Show t AMUSEMENTS May Robson will be b seen at the Salt Lake theatre this evening In the ni American comedy The Tiie Rejuvenation of ot Aunt Mary Mar the piece in which L S Sire is presenting her this season In Inthis Inthis Inthis this new comedy Miss Robson has on one of ot the best character parts she has ever had during her entire stage career In dramatizing the novel the author Anne Warner Varner has left leCt out none of or the com corn comedy comedy edy but added to it making it one of ot the most original l comedies ever pre presented presented presented to the American public The prom promise promIse promise ise of the management Is that the entire cast and production will be seen here herc as played at the Studebaker theatre Chicago for three months I The variety of or pictures given glen by b the this week makes an hours entertainment that is proving very at al attractive attractive The Time present bill will be con continued continued continued afternoon and evening until Sat Saturday Saturday urda |