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Show Tribune Tips on Today's Races Pointers on the Contests Which Will Take Plnc on Three Tracks Today. The Tribune's tips on the rnce at Il'lmntit Loulr.vH'.o and St. Ixtuls Kalr grounds today follovi At Belmont. FlrM race, D-.m Diego. Gold Sifter, Timber. mil rac, "lirk wrlftlth. Don Dleg k M.-rry Hot Third raca Olrngorm. Pasadena. Voladny Fourth raoa Cairngorm, Oxford. Right Eto .11 Klfih race, Charaplaln. Poseur, '"onsldera- tlon. Sixth race, Go Between. Dekaber. Red KnlL'ht. Weather rnlny: tmek heavy. At Louisville. First race. ldy Savoy. White Tlume, .r;iota. Second race, YTO. Halley Lisle. Debar Third race, Enchant-r, Ijng Run, Sara-nola. Sara-nola. Fourth race, Ferris entry. nii. Itacatlara Fifth race. Problem Lady Tarac.-n. Nlekle-Slxth Nlekle-Slxth race, rrofes.uor Nellle, MJsj Rlllie, Big Hooch. Weather dear; track slow. St. Louis Fair Grounds, First race, Chlioa, Balshot. Auray. Second race. Aotlon, Judgo Denton. Bengal Ben-gal Third race. Fancy Drees, All Black. Trtr.le White Fourth rare. Deshabille. Jack Lory, Otto Sl u. I Fifth race Blennonworth. The Cook. The Regent. Sixth race. Belle of Manhattan, Bravery Bat ck Bella, Weather clear; traek slow Belmont Park Entries. Special to The Tribune. .'i:v yokk May 17. Tomorrow's en- t r 1 -nfo: First raco, lives furlonpa. maldons straight Flimflam . - ....101 Goldslfter 110 Dondloffo 110 Timber 110 Benevuk-Mt . . 1M Mounshlnn ... .107 The Irishman . ll' Alllo At.hott loT Second race, two-yenr-olels, four and a half furlongs, straight Clark (Jrlfilth . if Don Diego 112 Barl.erloe.t . Uj Film!!. .111 1'jO Merrv Bov lio Benevolent 112 Old Guard .. 116 Veronese 11G St Estcpho ... 112 Anodyne 116 Third race, handicap, six furlongs, straight Paaaden.i 11C Yoladay 1C6 Cairngorm 114 Workmin 106 Oamara 108 Morrylark 104 Fourth race, tho Pocantlco, mile and one-elxtconth Right P.e.yal . Cejerst roilM . .116 Oxford 116 Cairngorm no Fifth race, selling, seven furlongs, main course imslileratlon . . 1"0 Bouvler 97 Poseur 108 High Llfo 87 Champlaln 107 Carrie Jones .. .87 Whorler ... kc Sixth race, four-year-olds and up, mile and iino-elghth Red Knight 117 Nlnrspot 109 Consideration . .VA Dekaber 109 Adbell 110 Go Between ....107 Weather cloudy, track heavy Entries nt St. Louis. Special to The Tribune. ST LOUIS. Mo. May 17. The horses entered fur tomorrows races are: First race, four furlongs, maidens, sell-ir.g- Maggle Powers . ..llOICvchn Garth 106 Bonlta 107Chlapa 101 Balshot lOfiPlrale's Dance . 106 I'na C. ....100 Lady Hamburg .. .100 Mrs Murray 102Bcss Chanev 106 Auray lOSLlttld Danger U2 Lavlna rrue .IMMso Bingham 101 Second rac. six furlongs, selling Whiskers ....114 Tangent 117 Judge Denton . . . 116 Beautiful & Best 117 Axares Ill King's Charm . .112 Clar'ne Mont ague.ll&Dave Sommers ...109 Gulderock 114 Sir KTancIs II . 115 Bergal 114 Te rra Flrma lit Gav American lOTAction 117 Tbird race, eleven-sixteenths, selling Trixle White lOSOay Adelaide 106 Sorr. l Top lOOWakefUl 107 My Klcanor lOSCharley's Aunt ...105 Miss Affable 102OUIe Burnett ...100 Mamie Lynch ...lOOGIobe ino Fallona .100 All Black 105 Tymllttn ... bC Fancy Drc-st 106 'ak' nlng 100 Fourth race, six furlongs, purse Dishabille lOSJack Lorv 105 Fireball i5 Freebooter 100 Jako Sanders ..lOSOttO Stlfcl 117 High Chancellor lldElastlc 104 Fifth race, mile, purse The Cook 95Ahola 105 Elwood 1061'ncle t'harley loo Blennenworth . . .UOTabV Tosa Iff? COl White ... 100 Tha Regent .. loT Lacy Crawford . ..llOKlelnwood 106 Fonsoluca 107 Sambo no Sixth race, mile and sixteenth. 3-year-"''ls, selling K lutein feBravery 103 Dixie Lad 10" nut well 100 Courant BSBelle of Man'ht'n. ?8 Bannock Belle . 97 Bavarian ....... ins Wlllowdeue . 112 "U.',i t'i! Whit, nnd T.a. f'rawford c'hlnn & Co entry. Weather cloudy, track fast. Louisville Entries. Special to The Tribune. LOl ISVILLE, Kv , May 17-Entrles for tomorrow's races are- First raci?, mile, purse-Potash purse-Potash ULady Savoy 99 Janeta id White Plume .... 107 Be ond roce. five furlongs, purse-Lady purse-Lady Ann MHoIles Il?le . 90 Thistles 99Debar 99 Frank Ballard WKercheval 104 Mlnglta 99M O 106 Leeland . .. 99Hperlon II . h Third race, six furlongs, selling King; Constant 102Ambor no Highland Fling 106 Manfred no Sarntiola 106 S. R. James . .. no Norway 106 Col. Jim Douglas. 110 Odd Luck lOTBonlfield no Enchanter 107 Rain Dance Long Run .. 107Norwood Ohio 111 Ed Smith . .. 107 Fo irth race, the Louisville steeplechase full course-Bank course-Bank Holiday 131 Itacatlara 145 Sprlnrwater 188 Red car .. m-, Faraday Jr 134Balzac 149 Class Leader ,185 Rip 158 Fifth race, four and o;'.e-ha)f furlong's selling 0 ' Tevin . .. 92Addltion .. 100 1 aughl ' ' .-idv Mav im Queen Caroline ... ICJustl " '303 Da no Durileit . . lOONlckle .... nj Tokloka lOOSpendthrlft Helen 108 Problem 100 Lad) Turascon 104 Sixth rai mil' and one-nnart' r .selling .sell-ing Fair Reveller 86Hlawatha 101 Big Beach 88Svi Iftwlng ifi Miss Kllllo 97S. A B ... or Blnohello lOOHandmori yw Martin Bradi .iiipr..f Neville io (Couple Redcar and Balzac as Ferris en-trj en-trj 1 Weather cloudy, track fast. Race Results at St. ouis. RT LOUIS May IT Union park results- Firm raee six furlongs Covlna won, Rest-l"lc"Kr. Rest-l"lc"Kr. FfCOnd' John M Klrb' third. Time. Second rnce, four and one-half furlongs Side View won. Armistice perond. Marlmlvj third Time U s.-end.. Third raee. mllo and a hist eonth E a 'lair won. Sister T.uth second, El Rey third Time 1 4'' l-B Fourth roce, mile and a flxteenth. handicap The Don won, Tancrod second AttllU third Tlmo. 1.4S 1-5. Fifth race. five furlongs The Rountabout -non. i.alllthca second, Athlana third. Time 1:031-6, Sixth rare six furlongs Signal II won, OgOntS second, Cal'-ri'lllor third Time. 1 16. LouiBville Results. LOUISVILLE, Ky , Muy 17. Churchill Downs reiiults- First race, four and a half furlongs Stoes-sel Stoes-sel won. Tlchlmlngo second Dr Met 'lure third. Tlmo 60Vt seconds. Second roco, tlx furlongs MiSS Doyle won, Nervator second, MaJ T. J Carson third. Time. 1 16. Third rare, one mile Oernlsh won. Delagca second. Coruscate third. Time. 1:41 V Fourth race-, six and a half furlongs, tho Blue ;r.T-i etak'S Martin Doyle won, Funl-cula Funl-cula Hecond. King of Troy third. Tlm, 1 :i- Fifth race four and a half furlongw iHnjsel Thorpe won. Lady Carol second. Floes S. thltd. Time 56 seconds. Sixth race, one mile Florence Fonsl won. Marshal Ne-y second, Bluo Grass Girl thlr.1 Time. 1 Uft Kansas City Winnings. KVNSAS CITT. Mav 17. Elmrldga results. First race fix furlongs John Carroll won Airship second. Harpoon thlrel. Time l p; Stump Town finished second, but was disqualified dis-qualified for fouling Second race, one mile Roundelay won. Double Dou-ble second. Sanction third Time, 1 :44 Third race, one and one-eighth miles Berry Hughes won Sold Spot pecond. Gus Strauss third. Time, 1:574. Fourth race. Swopo park stakes: five furlongs fur-longs James Reddlck won Lady Navarre second sec-ond ItuMIIng Silk third. Time, 1:03 Fifth race, fle and one-half furlongs Fd Ball won. True Wing second. Clifton Forga third Time. l:08!i. Sixth race, one mile Mc-drod won, Havl-laud Havl-laud aecond, Sweet Tone third Time. 1 Winners at St Louis. 8T l-1 .' IS May it Fair Qrounda remits First race, mile and n slx'eenth Alfred C. won. Hubbard second, Delusion third. Time 1 .50. See ond race, four and a half furlongs Starling Star-ling won. Lleb' r second. Sarllla third. Time, T.G K. C'Uld.H Third race, olx furlongs Ametus won, Ken- er second. Bonnie Prince t harlle third Time 1 16 1-6 Fotirth race, six furlongs Miss Mae Oay won. Van Ness second, St. Flclr third Time 1.16 3-5. Fifth tace. fle furlonpt High "hance won Wes sen.r.d U.-echw-'.-n.J thlid Time, l n.i 3.;,' Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth ; y Williams won. It route- eecond. Docile third Tlmo I I 2-6. Winners at Belmont. NEW YORK. May 17 Belmont Park results: re-sults: First race, six furlongs King Pepper won Jerry C. second. Montrsen third. Time 1:16 3-6. Second mo-, four end a half fur long Leonard Leon-ard Jo. Ha-man Won, Miss Herk eecond. Gentian Gen-tian third. Time, ti 1-S seconds. Third race, five furlongr Gallavnnt won Woolwich second. Bivouac third Time" 1 "l 2-6 ' Fourth race, mile Little Woods won Arra Qowsn second. Lord Badge third. Time 1 47 Fifth race, stooplechaso. two miles Hylsj won Sandhurst second. Rubsell Sago third Time, 4:06. Sixth race. BSVM furlongs Kenllworth won Rostact aecond. Time, 1:34 1-6. Two fltaxtevrsi I |