Show u POLICY you can get one of a thousand kinds of hats or v can get a KNOX hat most others are local hats the KNOX hat is a universal gent lemans hat the price a IVES exclusive agena broom hotel corner k la violette made in paris by the great french perfumer the price of 4 oc PER BOX OP 3 LARGE CAKES will hold good for another week it is almost like giving three cakes for the price of one it being the per cake quality A luxurious highly perfumed imported article for the price of ordinary soap the culley drug co prescription luts 2479 washington avenue porting goode tera for guns and ammunition for fine watch and clock repairing go to paul W ber 2441 wash ave pe ferons rons having balle the national irrigation congress should present the at once the bills must bo approved by chairman of tho committee under whose direction ancy acro incurred bille must be presented after approval to the secretary wm baarde weyat congress headquarters FOR SALE two good doga trained 2369 grant ave TELEPHONE business calice no ca om ring editorial room no 68 two lungs WEATHERS fair tonight aal buea liay attend sire snyder s millinery opening wednesday and thursday sept 23 and 2 2410 washington avenue at sire snyders dere wednesday and thursday sept and 2410 avenue the presbyterian ladies will hold their sale nest door to fred sias oae picture store on washington avenue thursday Thu friday and saturday of week invited to tho dance g wa by the sunday school friday evening apt 25 at the amusement hall A food time assured cords fine orchestra peaches have ripened all at owe this week D kagan will beell them at buard will be gone after elberton great big fine one lao a burthel and wild red plume ga ante a case barrow gro co see ad k on pae boy with horse to route ELECTRIC FIXTURES A nice line to choose from L H becraft cor grant and S SMASHED GLASSES S sittee lik new or new A anade to fit after scientific tet k fian the only lens grinder in og Z Opt letan k 2412 phone w EYES EXAMINED FREE air J wemer 2324 washington ave announcement My opening day will be thursday sept 24 all the latest etalea and ladies come and examine I 1 my fetock price to suit every one opposite Z M J DOING THEIR DUTY scores of ogden readers are learnine the duty of their kidney to filter the blood ie the kidneys duty when they fail to do thia the an sick backache and many kidney ill follow doan pilli cure than all ogden people endorse our claim mrs stewart stew art mr E E stewart now retired a at eon ave says for three years I 1 had attacks of backache they were in the acute wore plasters some of which relieved mo temporarily but one attack always followed another par ticul arly so if I 1 caught cola or over myself A friend of mine advised nw to try doage kidney pille and them so strongly etron gly that X went to S wr badmone Bad cone drug store on washington treet for box vow it the ha not brought relief I 1 never would have bought a second and if the second bed no added to the benefit I 1 never would havo purchased oed a third I 1 am get ng well along in years end I 1 cannot expect from a medicine the same result a the of my body responded rt effect like they would were I 1 awen ty but I 1 aunt eay I 1 was arid at I 1 obtained from the of a kidney pul a dy o 0 certainly be depended upon for aale by all dealer price 50 cents box robter milburn co buffalo N yv bole agents tor alie U 8 Kenw raber ali kanii take n NEGLECTED COLDS every part of the mucious membrane toe nose throat ear bead and lunge etc are subjected to disease and blight front neglected colde baliarda Bal larda diore hound syrup I 1 a pleasant and effective remedy W ak endrick valley billys texas writes 1 I have aed ballards syrup for coughs and throat trouble it is a binl and inget effective remedy sold by G F cave 2301 faeh ave and J E care depot drug afore if you get your fresh fieh at erby it will be end cleaned teady for the pan voal just what you want tel 27 castle gate coal co john varr be aitu at skeen burrows field store washington SPRAINS S bead cico tesa write march alth 1001 ariet vriet WM 0 o bably by fall thai it wax us etee and after remedies that failed to give relief used billiard snow and wa cured 1 earnestly recommend it to any one suffering from sor alna bioc sold by geo F 2301 faeh abc J E depot drug store mr I 1 warnar 2324 Waa hington nue announcement My opening lay win le thursday sept lia the bleat style end nadie rome and ex akiho stock irice to suit every C M I 1 JL BEAUTIFUL WOMEN plump cheeks flushed with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion make all women beautiful take small dose of II erbino after each meal it will prevent constipation and help digest what you have eaten fl amre win mi stroud midlothian Mid lothian texas writes may 31 1001 we have leej in oui family for echt year and found it th best medicine we ever used for constipation bilious fever and malaria for sale by G F cave 2301 wash ave and J E cave depot drug store millinery opening palace koyal mil lincey co 2438 avenue monday and tuesday sept aist and you are cordially invited to inspect ate most beautiful line of french pattern irate and bonnets ever chown in ogden aho latest in tailored and arcady lo acar hats special sale for this week of genuine bea vere all this season new shapes at everybody is invited to be present at the opening tuesday and wednesday sept and of mansfield burrow co successors to sirs mis margaret burrows our trimmer haa jut returned bom the eat where she has spent tho bet she brings to ogden all tho ideas oj dereign and pattern hate the novelty novel tk thia year are something very exquisite you are all welcome remember the place 2470 washington avenue millinery opening monday and tuesday sept and you are cor bially invited to our exhibit of the larff cst and most beautiful line of french pattern hats and Jonnet 8 a well as tailored and arcady to wear hata in the city special aa this week of gen beaver all this new chape at stafford millinery co over dry goods store DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR LAMPS 1 EVER PUT ON THE MARKET well they are and it dont matter whether you buy a 15 cent one or a 10 one they are all good if you can spare a few minutes well convince you this is true BOYLE HARDWARE COMPANY JOHN A BOYLE manager TRY ONE OF OUR f air tight heaters and never use any other kind economical durable desirable faultless wilt hold fire forty eight hours with soft coal BOYLE FURNITURE CO where arc you my pretty maidt im fitting to Ziona air eha said i and why there my little maid to get ny doll a vat che said we will give away FREE tomorrow morning dolls made by the manufacturers of the J j D underwear we want every little girl in ogden to come bright j j und early tomorrow saturday morning with her mother or grown up 1 peron and bring ber kholl and get a ahart we want everybody to L now alt v 1 we are headquarters for all kind ol 01 childrens Chil drene school supplies at prices i t that defy competition tomorrow starts our fall opening sale of underwear we carry a most complete line of thoroughly well ande and reliable kalt underwear for men women and children in light medium and heavy fabric in a variety of quality and color the i the beat roade host fetting most comfortable durable and ul wear at popular that aedma and labor can basus sasus predore pre doce f JOHN WATSON manager TOUR PALL SUIT lo 10 be correct should bear this famous mark 0 MAKERS newyork fabrics rich and durable because shrunk in the BENJAMIN plant not sent out at reat risk to public sh styles correct because designed by new york and london style creators fit perfect because measured on a model of your figure tailoring made in sanitary workrooms wor krooms by salaried artisan snot in unsanitary sweatshops sweat shops by hasty slovenly the price h right vow beck if anything ny thing goes wrong for 1 by in only THE BEASON CO st |