Show NOTES f r reports at the weather bureau yesterday indicated that the barometer i rising in the northwest country and a period of colder weather may ie expected tha announcement was made yester aay that the contract for constructing the road from fort douglas to brig ham street had been awarded to J II 11 aces of salt la gif mr bees bid wag B IL spooner an attorney ew in thal service and mra spooner are at the kenyon for a few days mr spooner an indianapolis man is a cousin of senator spooner of wisconsin he has been on an extensive tour of ano west in the indian depredation cases mrs W C cammins of walcott wyo was operated on for tumor of the neck yesterday at the keogh wright hospital A 4 cearold son of sirs cammins also underwent an operation at th hospital yesterday morning for hernia both mother and child were reported to bo getting along nicely last evening thomas winters was bound over to the district court by judge diebl yesterday morning the charge was assault with a deadly weapon the defendant was on his own recognizance martin luther was also bound over lie is charged with burglary committed abc the leroy rooming bouso september oth tharon J smith land and immigration agent of the oregon short line and southern pacific railroads who haa for many years been a prominent resident of idaho falls idaho ia about to change his headquarters to salt lake city on account of its more central location mr smith Is negotiating for a handsome residence property on fourth east street antt expects to make salt take his permanent home mrs mary hepworth 82 years of age died last night at the home of her daughter mrs charles Bal north third west street death was due to the ailments incident to old age she was a resident of utah for forty years coming directly to this state from her homo in england three ons joseph james and samuel and one daughter mrs balmforth survive her day the anniversary anni versay of the signing by president lincoln of the emancipation proclamation was celebrated yesterday by the colored residents of the city in a fitting manner in the afternoon for tho children were held in the methodist church on franklin avenue and in the evening the older folks gathered at the tame place to hear speeches by the prominent colored men the comprised W W taylor II 11 II 11 voss nd E C council |