Show HUGHES FATE IS IN THE BALANCE Republican National Commit Committee tee Has Not Yet Decided Question OPPOSITION BEING SHOWN TROUBLE IN WEST VIRGINIA RE REFERRED REFERRED REFERRED TO SUBCOMMITTEE New 1 ew York Aug 26 Chairman Frank Frankj j H Hitchcock of or the Republican na national national national committee today toda declined to dis discuss discuss discuss cuss the Now New York state primaries with I respect to any possible effect they the I might have havo on the governorship nom nomination nomination and later upon the national ticket in New York state He insisted that ho he had not committed himself in any manner on the governorship governors lp and said Bald that he ho did not think he was called upon to do so In regard to the recent conference at Oyster Bay Baj Da which gathering was wal followed by a n statement from James S Sherman the Republican candidate for or orvice vice president that the preponderance of opinion there was favorable to Mr Hughes Mr Hitchcock said Mr 11 Sherman stated explicitly that no determination of or the governorship matter was effected Several Counties Oppose Hughes It Is la not expected that the views of ot otan any an of ot the Republican leaders who par in the discussion slon at the pres pre presidents presIdents summer home will be altered by the fact that a number of oC counties In the primaries expressed themselves in opposition to the governor Thus far the Republican national committee has taken no stand in the Hughes matter The governor has not been invited to speak in the national campaign and it is said that no Invitation invitation tion will be extended to him until after the New York state convention The engagement Governor Hughes has to speak at Youngstown 0 O Sept 5 was not made under the auspices of the national organization If Mr 11 Hughes is the directors of the speakers bureau of or the thc national committee will begin immediately book booking booking booking ing the governor for as many speeches as he will consent to make Discussing West Virginia The West est Virginia political situation which has proved so perplexing to Frank H Hitchcock chairman of the Republican national committee and was submitted also to Mr Taft at a con conference conference conference ference at Hot Springs Va was today toda referred to a subcommittee of the na national national national committee for investigation A formal request was made by the West Vest Virginia executive committee that Chairman Hitchcock decide as to the relative merits of or the supporters of or Scherr Schorr and Swisher both of or whom were nominated by Republican factions for tor the governorship Chairman Wil William WilHam liam Ham L 1 Ward Vard of ot the Investigating com corn committee committee hopes to Induce one gubernatorial gubernatorial tonal candidate to withdraw after atter the merits of oC the case have been disclosed by Inquiry Chairman Hitchcock arrived In New Now NewYork NewYork York from his NOW New England trip to today today today day He said he will spend the remain remainder remainder der tier of the week here in conference with political leaders and then go to Chicago o for about a week The western speak speakers ers bureau has not been organized yet and someone must be bc found to take tal e this work off oft the hands of ot Senator Borah of Idaho who Is due duo In Vermont to tomake tomake tomake make a number of o peeches speeches |