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Show | R R | | S| : | 3 ; | : | : Devoted to the Mining Interests of Scuthern Utah, ‘\ REEF, SILVER wo.\71, WASHINGTON SILVER REEF MINER TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. COAST —s83U ED. EVERY— CHICAGO RUFFIANISM. ed Crow’. PIKE & DUNHAM, PUBLISHERS BATES AND OF —The PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION; law in EXCHANGE Nevada has so far MAIN letter. —Pioche will celebrate the Fourth Greco-Roman wrestling match. composed of some twenty individuals, had a Apotherarieg, Saloons, by SALOON, — STREET. \ffy. wAGNERH First door South of Post-office. —The best of— _ ‘Wines, Liquors and Ctgars: —“Stern Chaser” is what the Silver State calls General Howard. Cuicago, June 2. Sharpshooters Association, The Bohemian -opium proven a dead A Militia Company Fire Into an Unarm- BY a _ picnic yesterday at Silver Leaf Grove, corner —The Jeanetteis to start on her Arctic exof Ogden and Western avenues. During a ploring expedition to-day—the 25th, 15 | dance one of the sharpshootes engaged in —The Argenta hoisting works at Tuscarora Delivered in Silver Rest and ‘fmmediate vicin- a quarrel with Vélney Clark, a visitor, and ity at 25 cts per week. burned down last week. Loss $5,000. after using, him up pretty badly had him ejected from the grounds. — He stated his }” —The Times-Review says there is not an AGENTS. grievances to the croved outside the gate, and ; assessment pending on any mine in Tuscaow WE, S98 Sicdtyaiary- street, Room gaining sae. sympathy there, “inangurated rora a 40 Bafe ‘Dot Boviding, San Frencisco, an indiscriminate throwing of sticks: and ! ‘Rogers & Ricganps, Silver Keef, Utah. —The will of Isaac C. Bateman has been ) stones into the enclosure where the picnic Mrs. E. OC. Crovcn, Beaver, Utah. was béing held. The Lieutenant of the com- filed for.probate. The estate is valued at 2. 8B. Linpasay, Frisco, Utah, pany, Frank Ladweic, ordered the long roll $150,000. A ‘charge was —The Yankee Fork fever has entirely subK.B. Our agents are authorized to collect sounded and bayonets. fixed. moneys due this office, take orders for adver- immediately made toward the gate, and the sided in Eureka. Recent letters were not tising and attend to all other business devolv- crowd were bayonetted and sabred until they encouraging: ing upon them as the representatives of the fell back, “The company reformed outside the publishers. . —A’‘man who went to Reno and advertised gate in single file, facing the street, and-loadto teach the guitar was notified by the xsing their guns, fired into the crowd. They thetic.residents that if he didn’t Jeave pretty immediately reloaded and again fired, each POST OFFICE: sharpshooter picking his man. It is stated quick he would guitar and featHered. Office we from 9 a.m to 2 30 p.m. and from that three or four volleys were fired in all. \-The Mormons are rapidly settling up the 8:30 to The weapons used were muzzle-loading country around Challis, says the Idaho Sankar atk lto2p.m, Springfield muskets, the cartridges being World. A Mormon and his span of horses The Mail arrives tr es Bt Domes daily composed of nine buckslot each. About a and wagon can be hired at $3.75 per day. at 12 m. and departs at 2:30 The dozen men were wounded, and three are said mail arrives from Salt aaae and Poche at 5 Dp. —A noted Boston preacher is lecturing in As-soon as the affair bem, and de 8 for the same places at 9 a, m. to have since died. Mail closes for the North at 7 a. m, came known two squads of police repaired to San Francisco on ‘Does Death End All?” The Exchange soothingly remarks that it cerE RAUSE, the scene and arrested the whole company Postmaster. They formed in marching order, under the tainly ends all lecturers, sooner or later, and that’s one comfort. .American flag, and proceeded to the West Drugsist Lawyers. D, P WHEDON, (Late assistant U.S. Madison street station, where they are now incarcerated, charged with murder and guarded by a heavy detachment of police. The Captain of the company was not present during the affray. —The Eureka. Leader styles the Workingmen’s candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, I. S. Kallock, a clerical mountebank, and says that is a fitting illustration of the asinine proceedings of that organization. Sully’s Heir, ~The Tuscarora Times-Review says that new placer diggings have recently been found about twenty-five miles north of Island Mountain, which are creating some little excitement in the northern -portion of :the county. Att’y for Utah.) Attorney-at-Law WasHINGTON, June 23. A curious story comes from Yankton, Dakota, to the effect that a half-breed daughter of the late Gen. Sully, now living in White Swan's village,and a member of the Sioux tribe, will be the rightful heir to his property. " SILVER REEF, UTAH, Will attend to any legal business entrusted tohis care. 3. 8. Suusbra, M. E, «Late of Virginia City.) Joo Mining A. J. Moonz;-0: E; (san Francisco.) §.fhuhra and & Mechanical ee Salt Lake Dispatches. . Co., * Saur Lake, June W. A private telegram was received to-day from Washington stating that an order had been issued to the Marshal of Nebraska to return George Reynolds to Utah. Engineers, RAWINGS, ESTIMATES AND S8PECIFICations mde in all branches of mechanical ‘engineering and especially in the construction of steam engines for hoisting, pumping a:d mill works, The appiication of compressed air in pumping our specialty. Depositions made ef the atength cf material in structures of iron nd wood. Contractors for the erection of quartz mills. ' Steam engines tested by indicator and reports roade of their economic capacity and general performances... Vaives and. val¥e motions set and —e to give their highest attainable resu Agents for H..W John’s Asbestos steam boiler and pipe coverings. Address P. O. Box 19, Silver Reef. ee SHORT A London dispatch, dated Saturday, 11 p. m., Say8: The great contest is finished, and Weston is proclaimed, with shouts and cheers, “Champion of the world.’ Weston completed his 550th mile at precisely 11 o'clock, with five minutes to spare, thereby winning the belt, his bet and the championship. From 2 o'clock this afternoon until 8 he accomplished the astonishing feat of makfive miles per hour. At $:30 Weston had made the highest score on record, namely, 543 miles and 5 laps, beating Brown's great score of 542 miles. J, BIRCH & CO, Leeds - —AGENTS MOUNT - Utah. FOR— TRUMBULL LUMBER! FRNEt AND CLEAREST IN UTAH. We are prepared to fill any bill of apy size on short notice and as oe as any eommon lumber from other yar ‘ First-Class TELEGRAMS. The President has approv roved the army appropriation bill and vetoed the one making appropriations for judicial expenses. Liquors! F YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us a visit. We sell cheap to Families und Dealers. We keep constantly oa hand a supply of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, The death of the Prince Imperial made a great sensation in Faris, and among Bonapartists it created dismay. Prince Victor, who by the political testament sticceeds to the title, is now a student at Lycee, Charlemagne. “Even if he is willing to agree to-his father’s exclusion, it is questionable whether the deceased had the-power, on the part of Bonapartist principles, to make such a change. There will also be difficulty on the | part of the leading Bonapartist to confer with and guide the actions of the young Prince without the consent of his parents. A Springfield, Mass., dispatch dated June ist, says: John Kemmler, a German, at South Holyoke, shot his three children, all girls‘ aged 6, 4 and 1 years, on Saturday, being unable to support them. He has been out of work since February. At that time he went to Colorado, but recently returned, and had been ordered to vacate the tenement belonging to the Germania Mills, as he no longer worked in the mills. He sent his wife on an errand before committing the crime. When arrested Kemmler said: “Let the law take its course."’ .He feared his children might grow up and enter houses of pro;titution. He thought they would be better in Heaven. Flour Which and Grain, will be delivered to any part Silver Reef: Leeds or the camp. BIRCH SAM & CO. WING First Wash- House, Bonanza, (LOWER. MAIN STREET.) WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING. Work done promptly and ip beast of style. of A special from Laramie City, Wyo.; says: There is great interest here -over rich silver Hilies discovered near this tity; on the rim OF North Park. A great many ‘specimens of ores, both carbonate and chloride, have been brought into town this week, all of which assay from $200 to $600 per ton in silver. An official assay to-day by the Territorial Assayers, certifies the ore to be lead carbonates and tocontain 4383 ounces of silver to the ton. Experienced miners are confident that this new mining district is fully as rich‘ and extensive as Leadville, The new camp is about seventy-five miles from here and easily reach- ed with teams. People are rushing in there from all ‘around this section of the conntry. rr / rent _ DRINKS MILK PUNCH SHERRY COBBLER Egg Lemonade, Claret Punch, ETO., ETO. —Eureka is to have a large new hotel called the International, two stories high and a hundred feet long, with iron front. The contractor is Pete Burke of Virgiaiy City, and he agrecs-to have it ready for occtpancy in ninety days. journalists pective. The have taken a new Main after calling St,, Silver THE Medicines, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ETO., ETO. « eee Keef, Physicians’ Prescriptions BEST Wines, Liquors& Carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night, CIGARS, UNITED STATES. J. H. CASSIDY. ee SON ERS cS Ta a -SILVER_ REEF Restaurant, I er MAIN Opposite Wells, attention pleasantly suggests that the. people tar and feather him, and drive him from the camp. At last accounts the Standard had not filed an answer. STREET, Fargo & Co’s Express Often. BE Silver Reef is. most conveni Jocated for the eres busine ss “aud Peat public, and is ucted on strictly first-class principles. Atitsa vel eeee tables can alwys be found the be rhe cnet the market aifords, prepared by the beet of _M.“DONCVAN, j22 PIONEER. LAFAYETTE RESTAUR'NT de- to the alleged imperfections of the Standard,” 0% *-Bestaurants, Obtainable in the first-class funeral is in_prosNews, Patent CAPITOL. —Joaquin Miller hopes the curse of God —Bodie Night. a well-assorted DRUGS, MEDICINES, ; and |. FORDONSKI. will rest upon the editor of the Portland Oregonian for his comments upon the abduction case in which Joaquin's daughter figures prominently. But the editor rests easy, as he believes Miller is only Jozquin. parture, and_a KEEPS constantly ok hand TABLES: Private Club Rooms, Day sss SILVER REEF, UTAH, First Clags Lunch Stand. ' Open “a Corner Main and Gentre Sts, Ete. All Kinds of Fancy Drinks, | » SUMMER aaa arate ptesetoes BILLIARD site, i, : VOLUME 1879, seen 25, CLIPPINGS, —Challis is a good piace from which to emigrate. ene Wednesday and Saturday. WEDNESDAY, UTAH, cones: ? 2 s 4 “ : > | = \ N. Billiard Hall One of —The Fourth of July onght to be a happy dry in Virginia City. By that time the water from the flooded mines will be pouring through the Sutro tunnel, Al) the difficulties the finest Billiard Tables HE LAFAYETTE RESTAURANT HAS again changed hands and the new te prietor_tekes this method of cues numerous friends and the public that First Class and prepared to accommodate them with the oor Cigars Always on hand, Fine Club Room have beén surmounted, all the complications in the rear. HICKOX’ removed, all the conflicting interests identified and every advantage taken of the oppor‘tunity afforded to reduce expenses. & best that the country affords, prepared by® cook that acknowledges no superior in is professio No salve will be spared to please customers. Patrons can order whatever they please out f th di line. let another representative’ victim’? be selected, then another, until the abominable practice is abandoned or additional taxes must be imposed to build new penitentiaries | to people with convicted polygamists. ne amar do N. JOHNSON. 8. 0. PERRIN, CABINET SALOON, —The San Francisco Daily Exchange, referring to Reynold’s conviction, gives the brethren the following unkind wipe: Naturally enough, Reynolds is aggrieved;.and 60 aré his sisters, and his<cousins;-and—his brother Mormons. They have had the audacity to petition President Hayes for pardon, with such success, it is humiliating to say, as to elicit a Cabinet diseussion. We do not expect that the President will so outrage public opinion as to extend a pardon in this instance. Let this be made an example. If the Mormons refuse to accept its teachings, gan j co. ~-Some of the sports in Tuscarora tried to ring ina ‘cold deck"’ on a faro game, but the dealer dropped on-the racket-before making-a-+} Opposite Harrison House, ~Siluer Reef. turn and had the parties arresed on a charge of**petty larceny. The jury held, however, E VERYTHING s FIRST-CLASS STYLE that exchange is’ no robbery and refused to and the besto convict. The decision was to the effect that WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGABS the tiger must protect himself in his jungle, and. this axiom will doubtless henceforth be Only passed over the Bar. quoted as an established principle of law by WM. RAFFERTY. our legal luminaries. —A preacher landed in Leadville the other day and was warmly welcomed by the inhabifants. A large gambling hall was engaged for him to preach in, and all went merry as a marriage bell, till Bill Stiggins hit John Snodgrass over the head with a six-shooter for saying.amen at the wrong time. The friends of both parties then drew their pistols and commenced translating each other. The minister started for Denver on foot, and now Leadville is without a preacher. | carmen in the Territery, Liquors JOHNSON, Prop’r. ELE-HORN Main SALOON. Street, Stormont Boarding House. Patronage Generally Solicited. All My Old Friends from Bingham Invited to Call. wlver Reet Bakery _ J. BIBBERD, Prop'r. Next door to the Drug Store. mae always, the best Wines, = Liquors and GEORGE MILLER. Kremlin Saloon. oan QUILLAN & MAHONY. FOR A SALE! Valuable Property. Sixty acres et . land ind with Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Reef. ed are invited to call at the Silver Reef Bak: . ery.to try-.our bread and-we are ange you, MAlk.. never buy anywhere else. N. CHRISTENSEN, Boot and thoe water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the Galdiae satuablé for gardening. Also one stene building at Leeds, suitable fora store, anda giabt h b niiding |lots opposite itit; and iding; Qax Pd; irable door. of aaper B Roor with good watér at the | For further particulars eal) on B..C. BOBEN, I; THANK THE PUBLIC FOR. PAST FavORS and solicit a continuance of the same, asI am now prepared to sell the an oeand the best quality of bread in the ember our bread is not adulterated and we arec aetling 16% lbs for one dollar. Be sure when you buy 8 loaf that it weighs a ‘pound and a half, Silver Reef. : \ Maker. Main Street, Two doors below Postoffice, Ebguee Durability and Comfort Guaranteed. |