Show ORE SHOWS W W IN MERRILL mm LEASE LEAE Pacific Company Will Erect a aMill aMill aMill Mill on Their Property in American Fork Canyon I Special to The Herald American Fork Aug CG Johnson Bo Boley Bole Boley ley le who secured a bond and lease on the Merrill group of claims In the Mary El EI Ellen len gulch of or American Fork canyon have hae havea haea a force torce of or miners working three shifts on the property The large ledge of high rade ore which they the uncovered in the II surface Is Improving with development The strike they made on this property about ten days ago Is causing no small amount of oC excitement It appears from reports of those who have visited It that It Is one of or the biggest surface showings ever struck In the canyon and from all indications it will get better with depth The ore is In a ledge lede of lime about twenty y feet teet wide and carries exceptionally good values aluEs One sample which they had as assayed assa assayed sayed sa ed as representing an average of ot the whole vein showed 00 in lead silver and and copper Picked samples would run runas runas runas as high as 1500 In values The property joins the Live was a big producer In the early days of or American Fork canyon and also Joins the Mary Iary MaryEllen MaryEllen Ellen Mining Milling lIming prop property property property erty and Is just across the gulch from the Miller mine The Pacific Mining Milling company Is negotiating for the erection of ot a mill millon on Its ground In the canyon for tor the re reduction reduction of Its low grade ores It has Im Immense Immense immense mense bodies of or ores that will wilt pay pa a handsome profit If reduced to con concentrates concentrates concentrates It Is the intention to Rave nave havethe the mill milt In operation before winter If pos possible possible possible sible The mine Is In fine condition and It Is reportEd that it has a very vcr favor faor favorable able showing of carbonate ore which will wilt willbe willbe be further developed by b the thc extraction of the sulphide ores for the mill Posters In the local store windows In Inthis Inthis this tins city call for tor bids on hauling pounds of ot freight from the railroad tracks in this city to the mines In American Fork canyon camron It is understood that this Is the thema machinery ma for the new compressor to be bo installed at t the Mineral Flat mine It It said that work will wilt be pushed on the erection of ot this machinery In order to have It In running order before winter J William Knight John Roundy Round J O C Jenson and J P Creer of or the Knight fon j 1 made a trip up American Fork F rk canyon eanon yesterday for the purpose of in inspecting their various properties In tn this district and locating a site for the com corn compressor compressor They The expect to spend three lays days da s sIn in American Fork canyon and from there go 0 over Into Alta Atta and to the th Mountain Lake mine in the Snake Creek Cr ek district and an 1 will return by way of American Fork next lext Saturday As an remarked today toda there never was a time In th history of Amer American AmerIcan ican lean Fork canyon when there was so much bona fide work ork being done as there Is at the present time and more people with money mone are Ire becoming Interested In Inthe Inthe inthe the mines up there then ever The says that this is what Is going to show sho up to the mining interests of the state the importance of oC the American Fork mining district and that before an another another another other year or or two has gone gono ono by b there will willbe willbe be some of the largest argest mines In the state opened up In this district |