best judges adges tl nind find ifan at klai cult to detec bell ua ihl lul b chemical tan tar d wn to ngor ifor gold k rt its iti MOVEMENT BALANCE kie ISE OR EN V gimi olmi CASES mid equal la 14 to ft COLD WATCH THAT COSTS ROM J irom TO UL sells j emde readily iya lyA r from soo too 0 o loo ivo IM I 1 rid ild nd iid if yoa wish buha a atch abr or P faar faor aar jar fb L ke modey money put pul try q 1 i inc inz eto ito to mur cur our large dales tales w s are re eua bled to reduce the th pruthe pr lt ia each with an elegan elegant tC alq attached they whey lre ire used on I 1 I 1 ali ail all roads steamers an and d la in mim miina i factories aloi eloy io mad sad bd naces ice ace where accurate I 1 time li required irea irga and dd kives civet general lebu tion V nt nd them by mau man or expression on receipt of any ny part cf of the country or jt tu bent lent COD when whoa the deserea tzi IZI 10 IL annd nand remit remil 1 2 on account these alcant about shout at finty fifty and nd the san ear bame tame ecar iltem attern in fir pir air re fol rol roid rold weald bost SIDO tuo V W we au the thi thea chau Chal chains nest neat at 1 I euh bat but iw KU the atch kria chaw la tor siz sit sant rent in tn a zt tero toro rak a a t bosell W el 10 1 BRIDE ca clinton onton eal place ilk lak ygo 0 tl eighn street tew tow mcw low yeiji r j fd wani WAKI HE POnTS ports yei yel are xo now W prepared to fursh of stakes with tho iho he ne r fc essary sary blank forms for their reports stake state reports 5 cents per copy ward it 25 cents per doz nailed mailed on receipt of price i address CANNON hron jion T deseret newa office wal salt sait lake LaKo city my rits FITS CUBED CURED 1 mrs mary ann walker I 1 adjoin I 1 ing ipg sugar hous house e ward V ard begs lei to re turn her most sincere sincero thanks to dr IS L plant for the cure effected upon her of fits she has idad had iob lob kaack for up upward warda wardi fa ot fw twelve elve eive months altho aitho although bhe she hadl had been subject to them from childhoods I 1 have also to thank you nor for of f worms effected upon my daughter lo io 10 years old S she he is a entirely well now again thanking I 1 apu i al A silt slit gilt lake city city L y t n T lui lul foh FOR FAMILY soil SOAP urn NUN G oena ax L la Is the old reliable family soap maor maker each can la Is g guaranteed granteed aran teed full weight and ad U strengths bor for sale bale at Z 0 M MI 1 andl andI and branches lra w ia PLATED played egold 1 cheapen tn U tava world watch witch arf ap J V to agents address A vm V m ft co chiosie Chi osge lamm faw 3 2 t ats 3 11 24 0 a 4 PC a 61 ms 61 M 4 year agents wanted business legitimate particulars free ad act |