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Show A DEED whom it msy and beuirins of — OF FRURE. x0 notice that rust; bearing Dood D. 1879, executea by | Ses ameceant 52 SONG SE Ee execution. ; h APPLICATION Potter, of the.same p third part. thereby conyeyicg ; gees WHOLESALE thias Magney the strv: |é Se ashington county, Territory of Utah, have — application for a patent for fourteen. hun and et anny nar 474) linear feet of the Savage mine or vein bearing silver ore. together with ‘surface ground six hund feet in width, in Sen, Mining District, situated County of Washington,:Utah ‘erritory, and soeeeeted by the field notes and official plat tile in this office as iot No. 59 in township No. 41 south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base and nieridian, and in the north-east and north-west quarters of section 12 and in the south-east quarter of section 1 of said town- Constantly a¥ ey pect ont the . Maw as equity, which the said parcy of } / rity , and held erein in order to. secure the sid third oalean and protect them from loss, it became sary, and fdr such purpose the said partie of the third part onunder the terms and conditions of said f trust did, on or about the 24th day of April, 1879, for the sum of two ee and fifty dollars in lawful “money purchase the interest of said henry White in said lot; number nine, and the immeosenents thereon, and received a good an sufficient deed.of conveyance for the same, ereby conveying and transferring his said one-half interest in and to said lot number nine aud said improvements to said parties of the third part, which the party of the third each now holdcon the nse ot ae party ot the t part, su lien thereon for ‘the said two nundred and fifty dollars, the purchase money paid therefor by the parties of the third part with three r cent, interest thereon per month from the Of every Of earry é oR lars on dollars paid said Henry White as herein be- fore stated, together with interest thereon at three. per cent. per month, at the request of , and upon the application.of the parties of the part, am_requésted And everything to seil all of the Yor tion with said trust and this sale, to the high- for.Jawful monoy of the |, to pee and discharge said ereon, said two hundred in and this Lake or Blue all fo prices. be had Latte te Flanne! AND House, AINTING ds Wall ee IfS & CO’S , BOOTS Child ren’s ‘tron i enc iBa fc aan fied eT i : ¥ a et CALIFORNIA And of all otter st. AND SADDLES } | Kinds. rat Lovis GeRMxe 7 ee THE 7 , dy |PEOPLE'S MARKET G ieee EE HAVING PUROHASED » take this method keep constaa' ? mi L ooak ae es ae Sri sing the public 1 rid on hand every variety of aad. Pipes, Fresh Meat-and Sausage. Our long experience in the business warrants us in guaranteeing satisfaction to our customers. Orders promptly pater ie sew: filled. on | Meut delivered to any us at our place of business on Main ~ 4 Ampire Market, MAIN STREET, and C. WESTOVER, & CO., Prop’s. Fuse, Coal and . Lubricating ners Olls, &o. The ools, everything appertaining to es Eto the tc. same, as Cooking Choicest Cuts of Beef,- Pork - eran~h and Mutton Always on Hand. : =e hiner’ Tece : | eens free of carofully © y filled and promptly der ae urge, art the qe or tibet, Leedte__ Parlor and Cooking Stoves, | Moderate nts C A : | Jas. ORONAN. Utensils, . Eto. . H. H, we ehh coals, : CHANDLER anand CCRONAR. N, ii te s = Nawsrirmas ie ids And ; eee Beanie HARNESS Saddlery | by aN To which we beg to direct public attention. J. R. RICKARDS, Powder 3 Tints at a ua ARTICLES, STATIONERY, CurLery, C1 @aRs, Shoes, Wei * FANCY and. Steel, one 1 ~~ —GENERAL— And full line of Miners’ Notions. Tobaccos, Cigars BRANCHES{ and F chesnet _ NEWS DEPOT, yates ; First west patch | J.B RICKARDS, | ‘ werk Paper, a Drink. Supply of FRESH BUTTER & EGGS AT ALL TIMES, a : and ie Abt at a Bit aq-Remember this place sella tny other house. Undershirts QUALITIES. ee Frames, HUTCHISO Pink Town Of all, descriptions, GENUINE : : Delicate the ere LIQUORS in Also a good Also a fine assortment of or Pink 9: OF. ces wessAND THE.” BEST HARDWARE. in I _HAVANA A CIGARS Gity For Mining, and Fancy Wear a specialty. Ladies’ ae , Galt ee wenty-five dollirs ($1,due Said parties of the | a8 aforesaid to Henry. ay | wel at LOT —AND~ a pace of T. 1879,. : leek ef South THE HECHT BROS. consulting ollars counsel fees ineurthe expenses incurred in and sale to satisfy and discharge Fav and ae a Pr ave YOUR CEILINGS MADE Without. injury and fifty doltars paidto Henry W hite as aforesaid and interest at three per cent per month hE '. That there is AN ‘ Pure White, - debtedness and expenses incurred in connecbetes and FINE aot Bord ders. reg te as Srecziees eoad niug to at town ahtesat of Sil cm theecante, Silver jRe t, oes, PHWaa aah wm Pa ieee seta am sey ots bidder hues Lard, aforesaid, as such trustee, will in Dhediohes to ‘said deed of trust and at the request of the »parties of the third part sell the above ~ perrived property or so much thereof as’ ma e@ necessary to satisfy all of the aforesaidi os Tnited all : COFFINS re : Wall Paper: etoek Heaviest IN ALL COLORS AL80 5 as : UTAH. We recommend our large assortment of eee fl tees orelock”k’spoon of that| SOMETHING WORTH KNO WING S and Mission Kept Gatstaatty on hand and tnade to order by one publlé oe : wminess and is selling bh stock below cost. ' : s : WHITE & FANCY LINEN & WOOLEN oveRsuints,|FAMILY GROCERIES. He is Going Out ut of the Clothing A complete assortment of original plat of the town of Silver Reef, being aoa Best which pertaining to that line, j. out on the = sent and rear twenty a phe a un and twenty-five feet deep. 5c eee , share io nnereny give SOUTHERN oe right, title and interest which the said -party of the first part had in and to that said lot number nine a8’ above described together with ail the improvements and appurten~ ereon bs’ described in said d of trust, or which he had on the 3d day of February or may at any time since have acquired in and to any of said described property, to-wit, lot number nine, ~ bioek number seventeen, as laid IN HATS Borders and Decoruions and the further sum of two hundred and fifty ‘, third the In WALL PAPER, and the accrued and accruing interest thereon & POWDER H. A. Lusk. Mirrors. Picture and rt | RECEIVED JUST GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Shades, . pi Pictures - Now, therefore. I, Herry H..Smith, the party of the second part, default having been|| adel in the payment of ‘said promissory note’ es GIANT Putty and Glass ollars, ¥ POWDER ; eM Paints, Qils, _ to the =a _S moles oe eee Roaraa, me 0. RickaRDs. Iver Reef, ’ June 15th, ae sity. j ilver and Blinds, Window day of February, 187%, which now amounts ae ee and sixty- Hen sum aan has of conveyance whic bi entire interest of each and all of you will become mine by virtue of the law. H. 8, LUBBOOKE. Silver Reef, March 8, 1879. Windows and _ been duly recorded according to jaw, which seul, they deem to be a lien Ypon such prem- peed AND description. Sash within ninety days from the date hereof, the —BY— Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, Doors, —— ah above ae fak iypaid lene various sums to me the Hanne FOR & an FURNITURE, pel Same’ by* a feet of transfer and nveyance, and that it became necessary to protect the _ of the Tee of the first part work for omas of $20; from you, asley, the sum of $1904, and from you, Now, Lemmon, ’ the ais of $6.67. firm will becollected by J. R. Rickards and al liabilities will-be paid by. hin . P. HARRISON improvements i for assess: ©~ at the same place. Alldebts due raid business : to a feet long, 600 feet west 4% 57 deg and north feats thénte claim, said property, or any part thezoof, with the appine post 4 inches urtenances aud improvements thereunto oe marked “‘No. 3, U. 8. & which is post aie. anging, to the party of che second part as such 3 of said uiining ‘claim, thee north 81 de; Trustee, with the right of survivorship as min east 1,474 feet to a pine post 4 ine . such, and to his saccessors snd asvigns es square and 455 feet long, marked “No. 4, U. the trust and confidence therein expressed, to§. 59,’ which js post No. 4 of said mining wit: Sa‘d trust shall be and continue’ a8 s<cu- ‘claim, thénce south 57 deg east 600 feet to post rity to the partics of the third part and their as- No. lof said miving claim, the place es besigns for the repayment, in lawial money: of the eae Magnetic variation 16 deg 30 min United States, the moneys so exyressed in said east. Containing.an area of 20 30-1v0 acres. promissory note and the interest thereon at From pest No. 1 of said mining claim U.S. three per cent, per month-until paid, with ail mineral monument No. 1 bears south 81 deg e08i8 Which may accrue thereon, aud under said east 1,275 feet distant, and the quarter section trust, until repaid in. full. corner on the south line of section 1, township And whereas, said Deed of Trust was, onthe 41, south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base 4th day of February, A. D. 1879, recorded in the’ and meridian bears south 78 deg 45 min west records of ths office ot the Record: r of Washdistant 1,206 feet. From post ‘No. 2 of said | ington couuty, Territory of Utah, in Book “P” mining claim a large eranites boulder bears of Deeds, pages 573. at 575, m6. ST and 578 by south 6 deg west-31 58-100 feet distant. rom the Recorder. uf said c: post No. 3 of said mining claim,a large send And whereas, by the ‘ican of said Deed of stone boulder bears north 63 deg west 43 5 ‘Trost, It was stipulated, among other things, fest distant. From post No.4 of said mining that if defauit shall be maue in the payclaim a large granite boulder bears south 63 ment of any of said sums of p:incipal or inter- ba: east 74 feet distant. est when due in the manner stipulated in. said he nearest known Iccations are the Buckmissory note, or in the reimbursements of eye Lead, Mystic Qalifornia, and MeNally any sums therein provided to be paid, or of any mining claims. ‘the location of this mine is recorded in the recorder’s office ot i Jarrisburg interest thereon, tnen the said party Oi the secMining District, in Washington county, Utah” ond part or the survivors of him, his euccessor or assigns, On application of the parties of the . ‘Perritory, at Silver Reef, in said county and Serta?» on page 172 in book & of said third part or theirae shall sell the above granted premises,0: ereof as in dirbet caer notice to be published in the their discretion they ‘shail find it necessary to saver Reef Miner, a newspaper published at ée!l, in order to accomplish the ee of these Silver Reef Washington county, Utah trusts, in the manuer Ioliowing, namely : lerritory, that being the newspaper They shall first publish the time and place of said Savage min. gach salé, with’a aescription of the property to published nearest the ing claim. for a full period of sixty days be sold at Jeast twice a week for three weeks, in ®Qase newspaper pubished in the county of and any and all persons claiming. adversely afuresaid,-and-mas,from_time to | the mining ground, claim, lode, vein or premtime, postpone — salé by publication, and en | is¢s or any portion thereof as aforesaid. de_ thepas of sale 80 advertised, or-towbich such| scribed, are hereby notified that unless their sale may be adutginit, they may se.l the prop- | adverse claims are duly filed as according to erty so perenne, or any portion thereof, at | law within sixty duys from the date of the public auction, in the county were ssid prop- | first publication hereof, they ee e paaee by erty 1s situated, to the highest cash bidder, and | virtue of the provisions 3 the s JNU BNEIL: eviaiee: the holder or holders of said promissory note, may bid and purc-ase at such sale. ‘ANG whereas, more than re’ months have et since ths making of note, and the become due and papery pee and or ance, and payment thereof ha since the mat thereof, — defauit in the payment thereof having been made, Main St, Sliver Reef, Utah. and no part of the sams saving bean And whereas one Henry White claimed to Has the largest and best selected line of iy own an undivided one-half of said lot, No. South of Salt nae city, consisting “9, block “No. 17, aforesaid, together with all and . NOTICE. cee eee DU PONT'S BLASTING es aa for ore Poke Kessel], the sum Hand. ' AGENTS > Pes aes ae pas . SOLE ' 3 square first here > aa Slain pBiibin ne in Harris Bietriet, Washington-. SORT: coun a et ut Ci is me pbs e WAS OMAS NOTrcE. 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing between W. Ou.’ Rogers & Ri under the firm natme of Rogers . Rickards, doing business at Silver Reef, Washington The said lot No. 69 being described as . ow area _ Ane ii ns ee Can eee ouch | lows; to-wit: Beginning at-the-north-east oa. , “silver corner of said Savage mining claim at a pine oavehs 7 cont per Mik pe = Mik- post Sinehes square and 454 feet long, marked received. (Sigaed), Johu ue antl paid un OF, — °8 Bonk walerunning ane hold eS al the NAO interest, T o ‘have an d toajon south 231d thenee sletm, my TALOROSEs b ADS mining feet to & pine post 4 inc er claim or.demand, as well in| min West 1,474 434 feet long, marked “No. 2, U. = Ck on te ue ion soe ° the som of $0 67 and for iassoc . Lemmon, the yea FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES post- "! hose fact, in attorney. spent and ofive feet} undred sone and twenty- am feet front and rear, and of equai width throughout, teperee with ail bar fixtures, aud aii buildings and improvements ~@nd appurtenances thereon or chetecens belong: ing. Which said Deed of Trust was made, among other things, to secure the payment of @ certain| promissory note made by the party of the first part, payable to the parties of toe third part,’ four months after date, with three per cent. in—terest per month aauk paid, which said note reaaa ua Follows: $1,500. Silver Reef, Utah, February 3, 1879. ae months ee after promise to pay to John Mining : Utah Territory, the following sums —— nog ostoffice a‘dar. olomon Breisacher, whose AND RETAIL HAT Se fee; || PYfr agebe, yates Hamtghicpeetar sathorteel daly aS his Gite Gibfriedont» Conrad Lane twontsfive - east and fot testi ome a a Com burg Gibfried is Silver. postofiice whose 8 zecmaey plat of sai2 town-site, now ou =e file in the officeane of ot Washington county, Utah Territothe Recorder work Grocers & Dry Goods Merchants Unive StTaTEs La¥p OFFics, Balt Lake City, Uteh Ter., June 30, 870, GI Nouee. Js HEREBYand Conrad ‘Reet. Wasbingbal coadie, Utah, ' NOTICE. 0 a jie fied th at Sheet due PATENT, the said Henry H. Smith, as Trustee, as in said Deed of rust deciared, all bis right, title and Interest in : FOR Notice No. 498. of the unto LIDDLE BROS. & CO., ee HENRY H. SMITH, Trustee. jnilws ¢ psn ‘Regal Botiees. Merchants. Ceustee’s Sule. P R / - T N E | @Of all EK R- pemees edema: oO O fy “ : | Q L S| if Main Street, eT Harrison Howe SORES and. Su.L0N pgm . |