Show alie GENERAL ASSEMBLY THE general assembly of the priesthood of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints on sat arday afternoon was a most solemn and important occasion and calls for something more than the brief account our space permitted yesterday about five thousand men belonging to the various quorums Qu in addition to the iye general congregation I 1 were gathered within the great tabernacle tabernacles and occupied the seats deats assigned to them in the order prescribed the twelve apostles and their two counselors with the patriarch odthe church and the presidency of this stake of zion were seated in the upper and second stands the third stand contained those of the glrst first seven presidents of the seventies who were present four in number and the presidency of the high priests and presidency of the elders of this stake the lower stand was occupied by the pre pre pro aldag bishop of the church with his counselors and several other bishops whom he had invited an the platform to the right or south of the stands the patriarchs the uenta of the various stakes of zion atwith their counselors and arid the high councilors councillors Counci lors troi troa from all the stakes and the presidents and rind counselors of the various high priests quorums took their seats upon the tho platform to the left or north of the stands the bishops and their counselors and the fhe presidents of the various quo rums arums of the lesser leaser priesthood with their counselors were seated the seventies occupied the body of the tabernacle bounded on the north by the ean can centre tre lre aisle and on the east by the aisle running north and south the tha high priests ests eats were in the thi centre of the tho tabernacle their seats being bounded at the houth couth by the main maln centre aisle allie and on the north by the next aisle running east and west and on thelast the east by the main aisle running north and south the elders and th the lesser eLesser priesthood occupied the side aide seata beats at the horth north of the main body f the tabernacle the former sit ait ting to the east of the latter after the usual opening exercises elder george Q cannon explained explain i ed the form of voting to be used in the assembly which was fer for chose who wished to sustain the tive to rise to their feet and raise the right hand those in the negative to retain their seats eatla until the contrary was called when they also ulso could arise arlia and vote in th the a same scaine manner he explained that at the general assembly liefa 1 the kirtland temple the v vote ote was 9 given IJ geft gent by the quorums simply rising ij their feet bat but subsequent rev revelations L had shown the importance stud and significance of the tip uplifted lifted hand and therefore there oora fora the voting in the plesent assembly would be both by rising to the feet and raising thu tho right hond bond he then presented john taylor as president of the twelve apos ties lles as one of the twelve apostle apostles a and of the presidency of the church of jesus jesuis christ of latter day may this was first vot voted ed upon by the twelve apostles and the two Colins counselors elors who arose to their feet and sustained the motion by raising their right hands nley they then took their the contrary voto was called for alid aud and there ereg being no response elder cannon nonan announced ed the vote unanimous on tile the part of the QUor the twelve the ame motion was next put to the patriarchs presidents of bf Sl lakes inkes and their counselors and aad the lii III high h council councils it lik ilk like ilke u mahner manner and no one anis aris nig rig when tha the contrary vote was called 0 for O it w was a 9 aronou pronounced need unanimous on their parl part the motion was successively pro dented to the he high priests the seventies tb the eiders elders the bishops and their counselors the lesser priesthood the presidencies cies of the various af quorums Quo Qu ruins and finally to the whole hole congregation th the 8 same bame form being observed in every in stance and not nol a single contrary vote being elicited the announcement was made as the several quorums each gave their vote that it was unanimous on their part and so in regard to the whole congregation gre gation each oi of the twelve was then presented by name in their order separately then the two counsel ois to the twelve next the patriarch after him the first seven presidents of the seventies severally and so on through all the general authorities of the church AB as reported in the minutes of the conference published last eve evening ni ilg each quorum voted separately in every instance the whole congregation latry latfy ing each vote and the same game order being observed throughout thet tha effect was wag electrifying when each body of men arese to their jeet and rand lifted up their right hands to heaven in token of their covenant to sustain the officer presented the power of god rested down upon them the mand sand the influence was beyond the power of language to describe there was no dissentient voice all were of one heart and mind this perfect union called to remembrance tile the prediction of the ancient prophet thy watchmen shall ahall lift up the voice with the voice together shall they aing sing for they shall see eye to ey eye eyo when the lord shall bring again zion there was no haste every person had ample ampie opportunity to object to any name mention edor any proposition offered and the utmost freedom was extended for liberty of action on each and all the authorities tieso 0 the church the thi fact that the theme there was not a dissentient vote throughout the whole proceedings Is an eviden evidence ce that no argument can make plainer of the unity that binds together the priesthood of this church and the be confidence reposed in pits tits authorities by the anole body all who haye have anticipated and prophesied of a disruption in the church now to see that th there a to is not the shadow of a schism in ity its it and that the inherent vitality of what people call mormonism does not no t depend upon its earthly barthly had nor upon nany any other human being god is in jt his spirit quick quickens and nd holds it together it is a t jiving living man canno eanno cannot E destroy it IL the maker of the thip universe ia is its author and he has established it to continue and no matter what changes may be brought about through the mutations of time and the effects of circumstances it will live and gr grow OW and extend in power and influence until evil and mi misrule stale shall cea cease gen aen the heavens and the earth in one and the government and dominion of pod prevail oyer all the earth the general abb Aee embly held at the copfer Copter conference Quee which has just heen been closed id Is a witness to mans man to the spirits behind the vall vail and to the holy ones in the eternal worlds that those called to hold the priest hood oneArth on arth in this last dispensation are in ean oan earnest estand and that the order of the priesthood is is established on such a it basis that itcan it can withstand the shafts of death and hell hall a and aud u d in spite of the tho frailties andler and er rp irp rs of mortal wab man that tho those so who w w leid it are prepared to receive the w ordot the lord through the living pr acles sustain legitimate authority ty and bear off the kingdom for ibe the be salvation of the living and the redemption of the dead until ae every very i knee shall bow and anti every tongue confess thab that jesus Is the lord to the glory of god t the he father to him be and might and dominion and everlasting obedience throughout eternal ages and all thy people will say aay amen amer |