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Show TITLE TO SCriETTLER HOME. Judgment Entered by Consent in Judge Morse's Court. In Judge Morse's court yeaterday morning morn-ing the suits tiled !.;. Receiver R. R. Anderson for the possession of the homo of Mary Morgan Schettler and the homes of tho Schettler boys on Fourth street were dismissed, and judgment entered by consent confirming the title Of Mis. Mary Morgan Schettler to the Brigham street property, also the title of the sons to their homes on Fourth street. This action wan taken after tlx- attorneys attor-neys had asked that tho name of Gould B. Blakely trustee, be substituted for that of Robert R. Anderson as plaintiff In the cases filed and upon thi being done. Mr Blakely immedlatelv moved that the cases he dismissed. All the papers of agreement have been signed, as has also the deed transferring the Brlgham street property to the creditors. The deed to th. home on C street, which the - redltors have agreed to turn over to Mrs. Mary Morgan Schettler will be signed by Mr. Blakely as soon ns It Is transferred to him ,v R.iberl K Anderson, to whom tin- property was deeded by the Sehettlers at tin time hi-was hi-was named receiver. The criminal actions filed against B a Schettler have not been dlsmlbsed and will probably be tried |