Show DEATH OF DAVID H ALLRED Pioneer Resident of Ephraim Suc Succumbs Succumbs Succumbs to Old Age Ephraim Aug 26 David H Allred an another another another other pioneer resident passed passI away awa at athis athis athis his home In Spring City Monday night old age being the time cause of oC death Mr Allred was born In Bedford county count Ten Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Aug 26 1525 being the son of oC Wil ViI William liam and Sarah Warren The family tamil were old southerners and wealthy plant planters ers They joined the Mormon church in irm inthe Inthe the early earI days and went through the persecutions in Missouri and Illinois His mother Mrs Allred Ailred died while there and andIn andIn andin In Cl Gl the tIre family came to Utah In Captain David Cannons company compan David brought broucht his wife and six children reaching Spring City Aug 27 i 1861 and located on the lot where he lived until the time of his death He was a veteran of oC the th Black BlackHawk BlackHawk BlackHawk Hawk war He was a member of ot the I city elt council for two years and took an un active part In church work He lie was mar married married ried nod first in Pike county Illinois Sept 21 1848 to Elizabeth Elizabejh R daughter of oC Corne Come Cornelius Cornelius Comellus lius and Mary Brown who died leaving him with six children He was married again In 1868 to Elsie DIetrick who now has ten children The funeral services will ill be held at tie tre meeting house tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow row at 2 Congressman Joseph Howell William Spry and W D Candland stopped here for a couple of oC hours Monday afternoon They met some of oC the Ephraim politicians at the office of oC Attorney Ephraim Han Hanson Hanson son shortly afterward leaving for Manti County Count Clerk Eliason Issued Iss ed a marriage license yesterday to Jean Taylor of Free Freedom Freedom dom and an l Loa Eliza lIza Reed of oC Wales Vales and to Michael C Jenson of or Mayfield and Martha of ot Manti Mantl Myrtle the daughter of or T D Reece fleece of oC Wales Wale is suffering with diphtheria A fine tine baby girl arrived at the home of cf ofRay f fRa Ray Ra Lewis Sunday afternoon Katie Olsen entertained five of ot her lady lad friends at Pigeon Hollow Monday after afternoon at afternoon noon An elaborate dinner was served servI |