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Show SILVER REEF MINER, TELEGRAPHICieaeer Lonpon, June 23._ Sau _ Of\ the, town and one of the best mills in case of Emeline A. Young against the execnutors and trustee in trust 6f the estate of Brigham Young. It i$therefore more than likely the district have been reduced to ashes, awaken a feeling of general alarm, and while sympathy is everywhere expressed naté forthe victims, the- question shall is town? We previous answer,in asked: accordance suggestion, ladder company, organize that the answer will be ready a with our and equip it thoroughly,’and the remainder time. and mand,—men will make experienced mén to ex- themselves men acting under heard, and who the of a effective less time than five hundred will nament. undistiplined. men, sefvice each Then there should be a few cation ; 2 of the The and nomination Carolina, -| Court of. Utah . Territory, the Judiciary Committee reperted ‘adversely. the sentence this festive jail-bird will be able to occupy his cell in elegant leisure, with full constitution of California.the greatest public liberty to enjoy unrestrained all the fascinat- document of the world since the Magna Charta, and the greatest in the country since the Declaration of Independence. of men should refuse endowment to be associate house criminal; with the but according to ing privileges of Latter-day polygamy. PG ‘production of gold and silver-in the mining and Territories of the United States this year will be only $65,000,000, or $30,000,000 less than last year. This is simply guess work, however, as he has no means of know- jing what the bullion product will be. I SS Ir isa fact DE RR worthy TRENT of note that private ad- vices from Southern Arizona, which for some time past have character aré reports, is the We more been of a contradicted shall not reliable, ————— very unfavorable pays your money Chastine Cox, who robbed and murdered Mrs. Hull in New York recently, was captured in Boston ‘yesterday. has withdrawn the nomina- tion of Secretary McCrary for the judgeship of the.Circnit Court of the Eighth the United States. District of Tilden-js-#eriousiy considering the policy. of running.again for Governor of New York this fal, with a view to controlling the organ {zation in this State forthe next Presidential campaign, Lamar, having become satisfied that Senator Conkling will not send him a challenge,Jeft for Mississippi on Saturday, This is regarded as the end of the Lamar.sensation.. oe Representative men of the ws wing of the Democratic party state it as a fact that .. Ben. Butler will receive and accept the nomination for Governor of Massachusetts'’ both _ from the Labor Reform and Democratic Conventions this fail. TPL your feaaat oe ae a Goods, Butter and Eggs of _MoManvus & Reap. ~~. Corner Lot for Sale. Fifty-three front on Main Street 125 feet on Loy; peters Enquire of i Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, GENERAL “at lower LUMBER, Goods of.July Fourth. prices THE EEEDS Woolf & Jordan’s. Just East of Jacobs @ Sul'an. Sash ever to supply their wants in articles of personal adornment. JOHN H ' Repaired. ORDER.. RICE, A. LEMMON, Cashier. Carpenter, Builder and. teckethorn& Ml CABINET MAKER. One door South of the Lafayette house, >_> J J. Halpin, purchasing at all his “& JUST RECEIVED ! Geert ay GREENBAUM Wall LOT Reef. TAILORING. AND SHINGLES,: ai FINE Silver Stand. E.umber all goods in his ling cheaper than can be bought anywhere south of Salt «:A Old DEALERS IN Stoves, Hardware, &c, in the East ern Market, has ficilities for selling Lake. Their Doors. Furniture Made and JOB WORK GENERALLY DONE 10 Furnishes Exchange on Salt Lake, San Francisco, and all parts of the Mastern States and urope, Emporium. Sign of the Brg Sash, and Screen Doors. BANKING BUSINESS. A shipment of the ce. .ebrated Budweiser Beer Best in the market. McManus & Reap. Friedman has had the front of his Dry Goods Emporium repainted, thus completely rex oving all trace of the-fire. Ee is constantly receiving from Salt Lake and San“Francist0“ invoices of novelties in his line. The ladies of Silver Reef who have heretofore so liberally patronized Mr. Friedman,will cow find him better prepared than Bg bo ae has reShoes. ————__———“—“32» << GRAIN. CARPENTERS. , Received. Friedman’s and free of charge to evexy past —JOB— Shoes! “Gents, call and see Stephens. He ceived the latest style of Summer delivered ‘HARROUN & COMPANY | Senkny Company, any- StS it. the district. No im than DEALEB TY Groceries, Provisions: Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware- IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Fine suits made toorder. An assortment of Fine, Imporsted ENGLISH CLOTHS, alwayson hand. A@- Sbop, Corner of Centre and First Weat Streets, A. WINQUIST, Sash, 022 “and Moiding, oF: forwarding Merchants. OF .e0. Paper —ALL It is not the intention of KINDS or— Car penter Borders. the opponents of the Chinaman to-let that unfortunate being rest- undisturbed: S6- far from being dismayed by the defeat of previous efforts, they have entered the field with a new bill, supported by Slater, of. Oregon, which is more sweeping in its scope and purpose than the one which Hayes vetoed. It undertakes to shut out those whom Slater calls “ coolies ~ from certain employments in which he thinks they compete at an unfair advantage with our own citizens. The bill is acuriosity in legislation, and was sustained by Slater on Saturday by arguments which are even more curious than the bill itself. HAVANA Beescke CIGARS Work +e+-AND BEST To be had in Town FAMILY He Chicago Dispatches. THE,..... at a Bit Supply and & J AQUES. AND R. WARNOCK. BR. M'CORKINDALE ; GUARANTEED. a Drink. GROCERIES. is Going Out oof the Clothing Business andis selling his stock below cost. FRESH BUITER & KGGS AT ALL fine eer hye oe ARTICLES, To which we beg to direct public Pure White, or in Delicate CONFECTIONERY, MaGaZInzs, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, CHROMOS, And full line of Miners’ Notions. J. R. RICKARDS, LAFAYETTE RESTAUR NT other bill. cee +. Extraordinary Session cf the Montana Logislature. HELENA, M. T., Taha The Govertier has issued a proclamation convening an extraordinary session of the Territorial Legislature, to-meet July ist. The call is made in consequence of the last Legislature adjourning without making an apportionment of the Territory for legislative purposes, to correct errors made at the late session, and many ‘other legitimate subjects of legislation which failed of maturity at coc last session, \ . N, JOHNSON, Prop’r. HE LAFAYETTF RESTAURANT HAS again changed hands and the new proprietor takes this method of intorming his numerous friends andthe public-that he is repared to accommodate them with the very Sask that the country affords, prepared ae cook that acknowledges no superior in his profession. No-pains will be spared to please customers. Fetrone can order whatever they please out of the ordinary / i line, N. JOHNSON. MERCHANTS. Tints of Blue or Pink Without TT. injury to the Wall Principal place of business, Paper) by Work consulting HUTCHISON, Little Pink House, AINTING. IN ALL ' Done with Dispatch Prices. FOR attention. * STATIONERY, CUTLery, | compromise,and that he is nowTeady to stand by his party friends in refusing to pass an- Commission OAN HAVE YOUR CEILINGS MADE all NEWS DEPOT, FANCY Forwarding SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING —GENERAL— thesé are ready {o unite with the Republicans R. WARNOCK & CO. of| Cuicaco, June &. ag Remember this place sells The Journal’s Washington special says: any other house. Speaker Randall has been an extremist, and now favors the policy of ‘‘war to the knife” with the Administration. He expresses him-, self very decidedly in favor of immediate ad- } journment and allowing the judiciary bill to go by default, and if the President calls-@ongress together again in extra ression, to- once more adjourn peremptorily. It is not probable that the Speaker's advice wil! be foHowed, asa number of conservative Democrats are ‘thoroughly disgusted with the way. in which metewe tm their leaders have managed the party,.and in making an appropriation sufficient to keep the courts open. Immediate adjournment is out of the question, but if the advice of Dem-; ocratic Senators like Bayard is followed an ‘adjournment can be had within ten days... A. Hi. Stephens has written a letter to Speaker Randall, saying that the Democrats have done all that could reasonably be expected of them in an effort to reconcile tli¢ differences between Congress and the Executive, but that after such a veto as was sent in yesterday there is an.end of further expectation of SATISFACTION MR. JESHAVE PURCHASED sup’s interest in the Peter’s Leap Sawmill and are prepared to offer better inducements to parties wanting lumber than any other firm in the Reet, and can deliver special orders much sooner than any other mill company. LIQUORS Also a good DONE ‘WE J.B RICKARDS, TELECRAMS. A Reno dispatch says the snow shea one * anda half miles east of Cisco burned down Friday morning. The President The Times says: essay to prove which You eas SHORT Bey Groceries where else at by the newspaper and takes your choice, ‘Senator Cooking and Heating Stoves. RE THE Director of the Mint estimates that the States Fancy ae REREES. "J.A. TURRILL,, “gar The largest assortment of Family and from DONE. NEATLY BE AIRING 50. and —-~-e Placed New York, Jane 23. The first meeting of the National Working men’s party took place to-day. There was not a very large attendance, The chief speaker was Kelly, who considered the new would evening under the direction-of Prof. Alphin. proper characters allowed. Supreme New York Dispatches. services of Austria Fourth of July Party. of men available in the chain-gang, unless that support ae ial ce IRON & STEEL. ORDER ALL KINDS/ and Shoes Kira ae Ae l. .Being practical 1 iS whatever ae of boot of ed. .Give me a ca Boots and Shoes a SpeDress ae Frenal Haraware, A general invitation is extended to all. Music of the was the TO There will be.a sociai party given at Welte’s WASHINGTON, June 23. of D, T. Corbin, of South body his the Beer Garden on the as Chief-Justice explains $ilver Reef. MANUFACTURER’‘OF of the made upunishment, This —pRacTiCaL— “Boot AND SHOE MAKER, MaIN STREET - - . SILVER, REEF / Woolf & Jordan’s. ae nine Congressional. in’ popalar mass Khedive. - J: 8 STEPHENS, oT sar The latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing Goods to be fourd at on the calendar for consideration hereafter. A cancus in the House of Representatives to-day immediat+!¥ after the reading of the who, with trueminers’ pluck and generosity, President’s message vetoing the bill making are ever ready and anxious to afford all the as- appropriations for judicial expenses, develsistence in their power. All they require is oped the fact there were three distinct propo| sitions entertained by the-majority as to the some one in authority. in whom they have most practicable course to be pursued. The confidence, to direct. their labors. If these one having apparently the most supporters was that which contemplated a resolution fix, suggestions are carried ont the danger by fire ing the date for adjournment sine die, and that will be decreased ninety per cent. Then let | another bill identical in-its provisions with every citizen imbibe the spirit of that army the vetoed measure be passed and sent to the every member of which ecnsidered that ‘ton President, and if he should again return it The sechis sole arm hung victory.’’ Let none be lax | adjourn and- permit the bill to fail. ond proposition was to pass a joint resoluin their vigilance. yield cheerful obedience to tion, extending until next January the approthe wishes of the fire committee, and crush priations on the basis of the present act proany attempt at incendiarism by promptly viding for the judicial expenses, with provisions that no portion of the money shall be and accurately emptying a revolver into the used for the payment of Deputy Marshals or incendiary. Let thesé precautions be taken. supervisors of electionsand in-the event of and we may consider ourselves absolutely the non approval of the President to adjourn Eafe. sine die, and if he should issue a proclamaoe : tion reconyening Congress, to repeat this ac~ tion. The third proposition favors adjourn: Bro. Grorce RE¥YNOLDs, the Mormon felon, ment without further attempt to meet the ’ after enjoying a trip to Omaha at government views of the Executive. — This line of action’ expense, has been ordered to be returned like was favorably entertained only by a few. The Democratic part of the House. however, apthe bad penny. that. he is to the Utah penitenpear to stand as a unit against supporting tiary; where he will také up a temporary resiany bill which will permit a continuance of dence of two years as the guest of the War- ,| deputy marshals and supervisors of elections. den. Should the convict receive merited out the thereby to gain Germany. and well known citizens set apart to organize the bucket brigade of Khedive’s efforts to pay his creditors, hoping ——_— none oveying, fia fever of uscless excitement. a short They played the first game and commanding in trip yesierday at Stockton; beating 12 to nothing. leader unorganized be On Saturday the Athletics, of San Francisco, will play the opehing game of the tour- who understands the handling of hooks and Jadders, can render more probably Main street. erty of action. Germany will demand either the payment of all/his creditots or the abdi- Sart Laxg, June 2. One dozen command will com- who are always on the alert, who compel obedience to their orders. With regard J. J. HALPIN her to-morrow. : A dispatch from Sean ‘announces that Prince Jerome Napoleon will not allow either himself or his sons te become eeeeconee te the Imperial throne. A dispatch from Alexandria announces that the Sultan leaves the Khedive full lib- The answer of the executors and trustee to the complaint of Emeline A. Young was not filed in court to-day... but will be on Thursday. . ercise particular care in the selection of cool, determined in provided with an altar. aoe Queen will visit personal property has been transferred, and the hook placed to the transferring ofthe property of the estate to Receiver McCornick,@ portion of the What of and the hands of the Clerk to-day. unfortu- we do to save the remainder Laxe, June 24, The ten days allowed by-law for filing an answer to a complaint expires to-day in the Tux recent crushing and stupendous disasters through which the main business portion improved. She attended mass yesterday morning in the room occupied by the late Prince, which was Salt Lake ‘WEDNESDAY.......-. sesers -JUNE 2, 1879 Miscellaneous. Merchants. London Dispatches. shea vciee Eugenie has much First west ITS and st. BRANCHES| at Moderate |’ WE ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that point, and are the only Compaty that can furnish teamsters back loading, which secures to us the best outfits on the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of"all classes of importations on the shortest possible time. Our increase of business enables us e forward goods at one-half our former rates SALE. OFFER MY BUILDING, SITUATED on Main Street and occupied by J. D. It is Hickox and the Miner office for ate. suitable for a store, saloon or oes For brice and particulars penis 0 JAQUES. FOR A - -Utah._ Terminus Utah Southern Railroad ps +} 8A. LE! Valuable Property: Handling, Sampling, Shipping| and Sellin. Sixty acres of land with water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the balance suitable for gardening. Also one stene building at Leeda, suitable fora Ores and Bul- lion a Speciality. store, and eight building lots opposite it; and a good lumber building, 24x24, in a desirable part of Silver Reef, with good water at the door. For further particulars call on B. C. BOREN, bilver Reef. LODGING Wil ay wagon and Railroad freight on all fobs consigned to our care. Will give rates of freight from East and West. All communications answered all pdéints promptly. HOUSE. ‘Address: eG “FURNISHED Gentlemen "MRS. can be | ROOMS had by FOR applying L. BUSCH, Main 81. R, WARNOCK -& cone ° YORK, Utah, . } } |