Show TROUBLE IN SANPETE Visit of Federal Feder ll Bunch Does Not Pro Promote Promote Promote mote Harmony H Special to The Herald Mantl Manti Aug 26 Since the appearance of ot William D Candland of Mount Pleas Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant ant in the Temple City yesterday esterday as es escort escort cort for Spry and howell who are here hec herein in III the interest of their candidacy it has developed that Candland who pretends to be the Republican boss in Sanpete formed a combination which will ask tho the judicial convention n to support A H II Chris Chrls Christensen Christensen for Judge jude and Lewis Larsen pres present present present ent county count attorney for district attorney Of or course Manti Mantl Republicans are not find finding findIng finding ing fault with the prospects of or getting two to of oC the largest offices in the district but the question with them seems ty t lr D would wouT it be good politics |