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Show mm THREEcy Elopement, J Young Couple ii City Conclude J Salt Lake Visited, J fading ife J ou"'rT Gl" and"o3 nt- "loped, marrleB ';p Wlth Mr,, cut, J Jl '-wed by a telepbonTZH arrival Bait Sweethearts for J -.-i h-arts for 21 m clde, to g.-i mamSrvasl In the titly wSJIlJI on Sun-lay th rZM Clll fo iJT:lM Lake. She was to M license U They r im,. trj . . rue,( ,v afterncaLfB Ity ami countyiH lng th. y wore marHW faculty performed lb? iM Chapter S Chapter three nf thill In the home of Mr tW sifter, at if3 GarfieidBBTal young couple tnt i!JW when S-rgt. WdlnitaiB Hon received from MnvB '"'-"iK" yesterday uftfl feared a marriage uiS llco took steps to itooiH l ind the- young co'jjiif J ter hut license and sal were now be-glnnlng iTS Mother Is Sisfl Patrolman Tom MlasH people at Mrs. SwttTH ward .Mrs. GUI arrlrtdsfl cile. It didn't take vjH what had happened, sfl very long to recnrCiBST that her daughter taS made the best of It, ijfl ii", I p3r ano aioUjjrB City thla morning. f Couple ArelB Mr? Porter. rcGfl)H ;md Porter hlmnKSiB known ln Prk Oty saH had not made up UtsH marriage proposttlsjfll night, and then thMrpisH r.uig'-d F,,rPiritehB there wasn't any irjsfaB Intentions on the PUH parent.?, and so tbty ajH the Salt Lake trip, vaaV a ortihiary. matsH though it did end inaqH |