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Show St. Mark's Hospital Society Is Formed Organization of Women to Assist in Raising Funds for Chanty Work. St Mark's Hospital society Is tho name of the- organization of women Just formed to assist In raising funds for tho carrying carry-ing on of charity work at St. Mark s hospital hos-pital This hospital, in common with either hospitals of tho city. Is yearly called upon to care for many charity patients, and the so. lety just formed will raise funds In various ways to better enable tho management man-agement to cure for these patients. Charity Ball Proposed. One of the means of raising funds already al-ready determined upon la to retsnmo the annual eh.trlty ball, which was one of tho social events of the season In years gone by and which always nt tted the hospital a goodlv sum for charity work A life membership In the society may be had for $H. an annual membership tor $10, while the active members pay a small annual due. Men will bo accepted as annual an-nual or life memlxTs of the society, but women only are Included In tho active membership. Constitution Drawn Up. The constitution and by-laws of tho ,-r-tv have a I read', been drawn up and will be signed nt the next regular meeting, to be held on June 7. Following are the of peers who have been elected to servo for one year; Mr- William Iglehart. president. Mrs Windsor V. Hlce. Mrs. i.orge Y. Wallace. Mis. Rachel Miller Mrs. F L. Butler, Mis J. E Bamberger, vice-presidents; Mrs. Jay T. Harris, treasurer; treas-urer; Mrs. Aaron Keysor. secretary. |